899 lines
23 KiB
899 lines
23 KiB
* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#include "QskVirtualKeyboard.h"
#include "QskAspect.h"
#include <QskPushButton.h>
#include <QskTextLabel.h>
#include <QskDialog.h>
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QStyleHints>
#include <QskLinearBox.h>
#include <QskTextOptions.h>
#include <QTimer>
#include <cmath>
#include <unordered_map>
struct KeyTable
using Row = QskVirtualKeyboard::KeyData[ QskVirtualKeyboard::KeyCount ];
Row data[ QskVirtualKeyboard::RowCount ];
int indexOf( const QskVirtualKeyboard::KeyData* value ) const
return int( intptr_t( value - data[0] ) );
struct QskVirtualKeyboardLayouts
struct KeyCodes
using Row = Qt::Key[ QskVirtualKeyboard::KeyCount ];
Row data[ QskVirtualKeyboard::RowCount ];
using Layout = KeyCodes[ QskVirtualKeyboard::ModeCount ];
Layout bg; // Bulgarian
Layout cs; // Czech
Layout de; // German
Layout da; // Danish
Layout el; // Greek
Layout en_GB; // English (GB)
Layout en_US; // English (US)
Layout es; // Spanish
Layout fi; // Finnish
Layout fr; // French
Layout hu; // Hungarian
Layout it; // Italian
Layout ja; // Japanese
Layout lv; // Latvian
Layout lt; // Lithuanian
Layout nl; // Dutch
Layout pt; // Portuguese
Layout ro; // Romanian
Layout ru; // Russian
Layout sl; // Slovene
Layout sk; // Slovak
Layout tr; // Turkish
Layout zh; // Chinese
#define LOWER(x) Qt::Key(x + 32) // Convert an uppercase key to lowercase
static constexpr const QskVirtualKeyboardLayouts qskKeyboardLayouts =
#include "QskVirtualKeyboardLayouts.cpp"
#undef LOWER
QSK_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS( Qt::Key ) // Must appear after the LOWER macro
static const int KeyLocked = static_cast< int >( Qt::ControlModifier );
static const int KeyStates = static_cast< int >( Qt::KeyboardModifierMask );
static qreal qskKeyStretch( Qt::Key key )
switch( key )
case Qt::Key_Backspace:
case Qt::Key_Shift:
case Qt::Key_CapsLock:
return 1.5;
case Qt::Key_Space:
return 3.5;
case Qt::Key_Return:
case Qt::Key_Mode_switch:
// Possibly smaller
return 1.0;
static qreal qskRowStretch( const QskVirtualKeyboard::KeyRow& keyRow )
qreal stretch = 0;
for( const auto& key : keyRow )
if( !key )
stretch += qskKeyStretch( key );
if( stretch == 0.0 )
stretch = QskVirtualKeyboard::KeyCount;
return stretch;
static bool qskIsAutorepeat( int key )
return ( key != Qt::Key_Return && key != Qt::Key_Enter
&& key != Qt::Key_Shift && key!= Qt::Key_CapsLock
&& key != Qt::Key_Mode_switch );
struct KeyCounter
int keyIndex;
int count;
QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskVirtualKeyboard, Panel )
QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskVirtualKeyboardButton, Panel )
QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskVirtualKeyboardButton, Text )
QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskVirtualKeyboardButton, TextCancelButton )
QskVirtualKeyboardButton::QskVirtualKeyboardButton( int keyIndex, QskVirtualKeyboard* inputPanel, QQuickItem* parent ) :
Inherited( parent ),
m_keyIndex( keyIndex ),
m_inputPanel( inputPanel )
QskTextOptions options;
options.setFontSizeMode( QskTextOptions::VerticalFit );
setTextOptions( options );
setFocusPolicy( Qt::TabFocus );
auto keyData = m_inputPanel->keyDataAt( m_keyIndex );
const auto key = keyData.key & ~KeyStates;
if ( qskIsAutorepeat( key ) )
setAutoRepeat( true );
setAutoRepeatDelay( 500 );
setAutoRepeatInterval( 1000 / QGuiApplication::styleHints()->keyboardAutoRepeatRate() );
connect( this, &QskVirtualKeyboardButton::pressed, this, [ this ]()
