399 lines
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399 lines
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* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#include "QskAspect.h"
#include "QskSkinHintTable.h"
#include "QskAnimationHint.h"
#include "QskStateCombination.h"
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
class QskArcMetrics;
class QskMargins;
class QskGradient;
class QskBoxShapeMetrics;
class QskBoxBorderMetrics;
class QskBoxBorderColors;
class QSK_EXPORT QskSkinHintTableEditor
QskSkinHintTableEditor( QskSkinHintTable* = nullptr );
void setTable( QskSkinHintTable* );
QskSkinHintTable* table() const;
// generic access
void setHint( QskAspect, const QVariant&,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
template< typename T > void setHint(
QskAspect, const T&, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
const QVariant& hint( QskAspect ) const;
template< typename T > T hint( QskAspect ) const;
bool removeHint( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QVariant takeHint( QskAspect );
bool hasHint( QskAspect ) const;
// animation hints
void setAnimation( QskAspect, QskAnimationHint,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
void setAnimation( QskAspect, uint duration, QEasingCurve::Type,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QskAnimationHint animation( QskAspect ) const;
// flag
void setFlagHint( QskAspect, const QVariant&,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
template< typename T > void setFlagHint( QskAspect, const T&,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeFlagHint( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QVariant flagHint( QskAspect ) const;
template< typename T > T flagHint( QskAspect ) const;
// metric
void setMetricHint( QskAspect, const QVariant&,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
template< typename T > void setMetricHint(
QskAspect, const T&, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeMetricHint( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QVariant metricHint( QskAspect ) const;
template< typename T > T metricHint( QskAspect ) const;
// color
void setColorHint( QskAspect, const QVariant&,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
template< typename T > void setColorHint(
QskAspect, const T&, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeColorHint( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QVariant colorHint( QskAspect ) const;
template< typename T > T colorHint( QskAspect ) const;
// type specific
void setFlag( QskAspect, int, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
int flag( QskAspect ) const;
void setMetric( QskAspect, qreal metric, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
qreal metric( QskAspect ) const;
void setColor( QskAspect, Qt::GlobalColor, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
void setColor( QskAspect, QRgb, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
void setColor( QskAspect, const QColor&, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QColor color( QskAspect ) const;
// gradients
void setHGradient( QskAspect, const QColor&, const QColor&,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
void setVGradient( QskAspect, const QColor&, const QColor&,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
void setGradient( QskAspect, const QskGradient&,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QskGradient gradient( QskAspect ) const;
// position
void setPosition( QskAspect, qreal,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removePosition( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
qreal position( QskAspect ) const;
// strutSize
void setStrutSize( QskAspect, const QSizeF&,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
void setStrutSize( QskAspect, qreal width, qreal height,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeStrutSize( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QSizeF strutSize( QskAspect ) const;
// margin
void setMargin( QskAspect, const QskMargins&,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
void setMargin( QskAspect,
qreal left, qreal top, qreal right, qreal bottom,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeMargin( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QskMargins margin( QskAspect ) const;
// padding
void setPadding( QskAspect, const QskMargins&,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
void setPadding( QskAspect,
qreal left, qreal top, qreal right, qreal bottom,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removePadding( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QskMargins padding( QskAspect ) const;
// spacing
void setSpacing( QskAspect, qreal, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeSpacing( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
qreal spacing( QskAspect ) const;
// alignment
void setAlignment( QskAspect, Qt::Alignment, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeAlignment( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
Qt::Alignment alignment( QskAspect ) const;
// fontRole
void setFontRole( QskAspect, int, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeFontRole( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
int fontRole( QskAspect ) const;
// graphicRole
void setGraphicRole( QskAspect, int, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeGraphicRole( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
