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275 lines
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* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#include "QskShortcutQml.h"
#include <QskShortcutMap.h>
#include <qquickitem.h>
#include <qquickwindow.h>
#include <QtGui/private/qguiapplication_p.h>
static inline QShortcutMap& qskShortcutMap()
return QGuiApplicationPrivate::instance()->shortcutMap;
static bool qskContextMatcher( QObject* object, Qt::ShortcutContext context )
if ( context == Qt::ApplicationShortcut )
return true;
if ( context == Qt::WindowShortcut )
if ( const auto shortcut = qobject_cast< const QskShortcutQml* >( object ) )
return shortcut->isFocusInScope();
return false;
class QskShortcutQml::PrivateData
: id( 0 )
, autoRepeat( true )
, enabled( true )
, isWindowContext( true )
, isComplete( true )
if ( id != 0 )
qskShortcutMap().removeShortcut( id, nullptr );
void resetShortcut( QskShortcutQml* shortcut )
if ( !isComplete )
auto& map = qskShortcutMap();
const int oldId = id;
if ( id != 0 )
map.removeShortcut( id, nullptr );
id = 0;
if ( !sequence.isEmpty() )
id = map.addShortcut( shortcut, sequence,
shortcut->context(), qskContextMatcher );
if ( !autoRepeat )
map.setShortcutAutoRepeat( false, id, shortcut );
if ( !enabled )
map.setShortcutEnabled( false, id, shortcut );
if ( oldId != id )
Q_EMIT shortcut->shortcutIdChanged( id );
QKeySequence sequence;
int id;
bool autoRepeat : 1;
bool enabled : 1;
bool isWindowContext : 1;
bool isComplete : 1;
QskShortcutQml::QskShortcutQml( QObject* parent )
: Inherited( parent )
, m_data( new PrivateData )
QskShortcutQml::QskShortcutQml( const QKeySequence& sequence, QObject* parent )
: QskShortcutQml( sequence, Qt::WindowShortcut, parent )
QskShortcutQml::QskShortcutQml( const QKeySequence& sequence,
Qt::ShortcutContext context, QObject* parent )
: Inherited( parent )
, m_data( new PrivateData )
m_data->sequence = sequence;
m_data->isWindowContext = ( context == Qt::WindowShortcut );
m_data->resetShortcut( this );
int QskShortcutQml::shortcutId() const
return m_data->id;
Qt::ShortcutContext QskShortcutQml::context() const
return m_data->isWindowContext
? Qt::WindowShortcut : Qt::ApplicationShortcut;
void QskShortcutQml::setContext( Qt::ShortcutContext context )
if ( context == Qt::ApplicationShortcut || context == Qt::WindowShortcut )
const bool isWindowContext = ( context == Qt::WindowShortcut );
if ( isWindowContext != m_data->isWindowContext )
m_data->isWindowContext = isWindowContext;
m_data->resetShortcut( this );
Q_EMIT contextChanged();
void QskShortcutQml::setSequence( const QKeySequence& sequence )
if ( sequence != m_data->sequence )
m_data->sequence = sequence;
m_data->resetShortcut( this );
Q_EMIT sequenceChanged();
QKeySequence QskShortcutQml::sequence() const
return m_data->sequence;
void QskShortcutQml::setSequenceVariant( const QVariant& sequence )
if ( sequence.userType() == QMetaType::Int )
setSequence( static_cast< QKeySequence::StandardKey >( sequence.toInt() ) );
setSequence( QKeySequence::fromString( sequence.toString() ) );
QVariant QskShortcutQml::sequenceVariant() const
return m_data->sequence.toString();
void QskShortcutQml::setEnabled( bool on )
if ( on != m_data->enabled )
m_data->enabled = on;
if ( m_data->id != 0 )
qskShortcutMap().setShortcutEnabled( on, m_data->id, this );
Q_EMIT enabledChanged();
bool QskShortcutQml::isEnabled() const
return m_data->enabled;
void QskShortcutQml::setAutoRepeat( bool on )
if ( on != m_data->autoRepeat )
m_data->autoRepeat = on;
if ( m_data->id != 0 )
qskShortcutMap().setShortcutEnabled( on, m_data->id, this );
Q_EMIT autoRepeatChanged();
bool QskShortcutQml::autoRepeat() const
return m_data->autoRepeat;
bool QskShortcutQml::event( QEvent* event )
if ( event->type() == QEvent::Shortcut )
auto* shortcutEvent = static_cast< QShortcutEvent* >( event );
if ( shortcutEvent->shortcutId() == m_data->id )
if ( shortcutEvent->isAmbiguous() )
Q_EMIT activatedAmbiguously();
Q_EMIT activated();
return true;
return false;
bool QskShortcutQml::isFocusInScope() const
if ( !m_data->isWindowContext )
return true;
const QQuickItem* contextItem = nullptr;
if ( parent()->isWindowType() )
if ( auto window = qobject_cast< const QQuickWindow* >( parent() ) )
contextItem = window->contentItem();
contextItem = qobject_cast< const QQuickItem* >( parent() );
if ( contextItem )
return QskShortcutMap::contextMatcher( contextItem, Qt::WindowShortcut );
qWarning( "QskShortcut has no valid parent for Qt::WindowShortcut" );
return false;
void QskShortcutQml::classBegin()
m_data->isComplete = false;
void QskShortcutQml::componentComplete()
if ( m_data->isComplete == false )
m_data->isComplete = true;
m_data->resetShortcut( this );
#include "moc_QskShortcutQml.cpp"