712 lines
18 KiB
712 lines
18 KiB
* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "QskTabBar.h"
#include "QskAspect.h"
#include "QskScrollBox.h"
#include "QskLinearBox.h"
#include "QskTabButton.h"
#include "QskTextOptions.h"
#include "QskAnimationHint.h"
#include "QskQuick.h"
#include <qquickwindow.h>
QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskTabBar, Panel )
static inline Qt::Orientation qskOrientation( Qt::Edge edge )
if ( ( edge == Qt::TopEdge ) || ( edge == Qt::BottomEdge ) )
return Qt::Horizontal;
return Qt::Vertical;
static inline void qskTransposeSizePolicy( QskControl* control )
control->setSizePolicy( control->sizePolicy().transposed() );
class ButtonBox final : public QskLinearBox
using Inherited = QskLinearBox;
ButtonBox( Qt::Orientation orientation, QQuickItem* parent )
: QskLinearBox( orientation, parent )
setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "QskTabBarLayoutBox" ) );
setExtraSpacingAt( Qt::RightEdge | Qt::BottomEdge );
void restack( int currentIndex )
We can't simply reorder the buttons as the focus tab chain depends on it.
Again we have some QML only API ( QQuickKeyNavigationAttached ),
that is useless for C++, but nothing like QWidget::setTabOrder.
Maybe it makes sense to implement our own navigation in
for ( int i = 0; i < elementCount(); i++ )
if ( auto button = itemAtIndex( i ) )
button->setZ( i == currentIndex ? 0.001 : 0.0 );
class ScrollBox final : public QskScrollBox
using Inherited = QskScrollBox;
ScrollBox( QQuickItem* parent )
: QskScrollBox( parent )
setPolishOnResize( true );
setWheelEnabled( false );
enableAutoTranslation( true );
setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus );
connect( this, &ScrollBox::scrollPosChanged,
this, &QskControl::focusIndicatorRectChanged );
QRectF focusIndicatorClipRect() const override
auto r = clipRect();
if ( window() )
if ( auto focusItem = window()->activeFocusItem() )
const auto itemRect = mapRectFromItem(
focusItem, focusItem->boundingRect() );
if ( r.intersects( itemRect ) )
return QRectF();
return r;
QskAnimationHint flickHint() const override
if ( auto tabBar = qobject_cast< const QskTabBar* >( parentItem() ) )
return tabBar->effectiveAnimation( QskAspect::Metric,
QskTabBar::Panel, QskAspect::NoState );
// should be a skin hint TODO ...
return QskAnimationHint( 200, QEasingCurve::OutCubic );
QRectF viewContentsRect() const override
return layoutRect();
void setOrientation( Qt::Orientation orientation )
setFlickableOrientations( orientation );
if ( orientation == Qt::Horizontal )
setSizePolicy( QskSizePolicy::Ignored, QskSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding );
setSizePolicy( QskSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QskSizePolicy::Ignored );
void ensureItemVisible( const QQuickItem* item )
if ( qskIsAncestorOf( this, item ) )
const auto pos = mapFromItem( item, QPointF() );
ensureVisible( QRectF( pos.x(), pos.y(), item->width(), item->height() ) );
QRectF clipRect() const override
auto r = Inherited::clipRect();
if ( auto control = qskControlCast( parentItem() ) )
r += control->paddingHint( QskTabBar::Panel );
Often the current tab button grows beyond the bounding rectangle
of the tab bar, so that it looks like being on top of the tab page
border. So we only want to clip in scroll direction.
Note: std::numeric_limits< int >::max() does not work - guess
some overflow somewhere ...
constexpr qreal expanded = 0.90 * std::numeric_limits< int >::max();
if ( flickableOrientations() & Qt::Horizontal )
r.setTop( r.top() - 0.5 * expanded );
r.setHeight( expanded );
r.setLeft( r.left() - 0.5 * expanded );
r.setWidth( expanded );
return r;
bool event( QEvent* event ) override
if ( event->type() == QEvent::LayoutRequest )
return Inherited::event( event );
void updateLayout() override
auto box = buttonBox();
auto boxSize = viewContentsRect().size();
boxSize = qskConstrainedItemSize( box, boxSize );
if ( box )
box->setSize( boxSize );
enableAutoTranslation( false );
setScrollableSize( boxSize );
setScrollPos( scrollPos() );
enableAutoTranslation( true );
setClip( width() < boxSize.width() || height() < boxSize.height() );
QSizeF layoutSizeHint( Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF& constraint ) const override
