428 lines
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428 lines
11 KiB
* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#include "AnchorBox.h"
#include "kiwi/Solver.h"
#include "kiwi/Constraint.h"
#include "kiwi/Variable.h"
#include "kiwi/Expression.h"
#include <QskEvent.h>
#include <QskQuick.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
static inline Qt::Orientation qskOrientation( int edge )
return ( edge <= Qt::AnchorRight ) ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical;
static inline Qt::AnchorPoint qskAnchorPoint(
Qt::Corner corner, Qt::Orientation orientation )
if ( orientation == Qt::Horizontal )
return ( corner & 0x1 ) ? Qt::AnchorRight : Qt::AnchorLeft;
return ( corner >= 0x2 ) ? Qt::AnchorBottom : Qt::AnchorTop;
class Geometry
Expression expressionAt( int anchorPoint )
switch( anchorPoint )
case Qt::AnchorLeft:
return Term( m_left );
case Qt::AnchorHorizontalCenter:
return centerH();
case Qt::AnchorRight:
return right();
case Qt::AnchorTop:
return Term( m_top );
case Qt::AnchorVerticalCenter:
return centerV();
case Qt::AnchorBottom:
return bottom();
return Expression();
inline const Variable& length( Qt::Orientation orientation )
return ( orientation == Qt::Horizontal ) ? m_width : m_height;
inline QRectF rect() const
return QRectF( m_left.value(), m_top.value(),
m_width.value(), m_height.value() );
inline QSizeF size() const
return QSizeF( m_width.value(), m_height.value() );
inline Expression centerH() const { return m_left + 0.5 * m_width; }
inline Expression centerV() const { return m_top + 0.5 * m_height; }
inline Expression right() const { return m_left + m_width; }
inline Expression bottom() const { return m_top + m_height; }
inline const Variable& left() const { return m_left; }
inline const Variable& top() const { return m_top; }
inline const Variable& width() const { return m_width; }
inline const Variable& height() const { return m_height; }
Variable m_left, m_top, m_width, m_height;
class Anchor
QQuickItem* item1 = nullptr;
Qt::AnchorPoint edge1;
QQuickItem* item2 = nullptr;
Qt::AnchorPoint edge2;
class LayoutSolver : public Solver
void setup( bool layoutChildren,
const QVector< Anchor >&, std::map< QQuickItem*, Geometry >& );
void addSizeConstraints();
QSizeF resolvedSize();
QSizeF resolvedSize( qreal width, qreal height );
void resolve( qreal width, qreal height );
void addSizeConstraints( Geometry& rect, const QSizeF& size,
RelationalOperator op, double strength );
Variable m_width, m_height;
void LayoutSolver::setup( bool layoutChildren,
const QVector< Anchor >& anchors,
std::map< QQuickItem*, Geometry >& geometries )
for ( const auto& anchor : anchors )
auto& r1 = geometries[ anchor.item1 ];
const auto expr1 = r1.expressionAt( anchor.edge1 );
Expression expr2;
if ( anchor.item2 == nullptr )
switch( anchor.edge2 )
case Qt::AnchorLeft:
case Qt::AnchorTop:
expr2 = 0;
case Qt::AnchorHorizontalCenter:
expr2 = Term( 0.5 * m_width );
case Qt::AnchorRight:
expr2 = Term( m_width );
case Qt::AnchorVerticalCenter:
expr2 = Term( 0.5 * m_height );
case Qt::AnchorBottom:
expr2 = Term( m_height );
addConstraint( expr1 == expr2 );
auto& r2 = geometries[ anchor.item2 ];
const auto expr2 = r2.expressionAt( anchor.edge2 );
addConstraint( expr1 == expr2 );
if ( layoutChildren )
const auto o = qskOrientation( anchor.edge1 );
A constraint with medium strength to make anchored item
being stretched according to their stretch factors s1, s2.