m_inputPanel->handleKey( m_keyIndex );
} );
connect( m_inputPanel, &QskVirtualKeyboard::modeChanged, this, &QskVirtualKeyboardButton::updateText );
QskAspect::Subcontrol QskVirtualKeyboardButton::effectiveSubcontrol( QskAspect::Subcontrol subControl ) const
if( subControl == QskPushButton::Panel )
return QskVirtualKeyboardButton::Panel;
if( subControl == QskPushButton::Text )
// ### we could also introduce a state to not always query the button
return isCancelButton() ? QskVirtualKeyboardButton::TextCancelButton : QskVirtualKeyboardButton::Text;
return subControl;
int QskVirtualKeyboardButton::keyIndex() const
return m_keyIndex;
void QskVirtualKeyboardButton::updateText()
QString text = m_inputPanel->currentTextForKeyIndex( m_keyIndex );
if( text.count() == 1 && text.at( 0 ) == QChar( 0 ) )
setVisible( false );
setVisible( true );
setText( text );
bool QskVirtualKeyboardButton::isCancelButton() const
auto keyData = m_inputPanel->keyDataAt( m_keyIndex );
bool isCancel = ( keyData.key == 0x2716 );
return isCancel;
class QskVirtualKeyboard::PrivateData
currentLayout( nullptr ),
mode( QskVirtualKeyboard::LowercaseMode ),
selectedGroup( -1 ),
candidateOffset( 0 ),
buttonsBox( nullptr ),
isUIInitialized( false )
const QskVirtualKeyboardLayouts::Layout* currentLayout;
QskVirtualKeyboard::Mode mode;
qint16 selectedGroup;
qint32 candidateOffset;
QLocale locale;
QVector< Qt::Key > groups;
QVector< Qt::Key > candidates;
std::unordered_map< int, KeyCounter > activeKeys;
KeyTable keyTable[ ModeCount ];
QskLinearBox* buttonsBox;
QList< QskVirtualKeyboardButton* > keyButtons;
bool isUIInitialized;
QskVirtualKeyboard::QskVirtualKeyboard( QQuickItem* parent ):
Inherited( parent ),
m_data( new PrivateData )
qRegisterMetaType< Qt::Key >();
setFlag( ItemHasContents );
setAcceptedMouseButtons( Qt::LeftButton );
initSizePolicy( QskSizePolicy::Expanding, QskSizePolicy::Expanding );
updateLocale( locale() );
QObject::connect( this, &QskControl::localeChanged,
this, &QskVirtualKeyboard::updateLocale );
setFlag( ItemIsFocusScope, true );
#if 0
setTabFence( true );
setAutoLayoutChildren( true );
auto& panelKeyData = keyData();
m_data->buttonsBox = new QskLinearBox( Qt::Vertical, this );
m_data->buttonsBox->setAutoAddChildren( true );
for( const auto& keyRow : panelKeyData )
QskLinearBox* rowBox = new QskLinearBox( Qt::Horizontal, m_data->buttonsBox );
rowBox->setAutoAddChildren( true );
for( const auto& keyData : keyRow )
if( !keyData.key )
int keyIndex = m_data->keyTable[ m_data->mode ].indexOf( &keyData );
QskVirtualKeyboardButton* button = new QskVirtualKeyboardButton( keyIndex, this, rowBox );
rowBox->setRetainSizeWhenHidden( button, true );
m_data->keyButtons.append( button );
connect( this, &QskVirtualKeyboard::modeChanged, this, [ this ]() {
QskAspect::Subcontrol QskVirtualKeyboard::effectiveSubcontrol( QskAspect::Subcontrol subControl ) const
if( subControl == QskBox::Panel )
return QskVirtualKeyboard::Panel;
return subControl;
QskVirtualKeyboard::Mode QskVirtualKeyboard::mode() const
return m_data->mode;
const QskVirtualKeyboard::KeyDataSet& QskVirtualKeyboard::keyData( Mode mode ) const
mode = mode == CurrentMode ? m_data->mode : mode;
Q_ASSERT( mode >= 0 && mode < ModeCount );
return m_data->keyTable[ mode ].data;
QString QskVirtualKeyboard::textForKey( int key ) const
key &= ~KeyStates;
// Special cases
switch( key )
case Qt::Key_Backspace:
case Qt::Key_Muhenkan:
return QChar( 0x232B );
case Qt::Key_CapsLock:
case Qt::Key_Kana_Lock:
return QChar( 0x21E7 );
case Qt::Key_Shift:
case Qt::Key_Kana_Shift:
return QChar( 0x2B06 );
case Qt::Key_Mode_switch:
return QChar( 0x2026 );
case Qt::Key_Return:
case Qt::Key_Kanji:
return QChar( 0x23CE );
case Qt::Key_Left:
return QChar( 0x2190 );
case Qt::Key_Right:
return QChar( 0x2192 );
case Qt::Key_ApplicationLeft:
return QChar( 0x2B05 );
case Qt::Key_ApplicationRight:
return QChar( 0x27A1 );
// TODO: possibly route through locale for custom strings
// Default to direct key mapping
return QChar( key );
QString QskVirtualKeyboard::displayLanguageName() const
const auto locale = this->locale();
switch( locale.language() )
case QLocale::Bulgarian:
return QStringLiteral( "български език" );
case QLocale::Czech:
return QStringLiteral( "Čeština" );
case QLocale::German:
return QStringLiteral( "Deutsch" );
case QLocale::Danish:
return QStringLiteral( "Dansk" );
case QLocale::Greek:
return QStringLiteral( "Eλληνικά" );
case QLocale::English:
switch( locale.country() )
case QLocale::Canada:
case QLocale::UnitedStates:
case QLocale::UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands:
case QLocale::UnitedStatesVirginIslands:
return QStringLiteral( "English (US)" );
return QStringLiteral( "English (UK)" );
case QLocale::Spanish:
return QStringLiteral( "Español" );
case QLocale::Finnish:
return QStringLiteral( "Suomi" );
case QLocale::French:
return QStringLiteral( "Français" );
case QLocale::Hungarian:
return QStringLiteral( "Magyar" );
case QLocale::Italian:
return QStringLiteral( "Italiano" );
case QLocale::Japanese:
return QStringLiteral( "日本語" );
case QLocale::Latvian:
return QStringLiteral( "Latviešu" );
case QLocale::Lithuanian:
return QStringLiteral( "Lietuvių" );
case QLocale::Dutch:
return QStringLiteral( "Nederlands" );
case QLocale::Portuguese:
return QStringLiteral( "Português" );
case QLocale::Romanian:
return QStringLiteral( "Română" );
case QLocale::Russia:
return QStringLiteral( "Русский" );
case QLocale::Slovenian:
return QStringLiteral( "Slovenščina" );
case QLocale::Slovak:
return QStringLiteral( "Slovenčina" );
case QLocale::Turkish:
return QStringLiteral( "Türkçe" );
case QLocale::Chinese:
return QStringLiteral( "中文" );
return QLocale::languageToString( locale.language() );
void QskVirtualKeyboard::setPreeditGroups( const QVector< Qt::Key >& groups )
auto& topRow = m_data->keyTable[ LowercaseMode ].data[ 0 ];
for( const auto& group : groups )
auto& keyData = topRow[ &group - groups.data() ];
keyData.key = group;
m_data->groups = groups;
selectGroup( -1 );
if( m_data->mode == LowercaseMode )
void QskVirtualKeyboard::setPreeditCandidates( const QVector< Qt::Key >& candidates )
if( m_data->candidates == candidates )
m_data->candidates = candidates;
setCandidateOffset( 0 );
void QskVirtualKeyboard::setCandidateOffset( int candidateOffset )
m_data->candidateOffset = candidateOffset;
auto& topRow = m_data->keyTable[ LowercaseMode ].data[ 0 ];
const auto groupCount = m_data->groups.length();
const auto candidateCount = m_data->candidates.length();
const auto count = std::min( candidateCount, KeyCount - groupCount );
const bool continueLeft = m_data->candidateOffset > 0;
const bool continueRight = ( candidateCount - m_data->candidateOffset ) > count;
for( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
auto& keyData = topRow[ i + groupCount ];
if( continueLeft && i == 0 )
keyData.key = Qt::Key_ApplicationLeft;
else if( continueRight && ( i == KeyCount - groupCount - 1 ) )
keyData.key = Qt::Key_ApplicationRight;
keyData.isSuggestionKey = true; // ### reset when switching layouts etc.!
