2022-03-25 11:05:36 +01:00

1084 lines
28 KiB

#include "Solver.h"
#include "Constraint.h"
#include "Variable.h"
#include "Expression.h"
#include "Constraint.h"
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
template< typename T >
class FlatMap
using iterator = typename std::vector< T >::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator;
using Key = typename std::remove_reference< decltype( std::declval< T >().key() ) >::type;
iterator begin() { return m_entries.begin(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return m_entries.begin(); }
iterator end() { return m_entries.end(); }
const_iterator end() const { return m_entries.end(); }
iterator find( const Key& key )
auto it = lowerBound( key );
if ( ( it == m_entries.end() ) || key < it->key() )
return m_entries.end();
return it;
const_iterator find( const Key& key ) const
auto it = lowerBound( key );
if ( ( it == m_entries.end() ) || key < it->key() )
return m_entries.end();
return it;
T& operator[]( const Key& key )
auto it = lowerBound( key );
if ( ( it == m_entries.end() ) || key < it->key() )
it = m_entries.insert( it, T( key ) );
return *it;
void erase( iterator it )
m_entries.erase( it );
void erase( const Key& key )
auto it = find( key );
if ( it != m_entries.end() )
m_entries.erase( it );
void insert( iterator it, const T& entry )
m_entries.insert( it, entry );
void clear()
bool empty() const
return m_entries.empty();
inline typename std::vector< T >::iterator lowerBound( const Key& key ) const
auto cmp = []( const T& entry, const Key& key )
{ return entry.key() < key; };
auto& entries = const_cast< std::vector< T >& >( m_entries );
return std::lower_bound( entries.begin(), entries.end(), key, cmp );
std::vector< T > m_entries;
// qFuzzyIsNull ??
inline bool nearZero( double value )
const double eps = 1.0e-8;
return value < 0.0 ? -value < eps : value < eps;
class Symbol
enum Type
: m_id( 0 )
, m_type( Invalid )
uint32_t id() const { return m_id; }
Type type() const { return m_type; }
static Symbol external() { return Symbol( Type::External ); }
static Symbol slack() { return Symbol( Type::Slack ); }
static Symbol error() { return Symbol( Type::Error ); }
static Symbol dummy() { return Symbol( Type::Dummy ); }
Symbol( Type t )
: m_id( nextId() )
, m_type( t )
static inline uint32_t nextId()
static uint32_t id = 0;
return ++id;
friend bool operator<( const Symbol& lhs, const Symbol& rhs )
return lhs.m_id < rhs.m_id;
uint32_t m_id;
Type m_type;
class Cell
Cell( const Symbol& symbol, double coefficient = 0.0 )
: symbol( symbol )
, coefficient( coefficient )
inline const Symbol& key() const { return symbol; }
Symbol symbol;
double coefficient;
class Row
Row( double constant = 0.0 )
: m_constant( constant )
const FlatMap< Cell >& cells() const
return m_cells;
double constant() const
return m_constant;
double add( double value )
return m_constant += value;
void insert( const Symbol& symbol, double coefficient = 1.0 )
auto it = m_cells.lowerBound( symbol );
if ( ( it == m_cells.end() ) || symbol < it->symbol )
if ( !nearZero( coefficient ) )
m_cells.insert( it, Cell( symbol, coefficient ) );
if( nearZero( it->coefficient += coefficient ) )
m_cells.erase( it );
void insert( const Row& other, double coefficient )
m_constant += other.m_constant * coefficient;
for ( auto& cell : other.m_cells )
const double coeff = cell.coefficient * coefficient;
insert( cell.symbol, coeff );
void remove( const Symbol& symbol )
auto it = m_cells.find( symbol );
if( it != m_cells.end() )
m_cells.erase( it );
void reverseSign()
m_constant = -m_constant;
for ( auto& cell : m_cells )
cell.coefficient = -cell.coefficient;
void solveFor( const Symbol& symbol )
This method assumes the row is of the form a * x + b * y + c = 0
and (assuming solve for x) will modify the row to represent the
right hand side of x = -b/a * y - c / a. The target symbol will
be removed from the row, and the constant and other cells will
be multiplied by the negative inverse of the target coefficient.
The given symbol *must* exist in the row.
auto it = m_cells.find( symbol );
const double coeff = -1.0 / it->coefficient;
m_cells.erase( it );
m_constant *= coeff;
for ( auto& cell : m_cells )
cell.coefficient *= coeff;
void solveFor( const Symbol& lhs, const Symbol& rhs )
This method assumes the row is of the form x = b * y + c and will
solve the row such that y = x / b - c / b. The rhs symbol will be
removed from the row, the lhs added, and the result divided by the
negative inverse of the rhs coefficient.