( For the moment we don't support having specific factors. )
const auto s1 = 1.0;
const auto s2 = 1.0;
Constraint c( r1.length( o ) * s1 == r2.length( o ) * s2, Strength::medium );
addConstraint( c );
for ( auto it = geometries.begin(); it != geometries.end(); ++it )
const auto minSize = qskSizeConstraint( it->first, Qt::MinimumSize );
addSizeConstraints( it->second, minSize, OP_GE, Strength::required );
const auto maxSize = qskSizeConstraint( it->first, Qt::MaximumSize );
addSizeConstraints( it->second, maxSize, OP_LE, Strength::required );
const auto prefSize = qskSizeConstraint( it->first, Qt::PreferredSize );
addSizeConstraints( it->second, prefSize, OP_EQ, Strength::strong );
void LayoutSolver::addSizeConstraints()
const double strength = 0.9 * Strength::required;
addEditVariable( m_width, strength );
addEditVariable( m_height, strength );
void LayoutSolver::resolve( qreal width, qreal height )
suggestValue( m_width, width );
suggestValue( m_height, height );
QSizeF LayoutSolver::resolvedSize()
return QSizeF( m_width.value(), m_height.value() );
QSizeF LayoutSolver::resolvedSize( qreal width, qreal height )
resolve( width, height );
return QSizeF( m_width.value(), m_height.value() );
void LayoutSolver::addSizeConstraints( Geometry& rect, const QSizeF& size,
RelationalOperator op, double strength )
if ( size.width() >= 0.0 )
const Constraint c( rect.width() - size.width(), op, strength );
addConstraint( c );
if ( size.height() >= 0.0 )
const Constraint c( rect.height() - size.height(), op, strength );
addConstraint( c );
class AnchorBox::PrivateData
~PrivateData() { delete solver; }
std::map< QQuickItem*, Geometry > geometries;
QVector< Anchor > anchors;
LayoutSolver* solver = nullptr;
QSizeF hints[3];
bool hasValidHints = false;
AnchorBox::AnchorBox( QQuickItem* parent )
: QskControl( parent )
, m_data( new PrivateData )
void AnchorBox::addAnchors( QQuickItem* item, Qt::Orientations orientations )
addAnchors( item, this, orientations );
void AnchorBox::addAnchors( QQuickItem* item1,
QQuickItem* item2, Qt::Orientations orientations )
if ( orientations & Qt::Horizontal )
addAnchor( item1, Qt::AnchorLeft, item2, Qt::AnchorLeft );
addAnchor( item1, Qt::AnchorRight, item2, Qt::AnchorRight );
if ( orientations & Qt::Vertical )
addAnchor( item1, Qt::AnchorTop, item2, Qt::AnchorTop );
addAnchor( item1, Qt::AnchorBottom, item2, Qt::AnchorBottom );
void AnchorBox::addAnchors( QQuickItem* item, Qt::Corner corner )
addAnchors( item, corner, this, corner );
void AnchorBox::addAnchors( QQuickItem* item1,
Qt::Corner corner1, QQuickItem* item2, Qt::Corner corner2 )
addAnchor( item1, qskAnchorPoint( corner1, Qt::Horizontal ),
item2, qskAnchorPoint( corner2, Qt::Horizontal ) );
addAnchor( item1, qskAnchorPoint( corner1, Qt::Vertical ),
item2, qskAnchorPoint( corner2, Qt::Vertical ) );
void AnchorBox::addAnchor( QQuickItem* item,
Qt::AnchorPoint edge1, Qt::AnchorPoint edge2 )
addAnchor( item, edge1, this, edge2 );
void AnchorBox::addAnchor( QQuickItem* item1, Qt::AnchorPoint edge1,
QQuickItem* item2, Qt::AnchorPoint edge2 )
if ( item1 == item2 || item1 == nullptr || item2 == nullptr )
if ( item1 == this )
std::swap( item1, item2 );
if ( item2 == this )
item2 = nullptr;
if ( item1->parent() == nullptr )
item1->setParent( this );
if ( item1->parentItem() != this )
item1->setParentItem( this );
(void)m_data->geometries[ item1 ];
if ( item2 )
if ( item2->parent() == nullptr )
item2->setParent( this );
if ( item2->parentItem() != this )
item2->setParentItem( this );
(void)m_data->geometries[ item2 ];
Anchor anchor;
anchor.item1 = item1;
anchor.edge1 = edge1;
anchor.item2 = item2;
anchor.edge2 = edge2;
m_data->anchors += anchor;
void AnchorBox::geometryChangeEvent( QskGeometryChangeEvent* event )
Inherited::geometryChangeEvent( event );
if ( event->isResized() )
void AnchorBox::updateLayout()
if ( !maybeUnresized() )
updateGeometries( layoutRect() );
QSizeF AnchorBox::layoutSizeHint( Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF& constraint ) const
if ( constraint.width() >= 0.0 || constraint.height() >= 0.0 )
// TODO ...
return QSizeF();
if ( !m_data->hasValidHints )
auto that = const_cast< AnchorBox* >( this );
m_data->hasValidHints = true;
return m_data->hints[ which ];
void AnchorBox::updateHints()
The solver seems to run into overflows with
std::numeric_limits< unsigned float >::max()
const qreal max = std::numeric_limits< unsigned int >::max();
LayoutSolver solver;
solver.setup( false, m_data->anchors, m_data->geometries );
m_data->hints[ Qt::PreferredSize ] = solver.resolvedSize();
m_data->hints[ Qt::MinimumSize ] = solver.resolvedSize( 0.0, 0.0 );
m_data->hints[ Qt::MaximumSize ] = solver.resolvedSize( max, max );
void AnchorBox::updateGeometries( const QRectF& rect )
auto& solver = m_data->solver;
if ( solver == nullptr )
solver = new LayoutSolver();
solver->setup( true, m_data->anchors, m_data->geometries );
solver->resolve( rect.width(), rect.height() );
const auto& geometries = m_data->geometries;
for ( auto it = geometries.begin(); it != geometries.end(); ++it )
auto r = it->second.rect();
r.translate( rect.left(), rect.top() );
qskSetItemGeometry( it->first, r );
#include "moc_AnchorBox.cpp"