320 lines
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320 lines
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* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#include "QskTabView.h"
#include "QskAnimationHint.h"
#include "QskAspect.h"
#include "QskStackBox.h"
#include "QskStackBoxAnimator.h"
#include "QskTabBar.h"
#include "QskTabButton.h"
#include <QPointer>
QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskTabView, TabBar )
QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskTabView, Page )
static inline Qt::Orientation qskTransposed( Qt::Orientation orientation )
return ( orientation == Qt::Vertical ) ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical;
class QskTabView::PrivateData
QskTabBar* tabBar = nullptr;
QskStackBox* stackBox = nullptr;
QskTabView::QskTabView( QQuickItem* parent )
: Inherited( parent )
, m_data( new PrivateData() )
setPolishOnResize( true );
m_data->tabBar = new QskTabBar( this );
m_data->stackBox = new QskStackBox( this );
m_data->stackBox->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "QskTabViewStackBox" ) );
#if 1
const auto hint = animationHint( Page );
if ( hint.duration > 0 )
// When changing the skin, we have to update the animator. TODO ...
auto animator = new QskStackBoxAnimator3( m_data->stackBox );
animator->setDuration( hint.duration );
animator->setEasingCurve( hint.type );
m_data->stackBox->setAnimator( animator );
connect( m_data->tabBar, &QskTabBar::currentIndexChanged,
m_data->stackBox, &QskStackBox::setCurrentIndex );
connect( m_data->tabBar, &QskTabBar::currentIndexChanged,
this, &QskTabView::currentIndexChanged );
connect( m_data->tabBar, &QskTabBar::countChanged,
this, &QskTabView::countChanged );
connect( m_data->tabBar, &QskTabBar::edgeChanged,
this, &QskTabView::tabBarEdgeChanged );
connect( m_data->tabBar, &QskTabBar::autoFitTabsChanged,
this, &QskTabView::autoFitTabsChanged );
QskTabBar* QskTabView::tabBar()
return m_data->tabBar;
const QskTabBar* QskTabView::tabBar() const
return m_data->tabBar;
void QskTabView::setTabBarEdge( Qt::Edge edge )
m_data->tabBar->setEdge( edge );
Qt::Edge QskTabView::tabBarEdge() const
return m_data->tabBar->edge();
void QskTabView::setAutoFitTabs( bool on )
m_data->tabBar->setAutoFitTabs( on );
bool QskTabView::autoFitTabs() const
return m_data->tabBar->autoFitTabs();
Qt::Orientation QskTabView::orientation() const
return qskTransposed( m_data->tabBar->orientation() );
int QskTabView::addTab( QskTabButton* button, QQuickItem* item )
return insertTab( -1, button, item );
int QskTabView::insertTab( int index, QskTabButton* button, QQuickItem* item )
// multiple insertion ???
if ( item && item->parent() == nullptr )
item->setParent( this );
index = m_data->tabBar->insertTab( index, button );
m_data->stackBox->insertItem( index, item );
return index;
int QskTabView::addTab( const QString& tabText, QQuickItem* item )
return insertTab( -1, tabText, item );
int QskTabView::insertTab( int index, const QString& tabText, QQuickItem* item )
return insertTab( index, new QskTabButton( tabText ), item );
void QskTabView::removeTab( int index )
if ( index >= 0 && index < m_data->tabBar->count() )
QPointer< QQuickItem > tabItem = m_data->stackBox->itemAtIndex( index );
We have to remove the item from the stackBox first. Removing
the tab then will result in a currentIndexChanged, where the stack
box will be resynced.
m_data->stackBox->removeAt( index );
m_data->tabBar->removeTab( index );
if ( tabItem )
if ( tabItem->parent() == this )
delete tabItem;
tabItem->setParentItem( nullptr );
void QskTabView::clear( bool autoDelete )
m_data->tabBar->clear( autoDelete );
m_data->stackBox->clear( autoDelete );
QskTabButton* QskTabView::buttonAt( int index ) const
return m_data->tabBar->buttonAt( index );
QQuickItem* QskTabView::itemAt( int index ) const
return m_data->stackBox->itemAtIndex( index );
int QskTabView::itemIndex( const QQuickItem* item )
return m_data->stackBox->indexOf( item );
int QskTabView::buttonIndex( const QskTabButton* button )
return m_data->tabBar->indexOf( button );
QQuickItem* QskTabView::currentItem() const
return itemAt( currentIndex() );
QskTabButton* QskTabView::currentButton() const
return buttonAt( currentIndex() );
int QskTabView::currentIndex() const
return m_data->tabBar->currentIndex();
int QskTabView::count() const
return m_data->tabBar->count();
QskAspect::Placement QskTabView::effectivePlacement() const
return m_data->tabBar->effectivePlacement();
QSizeF QskTabView::layoutSizeHint(
Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF& constraint ) const
if ( which == Qt::MaximumSize )
return QSizeF();
const auto& tabBar = m_data->tabBar;
const auto& stackBox = m_data->stackBox;
auto barHint = tabBar->sizeConstraint( which );
#if 1
How to limit the contribution of the tabbar in a reasonable way ?
QTabWidget uses 200x200 - what is kind of random. TODO ...
const qreal minBarSize = 200;
QSizeF hint;
if ( orientation() == Qt::Vertical )
barHint.setWidth( qMin( barHint.width(), minBarSize ) );
if ( constraint.width() >= 0.0 )
qreal w = qMax( constraint.width(), barHint.width() );
qreal h = stackBox->sizeConstraint( which, QSizeF( w, -1.0 ) ).height();
hint.rheight() = barHint.height() + h;
else if ( constraint.height() >= 0.0 )
qreal h = constraint.height() - barHint.height();
qreal w = stackBox->sizeConstraint( which, QSizeF( -1.0, h ) ).width();
hint.rwidth() = qMax( barHint.width(), w );
const auto boxHint = stackBox->sizeConstraint();
hint.rwidth() = qMax( barHint.width(), boxHint.width() );
hint.rheight() = barHint.height() + boxHint.height();
barHint.setHeight( qMin( barHint.height(), minBarSize ) );
if ( constraint.width() >= 0.0 )
qreal w = constraint.width() - barHint.width();
qreal h = stackBox->sizeConstraint( which, QSizeF( w, -1.0 ) ).height();
hint.rheight() = qMax( barHint.height(), h );
else if ( constraint.height() >= 0.0 )
qreal h = qMax( constraint.height(), barHint.height() );
qreal w = stackBox->sizeConstraint( which, QSizeF( -1.0, h ) ).width();
hint.rwidth() = barHint.width() + w;
const auto boxHint = stackBox->sizeConstraint( which );
hint.rwidth() = barHint.width() + boxHint.width();
hint.rheight() = qMax( barHint.height(), boxHint.height() );
return hint;
void QskTabView::setCurrentIndex( int index )
m_data->tabBar->setCurrentIndex( index );
bool QskTabView::event( QEvent* event )
if ( event->type() == QEvent::LayoutRequest )
return Inherited::event( event );
void QskTabView::updateLayout()
if ( maybeUnresized() )
const auto cr = contentsRect();
m_data->tabBar->setGeometry( subControlRect( cr, TabBar ) );
m_data->stackBox->setGeometry( subControlContentsRect( cr, Page ) );
#include "moc_QskTabView.cpp"