keyData.key = m_data->candidates.at( i + m_data->candidateOffset );
for( int i = count; i < KeyCount - groupCount; ++i )
auto& keyData = topRow[ i + groupCount ];
keyData.key = Qt::Key_unknown;
if( m_data->mode == LowercaseMode )
void QskVirtualKeyboard::registerCompositionModelForLocale( const QLocale& locale,
QskInputCompositionModel* model )
Q_EMIT inputMethodRegistered( locale, model );
void QskVirtualKeyboard::geometryChanged(
const QRectF& newGeometry, const QRectF& oldGeometry )
Inherited::geometryChanged( newGeometry, oldGeometry );
Q_EMIT keyboardRectChanged();
void QskVirtualKeyboard::updateLayout()
if( geometry().isNull() )
return; // no need to calculate anything, will be called again
QRectF rect = layoutRect();
qreal verticalSpacing = m_data->buttonsBox->spacing();
const auto& children = m_data->buttonsBox->childItems();
for( auto rowItem : children )
auto rowBox = qobject_cast< QskLinearBox* >( rowItem );
const qreal horizontalSpacing = rowBox->spacing();
const auto& rowChildren = rowBox->childItems();
for( auto keyItem : rowChildren )
auto button = qobject_cast< QskVirtualKeyboardButton* >( keyItem );
QRectF keyRect = keyDataAt( button->keyIndex() ).rect;
qreal width = keyRect.width() * rect.width() - horizontalSpacing;
qreal height = keyRect.height() * rect.height() - verticalSpacing;
button->setFixedSize( width, height );
void QskVirtualKeyboard::updateUI()
for( QskVirtualKeyboardButton* button : qskAsConst( m_data->keyButtons ) )
QskVirtualKeyboard::KeyData& QskVirtualKeyboard::keyDataAt( int keyIndex ) const
const auto row = keyIndex / KeyCount;
const auto col = keyIndex % KeyCount;
return m_data->keyTable[ m_data->mode ].data[ row ][ col ];
void QskVirtualKeyboard::handleKey( int keyIndex )
KeyData keyData = keyDataAt( keyIndex );
const auto key = keyData.key & ~KeyStates;
// Preedit keys
const auto row = keyIndex / KeyCount;
const auto column = keyIndex % KeyCount;
if( m_data->mode == LowercaseMode && !m_data->groups.isEmpty() && row == 0 )
if( key == Qt::Key_ApplicationLeft
|| key == Qt::Key_ApplicationRight )
setCandidateOffset( m_data->candidateOffset
+ ( key == Qt::Key_ApplicationLeft ? -1 : 1 ) );
const auto groupCount = m_data->groups.length();
if( column < groupCount )
selectGroup( column );
else if( column < KeyCount )
selectCandidate( column - groupCount + m_data->candidateOffset );
Q_UNREACHABLE(); // Handle the final key...