The lhs symbol *must not* exist in the row, and the rhs symbol
must exist in the row.
insert( lhs, -1.0 );
solveFor( rhs );
double coefficientFor( const Symbol& symbol ) const
const auto it = m_cells.find( symbol );
return ( it == m_cells.end() ) ? 0.0 : it->coefficient;
void substitute( const Symbol& symbol, const Row& row )
Given a row of the form a * x + b and a substitution of the
form x = 3 * y + c the row will be updated to reflect the
expression 3 * a * y + a * c + b.
const auto it = m_cells.find( symbol );
if( it != m_cells.end() )
const double coefficient = it->coefficient;
m_cells.erase( it );
insert( row, coefficient );
bool isDummyRow() const
for ( const auto& cell : m_cells )
if( cell.symbol.type() != Symbol::Dummy )
return false;
return true;
FlatMap< Cell > m_cells;
double m_constant;
struct Tag
Symbol marker;
Symbol other;
struct EditInfo
EditInfo( const Variable& variable )
: variable( variable )
, constant( 0.0 )
inline const Variable& key() const { return variable; }
Variable variable;
Tag tag;
Constraint constraint;
double constant;
struct ConstraintInfo
ConstraintInfo( const Constraint& constraint )
: constraint( constraint )
inline const Constraint& key() const { return constraint; }
Constraint constraint;
Tag tag;
struct VariableInfo
VariableInfo( const Variable& variable )
: variable( variable )
inline const Variable& key() const { return variable; }
Variable variable;
Symbol symbol;
struct RowInfo
RowInfo( const Symbol& symbol )
: symbol( symbol )
, row( nullptr )
inline const Symbol& key() const { return symbol; }
Symbol symbol;
Row* row;
class SimplexSolver
void addConstraint( const Constraint& );
void removeConstraint( const Constraint& );
bool hasConstraint( const Constraint& ) const;
bool hasConstraints() const;
void addEditVariable( const Variable&, double strength );
void removeEditVariable( const Variable& );
bool hasEditVariable( const Variable& ) const;
void suggestValue( const Variable&, double );
void updateVariables();
void reset();
void clearRows();
Symbol getVarSymbol( const Variable& );
Row* createRow( const Constraint& constraint, Tag& );
Symbol chooseSubject( const Row&, const Tag& );
bool addWithArtificialVariable( const Row& );
void substitute( const Symbol&, const Row& );
bool optimize( const Row& );
void dualOptimize();
Symbol getEnteringSymbol( const Row& );
Symbol getDualEnteringSymbol( const Row& );
Symbol anyPivotableSymbol( const Row& );
FlatMap< RowInfo >::iterator getLeavingRow( const Symbol& );
FlatMap< RowInfo >::iterator getMarkerLeavingRow( const Symbol& );
void removeMarkerEffects( const Symbol&, double strength );
FlatMap< ConstraintInfo > m_constraints;
FlatMap< RowInfo > m_rows;
FlatMap< VariableInfo > m_variables;
FlatMap< EditInfo > m_editVariables;
std::vector< Symbol > m_infeasibleRows;
std::unique_ptr< Row > m_objective;
std::unique_ptr< Row > m_artificial;
: m_objective( new Row() )
bool SimplexSolver::hasConstraints() const
return !m_constraints.empty();
void SimplexSolver::addConstraint( const Constraint& constraint )
if( m_constraints.find( constraint ) != m_constraints.end() )
qWarning( "The constraint has already been added to the solver." );
// Creating a row causes symbols to be reserved for the variables
// in the constraint. If this method exits with an exception,
// then its possible those variables will linger in the var map.
// Since its likely that those variables will be used in other
// constraints and since exceptional conditions are uncommon,
// i'm not too worried about aggressive cleanup of the var map.
Tag tag;
std::unique_ptr< Row > rowptr( createRow( constraint, tag ) );
auto subject = chooseSubject( *rowptr, tag );
// If chooseSubject could not find a valid entering symbol, one
// last option is available if the entire row is composed of
// dummy variables. If the constant of the row is zero, then
// this represents redundant constraints and the new dummy
// marker can enter the basis. If the constant is non-zero,
// then it represents an unsatisfiable constraint.
if( subject.type() == Symbol::Invalid && rowptr->isDummyRow() )
if( !nearZero( rowptr->constant() ) )
qWarning( "The constraint can not be satisfied." );
subject = tag.marker;
// If an entering symbol still isn't found, then the row must
// be added using an artificial variable. If that fails, then
// the row represents an unsatisfiable constraint.
