707 lines
18 KiB
707 lines
18 KiB
* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#include "QskInputContext.h"
#include "QskInputCompositionModel.h"
#include "QskPinyinCompositionModel.h"
#include "QskHunspellCompositionModel.h"
#include "QskInputPanel.h"
#include "QskLinearBox.h"
#include <QskDialog.h>
#include <QskPopup.h>
#include <QskWindow.h>
#include <QskControl.h>
#include <QskSetup.h>
#include <QskEvent.h>
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QHash>
#include <QPointer>
static void qskSetLocale( QQuickItem* inputPanel, const QLocale& locale )
if ( auto control = qobject_cast< QskControl* >( inputPanel ) )
control->setLocale( locale );
const auto mo = inputPanel->metaObject();
const auto property = mo->property( mo->indexOfProperty( "locale" ) );
if ( property.isWritable() )
property.write( inputPanel, locale );
static QLocale qskLocale( const QQuickItem* inputPanel )
if ( inputPanel == nullptr )
return QLocale();
if ( auto control = qobject_cast< const QskControl* >( inputPanel ) )
return control->locale();
return inputPanel->property( "locale" ).toLocale();
static void qskSetCandidatesEnabled( QQuickItem* inputPanel, bool on )
if ( inputPanel == nullptr )
if ( auto panel = qobject_cast< QskInputPanel* >( inputPanel ) )
panel->setCandidatesEnabled( on );
QMetaObject::invokeMethod( inputPanel, "setCandidatesEnabled",
Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG( bool, on ) );
static void qskSetCandidates( QQuickItem* inputPanel,
const QVector< QString >& candidates )
if ( inputPanel == nullptr )
if ( auto panel = qobject_cast< QskInputPanel* >( inputPanel ) )
panel->setCandidates( candidates );
QMetaObject::invokeMethod( inputPanel, "setCandidates",
Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG( QVector< QString >, candidates ) );
class QskInputContext::PrivateData
// item receiving the input
QPointer< QQuickItem > inputItem;
// item, wher the user enters texts/keys
QPointer< QQuickItem > inputPanel;
// popup or window embedding the inputPanel
QskPopup* inputPopup = nullptr;
QskWindow* inputWindow = nullptr;
QskInputCompositionModel* compositionModel;
QHash< QLocale, QskInputCompositionModel* > compositionModels;
// the input panel is embedded in a window
bool ownsInputPanelWindow : 1;
m_data( new PrivateData() )
setObjectName( "InputContext" );
#if 1
m_data->compositionModel = new QskInputCompositionModel( this );
m_data->compositionModel = new QskHunspellCompositionModel( this );
connect( m_data->compositionModel, &QskInputCompositionModel::candidatesChanged,
this, &QskInputContext::handleCandidatesChanged );
connect( qskSetup, &QskSetup::inputPanelChanged,
this, &QskInputContext::setInputPanel );
#if 0
setCompositionModel( QLocale::Chinese, new QskPinyinCompositionModel( this ) );
setInputPanel( qskSetup->inputPanel() );
bool QskInputContext::isValid() const
return true;
bool QskInputContext::hasCapability( Capability ) const
// what is QPlatformInputContext::HiddenTextCapability ???
return true;
QQuickItem* QskInputContext::inputItem()
return m_data->inputItem;
void QskInputContext::setInputItem( QQuickItem* item )
if ( m_data->inputItem == item )
m_data->inputItem = item;
if ( item )
update( Qt::ImQueryAll );
void QskInputContext::update( Qt::InputMethodQueries queries )
if ( m_data->inputItem == nullptr || m_data->inputPanel == nullptr )
const auto queryEvent = queryInputMethod( queries );
if ( queryEvent.queries() & Qt::ImEnabled )
if ( !queryEvent.value( Qt::ImEnabled ).toBool() )
if ( queryEvent.queries() & Qt::ImHints )
ImhHiddenText = 0x1, // might need to disable certain checks
ImhSensitiveData = 0x2, // shouldn't change anything
ImhNoAutoUppercase = 0x4, // if we support auto uppercase, disable it
ImhPreferNumbers = 0x8, // default to number keyboard
ImhPreferUppercase = 0x10, // start with shift on
ImhPreferLowercase = 0x20, // start with shift off
ImhNoPredictiveText = 0x40, // ignored for now
ImhDate = 0x80, // ignored for now (no date keyboard)
ImhTime = 0x100, // ignored for know (no time keyboard)
ImhPreferLatin = 0x200, // can be used to launch chinese kb in english mode
ImhMultiLine = 0x400, // not useful?
ImhDigitsOnly // default to number keyboard, disable other keys
ImhFormattedNumbersOnly // hard to say
ImhUppercaseOnly // caps-lock, disable shift
ImhLowercaseOnly // disable shift
ImhDialableCharactersOnly // dial pad (calculator?)
ImhEmailCharactersOnly // disable certain symbols (email-only kb?)
ImhUrlCharactersOnly // disable certain symbols (url-only kb?)
