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95 lines
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* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#include "QskBoundedControl.h"
class QskIntervalF;
class QSK_EXPORT QskProgressBar : public QskBoundedControl
Q_PROPERTY( Qt::Orientation orientation READ orientation
WRITE setOrientation NOTIFY orientationChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( qreal extent READ extent
WRITE setExtent RESET resetExtent NOTIFY extentChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( bool indeterminate READ isIndeterminate
WRITE setIndeterminate NOTIFY indeterminateChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( qreal origin READ origin
WRITE setOrigin RESET resetOrigin NOTIFY originChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( qreal value READ value WRITE setValue NOTIFY valueChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( qreal valueAsRatio READ valueAsRatio
WRITE setValueAsRatio NOTIFY valueChanged )
using Inherited = QskBoundedControl;
QskProgressBar( Qt::Orientation, QQuickItem* parent = nullptr );
QskProgressBar( Qt::Orientation, qreal min, qreal max, QQuickItem* parent = nullptr );
QskProgressBar( const QskIntervalF&, QQuickItem* parent = nullptr );
QskProgressBar( qreal min, qreal max, QQuickItem* parent = nullptr );
QskProgressBar( QQuickItem* parent = nullptr );
~QskProgressBar() override;
Qt::Orientation orientation() const;
void setOrientation( Qt::Orientation orientation );
bool isIndeterminate() const;
void setIndeterminate( bool on = true );
QskAspect::Variation effectiveVariation() const override;
void setBarGradient( const QskGradient& );
void resetBarGradient();
QskGradient barGradient() const;
void setExtent( qreal );
void resetExtent();
qreal extent() const;
void resetOrigin();
qreal origin() const;
qreal value() const;
qreal valueAsRatio() const; // [0.0, 1.0]
using QskBoundedControl::valueAsRatio;
public Q_SLOTS:
void setValue( qreal );
void setValueAsRatio( qreal );
void setOrigin( qreal );
void orientationChanged( Qt::Orientation );
void extentChanged( qreal );
void indeterminateChanged( bool );
void valueChanged( qreal );
void originChanged( qreal );
void componentComplete() override;
void itemChange( ItemChange, const ItemChangeData& ) override;
void setValueInternal( qreal value );
void adjustBoundaries( bool increasing );
void adjustValue();
class PrivateData;
std::unique_ptr< PrivateData > m_data;