if( subject.type() == Symbol::Invalid )
if( !addWithArtificialVariable( *rowptr ) )
qWarning( "The constraint can not be satisfied." );
rowptr->solveFor( subject );
substitute( subject, *rowptr );
m_rows[ subject ].row = rowptr.release();
m_constraints[ constraint ].tag = tag;
// Optimizing after each constraint is added performs less
// aggregate work due to a smaller average system size. It
// also ensures the solver remains in a consistent state.
optimize( *m_objective );
void SimplexSolver::removeConstraint( const Constraint& constraint )
auto cn_it = m_constraints.find( constraint );
if( cn_it == m_constraints.end() )
const Tag tag = cn_it->tag;
m_constraints.erase( cn_it );
// Remove the error effects from the objective function
// *before* pivoting, or substitutions into the objective
// will lead to incorrect solver results.
if( tag.marker.type() == Symbol::Error )
removeMarkerEffects( tag.marker, constraint.strength() );
if( tag.other.type() == Symbol::Error )
removeMarkerEffects( tag.other, constraint.strength() );
// If the marker is basic, simply drop the row. Otherwise,
// pivot the marker into the basis and then drop the row.
auto row_it = m_rows.find( tag.marker );
if( row_it != m_rows.end() )
std::unique_ptr< Row > rowptr( row_it->row );
m_rows.erase( row_it );
row_it = getMarkerLeavingRow( tag.marker );
if( row_it == m_rows.end() )
qWarning( "failed to find leaving row" );
const auto leaving = row_it->symbol;
std::unique_ptr< Row > rowptr( row_it->row );
m_rows.erase( row_it );
rowptr->solveFor( leaving, tag.marker );
substitute( tag.marker, *rowptr );
// Optimizing after each constraint is removed ensures that the
// solver remains consistent. It makes the solver api easier to
// use at a small tradeoff for speed.
optimize( *m_objective );
bool SimplexSolver::hasConstraint( const Constraint& constraint ) const
return m_constraints.find( constraint ) != m_constraints.end();
void SimplexSolver::addEditVariable( const Variable& variable, double strength )
if( m_editVariables.find( variable ) != m_editVariables.end() )
strength = Strength::clip( strength );
if( strength == Strength::required )
qWarning( "A required strength cannot be used in this context." );
Constraint cn( Expression( variable ), OP_EQ, strength );
addConstraint( cn );
EditInfo info( variable );
info.tag = m_constraints[ cn ].tag;
info.constraint = cn;
m_editVariables[ variable ] = info;
void SimplexSolver::removeEditVariable( const Variable& variable )
auto it = m_editVariables.find( variable );
if( it == m_editVariables.end() )
removeConstraint( it->constraint );
m_editVariables.erase( it );
bool SimplexSolver::hasEditVariable( const Variable& variable ) const
return m_editVariables.find( variable ) != m_editVariables.end();
void SimplexSolver::suggestValue( const Variable& variable, double value )
auto it = m_editVariables.find( variable );
if( it == m_editVariables.end() )
qWarning( "The edit variable has not been added to the solver." );
auto& editInfo = *it;
const double delta = value - editInfo.constant;
editInfo.constant = value;
Check first if the positive error variable is basic.
Check next if the negative error variable is basic.
Otherwise update each row where the error variables exist.
auto row_it = m_rows.find( editInfo.tag.marker );
if( row_it != m_rows.end() )
if( row_it->row->add( -delta ) < 0.0 )
m_infeasibleRows.push_back( row_it->symbol );
row_it = m_rows.find( editInfo.tag.other );
if( row_it != m_rows.end() )
if( row_it->row->add( delta ) < 0.0 )
m_infeasibleRows.push_back( row_it->symbol );
for ( const auto& row : m_rows )
const double coeff = row.row->coefficientFor( editInfo.tag.marker );
if( coeff != 0.0 && row.row->add( delta * coeff ) < 0.0 &&
row.symbol.type() != Symbol::External )
m_infeasibleRows.push_back( row.symbol );
void SimplexSolver::updateVariables()
for ( auto& info : m_variables )
const auto it = m_rows.find( info.symbol );
if( it == m_rows.end() )
info.variable.setValue( 0.0 );
info.variable.setValue( it->row->constant() );
void SimplexSolver::reset()
m_objective.reset( new Row() );
// nextId !
void SimplexSolver::clearRows()
for ( auto& row : m_rows )
delete row.row;
Symbol SimplexSolver::getVarSymbol( const Variable& variable )
auto it = m_variables.find( variable );
if( it != m_variables.end() )
return it->symbol;
return m_variables[ variable ].symbol = Symbol::external();
Row* SimplexSolver::createRow( const Constraint& constraint, Tag& tag )
const auto& expr = constraint.expression();
auto row = new Row( expr.constant() );
// Substitute the current basic variables into the row.