auto hint = buttonBox()->sizeConstraint( which, constraint );
if ( which == Qt::MinimumSize )
if ( sizePolicy().horizontalPolicy() & QskSizePolicy::ShrinkFlag )
hint.setWidth( -1 );
if ( sizePolicy().verticalPolicy() & QskSizePolicy::ShrinkFlag )
hint.setHeight( -1 );
return hint;
inline QskLinearBox* buttonBox() const
return qobject_cast< QskLinearBox* >( childItems().constFirst() );
void enableAutoTranslation( bool on )
if ( on )
connect( this, &QskScrollBox::scrollPosChanged,
this, &ScrollBox::translateButtonBox );
disconnect( this, &QskScrollBox::scrollPosChanged,
this, &ScrollBox::translateButtonBox );
void translateButtonBox()
if ( auto box = buttonBox() )
const QPointF pos = viewContentsRect().topLeft() - scrollPos();
box->setPosition( pos );
class QskTabBar::PrivateData
void connectButton( QskTabButton* button, QskTabBar* tabBar, bool on )
if ( on )
connect( button, &QskTabButton::toggled,
tabBar, &QskTabBar::adjustCurrentIndex, Qt::UniqueConnection );
disconnect( button, &QskTabButton::toggled,
tabBar, &QskTabBar::adjustCurrentIndex );
ScrollBox* scrollBox = nullptr;
ButtonBox* buttonBox = nullptr;
int currentIndex = -1;
QskTextOptions textOptions;
QskTabBar::QskTabBar( QQuickItem* parent )
: Inherited( parent )
, m_data( new PrivateData() )
setAutoLayoutChildren( true );
const auto orientation = qskOrientation( edge() );
if ( orientation == Qt::Horizontal )
initSizePolicy( QskSizePolicy::Preferred, QskSizePolicy::Fixed );
initSizePolicy( QskSizePolicy::Fixed, QskSizePolicy::Preferred );
m_data->scrollBox = new ScrollBox( this );
m_data->scrollBox->setOrientation( orientation );
m_data->buttonBox = new ButtonBox( orientation, m_data->scrollBox );
m_data->buttonBox->setSpacing( spacingHint( QskTabBar::Panel ) );
m_data->buttonBox->setSizePolicy( QskSizePolicy::Maximum, QskSizePolicy::Maximum );
connect( this, &QskTabBar::currentIndexChanged,
m_data->buttonBox, &ButtonBox::restack, Qt::QueuedConnection );
QskTabBar::QskTabBar( Qt::Edge edge, QQuickItem* parent )
: QskTabBar( parent )
setEdge( edge );
void QskTabBar::setEdge( Qt::Edge edge )
const auto oldEdge = this->edge();
setFlagHint( Panel | QskAspect::Style, edge );
if ( edge == oldEdge )
const auto orientation = qskOrientation( edge );
if ( orientation != m_data->buttonBox->orientation() )
qskTransposeSizePolicy( this );
m_data->buttonBox->setOrientation( orientation );
qskTransposeSizePolicy( m_data->buttonBox );
m_data->scrollBox->setOrientation( orientation );
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ )
buttonAt( i )->update();
Q_EMIT edgeChanged( edge );
void QskTabBar::resetEdge()
if ( resetSkinHint( Panel | QskAspect::Style ) )
Q_EMIT edgeChanged( edge() );
Qt::Edge QskTabBar::edge() const
We add a meaningless QskAspect::Vertical bit to avoid that effectivePlacement
gets called finally ending up in an endless recursion ...
const auto aspect = Panel | QskAspect::Style | QskAspect::Vertical;
return flagHint< Qt::Edge > ( aspect, Qt::TopEdge );
Qt::Orientation QskTabBar::orientation() const
return qskOrientation( edge() );
void QskTabBar::setAutoScrollFocusedButton( bool on )
if ( m_data->scrollBox->autoScrollFocusItem() != on )
m_data->scrollBox->setAutoScrollFocusedItem( on );
Q_EMIT autoScrollFocusedButtonChanged( on );
bool QskTabBar::autoScrollFocusButton() const
return m_data->scrollBox->autoScrollFocusItem();
void QskTabBar::setAutoFitTabs( bool on )
const auto orientation = qskOrientation( edge() );
int policy = m_data->buttonBox->sizePolicy( orientation );
if ( ( policy & QskSizePolicy::GrowFlag ) != on )
if ( on )
policy |= QskSizePolicy::GrowFlag;
policy &= ~QskSizePolicy::GrowFlag;
// we need operators for QskSizePolicy::Policy: TODO ...
orientation, static_cast< QskSizePolicy::Policy >( policy ) );
Q_EMIT autoFitTabsChanged( on );
bool QskTabBar::autoFitTabs() const
const auto policy = m_data->buttonBox->sizePolicy( orientation() );
return ( policy & QskSizePolicy::GrowFlag );
void QskTabBar::setTextOptions( const QskTextOptions& options )
if ( options != m_data->textOptions )
// we should consider text options being something for
// QskControl - maybe added to the propagation system ???