ImhLatinOnly // disable chinese input
#if 0
const auto hints = static_cast< Qt::InputMethodHints >(
queryEvent.value( Qt::ImHints ).toInt() );
if ( queryEvent.queries() & Qt::ImPreferredLanguage )
const auto locale = queryEvent.value( Qt::ImPreferredLanguage ).toLocale();
auto oldModel = compositionModel();
if( m_data->inputPanel )
qskSetLocale( m_data->inputPanel, locale );
auto newModel = compositionModel();
if( oldModel != newModel )
connect( newModel, &QskInputCompositionModel::candidatesChanged,
this, &QskInputContext::handleCandidatesChanged );
qskSetCandidatesEnabled( m_data->inputPanel,
newModel->supportsSuggestions() );
Qt::ImSurroundingText // important for chinese input
Qt::ImCurrentSelection // important for prediction
Qt::ImMaximumTextLength // should be monitored
Qt::ImTextBeforeCursor // important for chinese
Qt::ImTextAfterCursor // important for chinese
Qt::ImPlatformData // hard to say...
Qt::ImInputItemClipRectangle // could be used for the geometry of the panel
QRectF QskInputContext::keyboardRect() const
if ( m_data->inputPanel
&& QskDialog::instance()->policy() != QskDialog::TopLevelWindow )
return qskItemGeometry( m_data->inputPanel );
return Inherited::keyboardRect();
bool QskInputContext::isAnimating() const
return false;
void QskInputContext::showInputPanel()
auto& inputPanel = m_data->inputPanel;
auto& inputPopup = m_data->inputPopup;
auto& inputWindow = m_data->inputWindow;
if ( inputPanel == nullptr )
auto panel = new QskInputPanel();
panel->setParent( this );
setInputPanel( panel );
const bool isPopupPanel = qobject_cast< QskPopup* >( inputPanel );
bool useWindow = false;
if ( !isPopupPanel )
useWindow = ( QskDialog::instance()->policy() == QskDialog::TopLevelWindow );
if ( useWindow )
delete inputPopup;
if ( inputWindow == nullptr )
inputWindow = new QskWindow();
inputWindow->setDeleteOnClose( true );
inputWindow->setFlags( Qt::Tool | Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus );
inputPanel->setParentItem( inputWindow->contentItem() );
inputWindow->resize( 800, 240 ); // ### what size?
inputWindow->installEventFilter( this );
delete inputWindow;
if ( inputPopup == nullptr )
if ( isPopupPanel )
inputPopup = qobject_cast< QskPopup* >( inputPanel );
auto popup = new QskPopup( m_data->inputItem->window()->contentItem() );
popup->setAutoLayoutChildren( true );
popup->setTransparentForPositioner( false );
popup->setOverlay( false );
popup->setModal( true );
auto box = new QskLinearBox( popup );
box->setExtraSpacingAt( Qt::TopEdge | Qt::LeftEdge | Qt::RightEdge );
box->addItem( inputPanel );
inputPopup = popup;
inputPopup->installEventFilter( this );
if ( inputPopup->window() == nullptr )
QQuickWindow* window = nullptr;
if ( m_data->inputItem )
window = m_data->inputItem->window();
window = qobject_cast< QQuickWindow* >( QGuiApplication::focusWindow() );
if ( window )
inputPopup->setParentItem( window->contentItem() );
inputPopup->setVisible( true );
update( Qt::ImQueryAll );
inputPanel->setVisible( true );
connect( inputPanel->window(), &QskWindow::visibleChanged,
this, &QskInputContext::emitInputPanelVisibleChanged );
void QskInputContext::hideInputPanel()
if ( m_data->inputPanel )
// to get rid of the scene graph nodes
m_data->inputPanel->setVisible( false );
if ( m_data->inputPopup == m_data->inputPanel )
m_data->inputPopup->removeEventFilter( this );
m_data->inputPopup = nullptr;
if ( m_data->inputPopup )
QskWindow* window = m_data->inputWindow;
m_data->inputWindow = nullptr;
if ( window )
window->removeEventFilter( this );
window->close(); // deleteOnClose is set
qGuiApp->removeEventFilter( this );
bool QskInputContext::isInputPanelVisible() const
auto panel = m_data->inputPanel;
return panel && panel->isVisible()
&& panel->window() && panel->window()->isVisible();
QLocale QskInputContext::locale() const
return qskLocale( m_data->inputPanel );
Qt::LayoutDirection QskInputContext::inputDirection() const
return Inherited::inputDirection();
void QskInputContext::setFocusObject( QObject* focusObject )
auto focusItem = qobject_cast< QQuickItem* >( focusObject );
if ( focusItem == nullptr )
if ( m_data->inputItem )
if ( m_data->inputItem->window() == QGuiApplication::focusWindow() )
setInputItem( nullptr );
Do not change the input item when
navigating to or inside the input popup/window
bool isAccepted = ( m_data->inputItem == nullptr );
if ( !isAccepted )
if ( m_data->inputWindow )
if ( focusItem->window() != m_data->inputWindow )
isAccepted = true;