// Mode-switching keys
switch( key )
case Qt::Key_CapsLock:
case Qt::Key_Kana_Lock:
setMode( UppercaseMode ); // Lock caps
case Qt::Key_Shift:
case Qt::Key_Kana_Shift:
setMode( LowercaseMode ); // Unlock caps
case Qt::Key_Mode_switch: // Cycle through modes, but skip caps
setMode( static_cast< QskVirtualKeyboard::Mode >(
m_data->mode ? ( ( m_data->mode + 1 ) % QskVirtualKeyboard::ModeCount )
: SpecialCharacterMode ) );
// This is (one of) the cancel symbol, not Qt::Key_Cancel:
case Qt::Key( 10006 ):
Q_EMIT cancelPressed();
if( keyData.isSuggestionKey )
selectCandidate( keyIndex );
compose( key );
QString QskVirtualKeyboard::currentTextForKeyIndex( int keyIndex ) const
auto keyData = keyDataAt( keyIndex );
QString text = textForKey( keyData.key );
return text;
void QskVirtualKeyboard::compose( int key )
static_cast< QInputMethod::Action >( Compose ), key );
void QskVirtualKeyboard::selectGroup( int index )
auto& topRow = m_data->keyTable[ m_data->mode ].data[ 0 ];
if( m_data->selectedGroup >= 0 )
auto group = static_cast< int >( m_data->selectedGroup );
topRow[ group ].key &= ~KeyLocked;
if( m_data->selectedGroup == index )
index = -1; // clear selection
m_data->selectedGroup = index;
static_cast< QInputMethod::Action >( SelectGroup ), m_data->selectedGroup + 1 );
if( m_data->selectedGroup < 0 )
topRow[ m_data->selectedGroup ].key |= KeyLocked;
void QskVirtualKeyboard::selectCandidate( int index )
static_cast< QInputMethod::Action >( SelectCandidate ), index );
void QskVirtualKeyboard::updateLocale( const QLocale& locale )
switch( locale.language() )
case QLocale::Bulgarian:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.bg;
case QLocale::Czech:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.cs;
case QLocale::German:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.de;
case QLocale::Danish:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.da;
case QLocale::Greek:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.el;
case QLocale::English:
switch( locale.country() )
case QLocale::Canada:
case QLocale::UnitedStates:
case QLocale::UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands:
case QLocale::UnitedStatesVirginIslands:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.en_US;
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.en_GB;
case QLocale::Spanish:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.es;
case QLocale::Finnish:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.fi;
case QLocale::French:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.fr;
case QLocale::Hungarian:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.hu;
case QLocale::Italian:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.it;
case QLocale::Japanese:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.ja;
case QLocale::Latvian:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.lv;
case QLocale::Lithuanian:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.lt;
case QLocale::Dutch:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.nl;
case QLocale::Portuguese:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.pt;
case QLocale::Romanian:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.ro;
case QLocale::Russia:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.ru;
case QLocale::Slovenian:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.sl;
case QLocale::Slovak:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.sk;
case QLocale::Turkish:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.tr;
case QLocale::Chinese:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.zh;
#if 1
case QLocale::C:
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.en_US;
qWarning() << "QskInputPanel: unsupported locale:" << locale;
m_data->currentLayout = &qskKeyboardLayouts.en_US;
Q_EMIT displayLanguageNameChanged();
setMode( LowercaseMode );
void QskVirtualKeyboard::updateKeyData()
// Key data is in normalized coordinates
const auto keyHeight = 1.0f / RowCount;
for( const auto& keyLayout : *m_data->currentLayout )
auto& keyDataLayout = m_data->keyTable[ &keyLayout - *m_data->currentLayout ];
qreal yPos = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < RowCount; i++ )
auto& row = keyLayout.data[i];
auto& keyDataRow = keyDataLayout.data[ i ];
const auto baseKeyWidth = 1.0 / qskRowStretch( row );
qreal xPos = 0;
qreal keyWidth = baseKeyWidth;
for( const auto& key : row )
auto& keyData = keyDataRow[ &key - row ];
keyData.key = key;
keyWidth = baseKeyWidth * qskKeyStretch( key );
keyData.rect = { xPos, yPos, keyWidth, keyHeight };
xPos += keyWidth;
yPos += keyHeight;
void QskVirtualKeyboard::setMode( QskVirtualKeyboard::Mode mode )
m_data->mode = mode;
Q_EMIT modeChanged( m_data->mode );
#include "moc_QskVirtualKeyboard.cpp"