int graphicRole( QskAspect ) const;
// boxShape
void setBoxShape( QskAspect, qreal radius, Qt::SizeMode = Qt::AbsoluteSize );
void setBoxShape( QskAspect, qreal topLeft, qreal topRight,
qreal bottomLeft, qreal bottomRight, Qt::SizeMode = Qt::AbsoluteSize );
void setBoxShape( QskAspect, const QskBoxShapeMetrics&,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeBoxShape( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QskBoxShapeMetrics boxShape( QskAspect ) const;
// boxBorderMetrics
void setBoxBorderMetrics( QskAspect,
qreal borderWidth, Qt::SizeMode = Qt::AbsoluteSize );
void setBoxBorderMetrics( QskAspect, qreal left, qreal top,
qreal right, qreal bottom, Qt::SizeMode = Qt::AbsoluteSize );
void setBoxBorderMetrics( QskAspect,
const QskBoxBorderMetrics&, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeBoxBorderMetric( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QskBoxBorderMetrics boxBorderMetrics( QskAspect ) const;
// boxBorderColors
void setBoxBorderColors( QskAspect,
const QskBoxBorderColors&, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
void setBoxBorderColors( QskAspect,
const QskGradient& left, const QskGradient& top,
const QskGradient& right, const QskGradient& bottom,
QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeBoxBorderColors( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QskBoxBorderColors boxBorderColors( QskAspect ) const;
// arcMetrics
void setArcMetrics( QskAspect, qreal, qreal, qreal, Qt::SizeMode = Qt::AbsoluteSize );
void setArcMetrics( QskAspect,
const QskArcMetrics&, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
bool removeArcMetrics( QskAspect, QskStateCombination = QskStateCombination() );
QskArcMetrics arcMetrics( QskAspect ) const;
QskSkinHintTable* m_table = nullptr;
// --- generic access ---
template< typename T >
inline void QskSkinHintTableEditor::setHint(
QskAspect aspect, const T& hint, QskStateCombination combination )
setHint( aspect, QVariant::fromValue( hint ), combination );
template< typename T >
inline T QskSkinHintTableEditor::hint( QskAspect aspect ) const
return hint( aspect ).value< T >();
inline const QVariant& QskSkinHintTableEditor::hint( QskAspect aspect ) const
return m_table->hint( aspect );
inline QVariant QskSkinHintTableEditor::takeHint( QskAspect aspect )
return m_table->takeHint( aspect );
inline bool QskSkinHintTableEditor::hasHint( QskAspect aspect ) const
return m_table->hasHint( aspect );
// --- flag ---
inline void QskSkinHintTableEditor::setFlagHint(
QskAspect aspect, const QVariant& hint, QskStateCombination combination )
setHint( aspect | QskAspect::Flag, hint, combination );
template< typename T >
inline void QskSkinHintTableEditor::setFlagHint(
QskAspect aspect, const T& hint, QskStateCombination combination )
setHint( aspect | QskAspect::Flag, hint, combination );
inline bool QskSkinHintTableEditor::removeFlagHint(
QskAspect aspect, QskStateCombination combination )
return removeHint( aspect | QskAspect::Flag, combination );
inline QVariant QskSkinHintTableEditor::flagHint( QskAspect aspect ) const
return hint( aspect | QskAspect::Flag );
template< typename T >
inline T QskSkinHintTableEditor::flagHint( QskAspect aspect ) const
return hint< T >( aspect | QskAspect::Flag );
// --- metric ---
inline void QskSkinHintTableEditor::setMetricHint(
QskAspect aspect, const QVariant& hint, QskStateCombination combination )
setHint( aspect | QskAspect::Metric, hint, combination );
template< typename T >
inline void QskSkinHintTableEditor::setMetricHint(
QskAspect aspect, const T& hint, QskStateCombination combination )
setHint( aspect | QskAspect::Metric, hint, combination );
inline bool QskSkinHintTableEditor::removeMetricHint(
QskAspect aspect, QskStateCombination combination )
return removeHint( aspect | QskAspect::Metric, combination );
inline QVariant QskSkinHintTableEditor::metricHint( QskAspect aspect ) const
return hint( aspect | QskAspect::Metric );
template< typename T >
inline T QskSkinHintTableEditor::metricHint( QskAspect aspect ) const
return hint< T >( aspect | QskAspect::Metric );
// --- color ---
inline void QskSkinHintTableEditor::setColorHint(
QskAspect aspect, const QVariant& hint, QskStateCombination combination )
setHint( aspect | QskAspect::Color, hint, combination );
template< typename T >
inline void QskSkinHintTableEditor::setColorHint(
QskAspect aspect, const T& hint, QskStateCombination combination )
setHint( aspect | QskAspect::Color, hint, combination );
inline bool QskSkinHintTableEditor::removeColorHint(
QskAspect aspect, QskStateCombination combination )
return removeHint( aspect | QskAspect::Color, combination );
inline QVariant QskSkinHintTableEditor::colorHint( QskAspect aspect ) const
return hint( aspect | QskAspect::Color );
template< typename T >
inline T QskSkinHintTableEditor::colorHint( QskAspect aspect ) const
return hint< T >( aspect | QskAspect::Color );
// --- animation ---
inline QskAnimationHint QskSkinHintTableEditor::animation( QskAspect aspect ) const
return m_table->animation( aspect );
inline void QskSkinHintTableEditor::setAnimation(
QskAspect aspect, QskAnimationHint hint, QskStateCombination combination )
aspect.setAnimator( true );
setHint( aspect, hint, combination );
inline void QskSkinHintTableEditor::setAnimation( QskAspect aspect,
uint duration, QEasingCurve::Type curveType, QskStateCombination combination )
setAnimation( aspect, QskAnimationHint( duration, curveType ), combination );