m_data->textOptions = options;
Q_EMIT textOptionsChanged( options );
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ )
buttonAt( i )->setTextOptions( options );
QskTextOptions QskTabBar::textOptions() const
return m_data->textOptions;
int QskTabBar::addTab( const QString& text )
return insertTab( -1, text );
int QskTabBar::insertTab( int index, const QString& text )
return insertTab( index, new QskTabButton( text ) );
int QskTabBar::addTab( QskTabButton* button )
return insertTab( -1, button );
int QskTabBar::insertTab( int index, QskTabButton* button )
auto buttonBox = m_data->buttonBox;
if ( index < 0 || index >= buttonBox->elementCount() )
index = buttonBox->elementCount();
if ( isComponentComplete() )
if ( count() == 0 )
m_data->currentIndex = 0;
button->setChecked( true );
buttonBox->insertItem( index, button );
buttonBox->restack( m_data->currentIndex );
if ( button->textOptions() != m_data->textOptions )
button->setTextOptions( m_data->textOptions );
m_data->connectButton( button, this, true );
connect( button, &QskAbstractButton::clicked,
this, &QskTabBar::handleButtonClick );
Q_EMIT countChanged( count() );
return index;
void QskTabBar::removeTab( int index )
auto item = m_data->buttonBox->itemAtIndex( index );
if ( item == nullptr )
delete item;
if ( index > m_data->currentIndex )
Q_EMIT countChanged( count() );
else if ( index < m_data->currentIndex )
Q_EMIT countChanged( count() );
Q_EMIT currentIndexChanged( m_data->currentIndex );
QskTabButton* nextButton = nullptr;
int nextIndex = -1;
for ( int i = m_data->currentIndex; i >= 0; i-- )
auto button = buttonAt( i );
if ( button && button->isEnabled() )
nextButton = button;
nextIndex = i;
if ( nextButton == nullptr )
for ( int i = m_data->currentIndex + 1; i < count(); i++ )
auto button = buttonAt( i );
if ( button && button->isEnabled() )
nextButton = button;
nextIndex = i;
if ( nextButton )
m_data->connectButton( nextButton, this, false );
nextButton->setChecked( true );
m_data->connectButton( nextButton, this, true );
m_data->currentIndex = nextIndex;
Q_EMIT countChanged( count() );
Q_EMIT currentIndexChanged( nextIndex );
void QskTabBar::clear( bool autoDelete )
if ( count() == 0 )
const int idx = currentIndex();
m_data->buttonBox->clear( autoDelete );
Q_EMIT countChanged( count() );
if ( idx >= 0 )
Q_EMIT currentIndexChanged( -1 );
bool QskTabBar::isTabEnabled( int index ) const
const auto button = buttonAt( index );
return button ? button->isEnabled() : false;
void QskTabBar::setTabEnabled( int index, bool enabled )
if ( auto button = buttonAt( index ) )
// what happens, when it is the current button ???
button->setEnabled( enabled );
void QskTabBar::setCurrentIndex( int index )
if ( index != m_data->currentIndex )
if ( isComponentComplete() )
auto button = buttonAt( index );
if ( button && button->isEnabled() && !button->isChecked() )
button->setChecked( true );
m_data->currentIndex = index;
Q_EMIT currentIndexChanged( m_data->currentIndex );
int QskTabBar::currentIndex() const
return m_data->currentIndex;
int QskTabBar::count() const
return m_data->buttonBox->elementCount();
QskTabButton* QskTabBar::buttonAt( int position )
return qobject_cast< QskTabButton* >(
m_data->buttonBox->itemAtIndex( position ) );
const QskTabButton* QskTabBar::buttonAt( int position ) const
auto that = const_cast< QskTabBar* >( this );
return that->buttonAt( position );
QskTabButton* QskTabBar::currentButton()
return buttonAt( currentIndex() );
const QskTabButton* QskTabBar::currentButton() const
return buttonAt( currentIndex() );
QString QskTabBar::currentButtonText() const
return buttonTextAt( currentIndex() );
QString QskTabBar::buttonTextAt( int index ) const
if ( const auto button = buttonAt( index ) )
return button->text();
return QString();
int QskTabBar::indexOf( QskTabButton* button ) const
return m_data->buttonBox->indexOf( button );
void QskTabBar::ensureButtonVisible( const QskTabButton* button )
m_data->scrollBox->ensureItemVisible( button );
void QskTabBar::componentComplete()
if ( m_data->currentIndex < 0 && count() >= 0 )
m_data->currentIndex = 0;
if ( auto button = buttonAt( m_data->currentIndex ) )
if ( button->isEnabled() && !button->isChecked() )
button->setChecked( true );
void QskTabBar::adjustCurrentIndex()
int index = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ )
if ( auto button = buttonAt( i ) )
if ( button->isChecked() )
index = i;
if ( index != m_data->currentIndex )
m_data->currentIndex = index;
Q_EMIT currentIndexChanged( index );
void QskTabBar::handleButtonClick()
if ( auto button = qobject_cast< const QskTabButton* >( sender() ) )
const auto index = indexOf( button );
if ( index >= 0 )
Q_EMIT buttonClicked( index );
QskAspect::Subcontrol QskTabBar::substitutedSubcontrol(
QskAspect::Subcontrol subControl ) const
if ( subControl == QskBox::Panel )
return QskTabBar::Panel;
return Inherited::substitutedSubcontrol( subControl );
QskAspect::Variation QskTabBar::effectiveVariation() const
switch ( edge() )
case Qt::LeftEdge:
return QskAspect::Left;
case Qt::RightEdge:
return QskAspect::Right;
case Qt::TopEdge:
return QskAspect::Top;
case Qt::BottomEdge:
return QskAspect::Bottom;
return QskAspect::NoVariation;
#include "moc_QskTabBar.cpp"