else if ( m_data->inputPopup )
if ( ( focusItem != m_data->inputPopup )
&& !qskIsAncestorOf( m_data->inputPopup, focusItem ) )
isAccepted = true;
isAccepted = true;
if ( isAccepted )
setInputItem( focusItem );
if ( m_data->inputPanel && m_data->inputPanel->isVisible() )
if ( m_data->inputItem && focusItem != m_data->inputItem )
qGuiApp->installEventFilter( this );
qGuiApp->removeEventFilter( this );
void QskInputContext::setCompositionModel(
const QLocale& locale, QskInputCompositionModel* model )
auto& models = m_data->compositionModels;
if ( model )
const auto it = models.find( locale );
if ( it != models.end() )
if ( it.value() == model )
delete it.value();
*it = model;
models.insert( locale, model );
connect( model, &QskInputCompositionModel::candidatesChanged,
this, &QskInputContext::handleCandidatesChanged );
const auto it = models.find( locale );
if ( it != models.end() )
delete it.value();
models.erase( it );
QskInputCompositionModel* QskInputContext::compositionModel() const
return m_data->compositionModels.value( locale(), m_data->compositionModel );
void QskInputContext::invokeAction( QInputMethod::Action action, int value )
auto model = compositionModel();
switch ( static_cast< int >( action ) )
case QskInputPanel::Compose:
model->composeKey( value );
case QskInputPanel::SelectCandidate:
model->commitCandidate( value );
case QInputMethod::Click:
case QInputMethod::ContextMenu:
void QskInputContext::handleCandidatesChanged()
const auto model = compositionModel();
if ( model == nullptr || m_data->inputPanel == nullptr )
const auto count = model->candidateCount();
QVector< QString > candidates;
candidates.reserve( count );
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
candidates += model->candidate( i );
qskSetCandidates( m_data->inputPanel, candidates );
void QskInputContext::setInputPanel( QQuickItem* inputPanel )
if ( m_data->inputPanel == inputPanel )
auto model = compositionModel();
if ( m_data->inputPanel )
m_data->inputPanel->disconnect( this );
if ( m_data->inputPanel->parent() == this )
delete m_data->inputPanel;
m_data->inputPanel->setParentItem( nullptr );
if ( model )
model->disconnect( m_data->inputPanel );
m_data->inputPanel = inputPanel;
m_data->ownsInputPanelWindow = false;
if ( inputPanel )
if ( inputPanel->parent() == nullptr )
inputPanel->setParent( this );
connect( inputPanel, &QQuickItem::visibleChanged,
this, &QPlatformInputContext::emitInputPanelVisibleChanged );
if ( auto control = qobject_cast< QskControl* >( inputPanel ) )
connect( control, &QskControl::localeChanged,
this, &QPlatformInputContext::emitLocaleChanged );
if ( model )
qskSetCandidatesEnabled( m_data->inputPanel,
model->supportsSuggestions() );
void QskInputContext::reset()
void QskInputContext::commit()
bool QskInputContext::eventFilter( QObject* object, QEvent* event )
if ( object == m_data->inputWindow )
switch( event->type() )
case QEvent::Move:
if ( m_data->inputPanel )
case QEvent::Resize:
QQuickItem* panel = m_data->inputPanel;
if ( m_data->inputPanel )
m_data->inputPanel->setSize( m_data->inputWindow->size() );
case QEvent::DeferredDelete:
object->removeEventFilter( this );
qGuiApp->removeEventFilter( this );
m_data->inputWindow = nullptr;
switch( static_cast< int >( event->type() ) )
case QskEvent::GeometryChange:
if ( object == m_data->inputPanel )
if ( event->type() == QskEvent::GeometryChange )
case QEvent::InputMethodQuery:
Qt/Quick expects that the item associated with the input context
holds the focus. But this does not work, when a virtual
keyboard is used, where you can navigate and select inside.
So we have to fix the receiver.
if ( ( object != m_data->inputItem )
&& qskIsAncestorOf( m_data->inputPanel, m_data->inputItem ) )
sendEventToInputItem( event );
return true;
case QEvent::DeferredDelete:
if ( object == m_data->inputPopup )
object->removeEventFilter( this );
qGuiApp->removeEventFilter( this );
m_data->inputPopup = nullptr;
return Inherited::eventFilter( object, event );
bool QskInputContext::filterEvent( const QEvent* event )
// called from QXcbKeyboard, but what about other platforms
Q_UNUSED( event )
return false;
QInputMethodQueryEvent QskInputContext::queryInputMethod(
Qt::InputMethodQueries queries ) const
QInputMethodQueryEvent event( queries );
sendEventToInputItem( &event );
return event;
void QskInputContext::sendEventToInputItem( QEvent* event ) const
if ( m_data->inputItem && event )
QCoreApplication::sendEvent( m_data->inputItem, event );
#include "moc_QskInputContext.cpp"