for ( auto& term : expr.terms() )
if( !nearZero( term.coefficient() ) )
const auto symbol = getVarSymbol( term.variable() );
const auto it = m_rows.find( symbol );
if( it != m_rows.end() )
row->insert( *it->row, term.coefficient() );
row->insert( symbol, term.coefficient() );
// Add the necessary slack, error, and dummy variables.
switch( constraint.oper() )
case OP_LE:
case OP_GE:
double coeff = constraint.oper() == OP_LE ? 1.0 : -1.0;
auto slack = Symbol::slack();
tag.marker = slack;
row->insert( slack, coeff );
if( constraint.strength() < Strength::required )
const auto error = Symbol::error();
tag.other = error;
row->insert( error, -coeff );
m_objective->insert( error, constraint.strength() );
case OP_EQ:
if( constraint.strength() < Strength::required )
const auto errplus = Symbol::error();
const auto errminus = Symbol::error();
tag.marker = errplus;
tag.other = errminus;
row->insert( errplus, -1.0 ); // v = eplus - eminus
row->insert( errminus, 1.0 ); // v - eplus + eminus = 0
m_objective->insert( errplus, constraint.strength() );
m_objective->insert( errminus, constraint.strength() );
const auto dummy = Symbol::dummy();
tag.marker = dummy;
row->insert( dummy );
// Ensure the row as a positive constant.
if( row->constant() < 0.0 )
return row;
Symbol SimplexSolver::chooseSubject( const Row& row, const Tag& tag )
for ( const auto& cell : row.cells() )
if( cell.symbol.type() == Symbol::External )
return cell.symbol;
if( tag.marker.type() == Symbol::Slack || tag.marker.type() == Symbol::Error )
if( row.coefficientFor( tag.marker ) < 0.0 )
return tag.marker;
if( tag.other.type() == Symbol::Slack || tag.other.type() == Symbol::Error )
if( row.coefficientFor( tag.other ) < 0.0 )
return tag.other;
return Symbol();
bool SimplexSolver::addWithArtificialVariable( const Row& row )
// Create and add the artificial variable to the tableau
auto art = Symbol::slack();
m_rows[ art ].row = new Row( row );
m_artificial.reset( new Row( row ) );
// Optimize the artificial objective. This is successful
// only if the artificial objective is optimized to zero.
bool success = optimize( *m_artificial );
if ( !success )
return false;
success = nearZero( m_artificial->constant() );
// If the artificial variable is not basic, pivot the row so that
// it becomes basic. If the row is constant, exit early.
auto it = m_rows.find( art );
if( it != m_rows.end() )
std::unique_ptr< Row > rowptr( it->row );
m_rows.erase( it );
if( rowptr->cells().empty() )
return success;
const auto entering = anyPivotableSymbol( *rowptr );
if( entering.type() == Symbol::Invalid )
return false; // unsatisfiable (will this ever happen?)
rowptr->solveFor( art, entering );
substitute( entering, *rowptr );
m_rows[ entering ].row = rowptr.release();
// Remove the artificial variable from the tableau.
for ( auto& rowInfo : m_rows )
rowInfo.row->remove( art );
m_objective->remove( art );
return success;
void SimplexSolver::substitute( const Symbol& symbol, const Row& row )
for ( auto& r : m_rows )
r.row->substitute( symbol, row );
if( r.symbol.type() != Symbol::External && r.row->constant() < 0.0 )
m_infeasibleRows.push_back( r.symbol );
m_objective->substitute( symbol, row );
if( m_artificial.get() )
m_artificial->substitute( symbol, row );
bool SimplexSolver::optimize( const Row& objective )
while( true )
const auto entering = getEnteringSymbol( objective );
if( entering.type() == Symbol::Invalid )
return true;
const auto it = getLeavingRow( entering );
if( it == m_rows.end() )
qWarning( "The objective is unbounded." );
return false;
// pivot the entering symbol into the basis
const auto leaving = it->symbol;
auto row = it->row;
m_rows.erase( it );
row->solveFor( leaving, entering );
substitute( entering, *row );
m_rows[ entering ].row = row;
void SimplexSolver::dualOptimize()
while( !m_infeasibleRows.empty() )
auto leaving = m_infeasibleRows.back();
auto it = m_rows.find( leaving );
if( it != m_rows.end() && !nearZero( it->row->constant() ) &&
it->row->constant() < 0.0 )
auto entering = getDualEnteringSymbol( *it->row );
if( entering.type() == Symbol::Invalid )
qWarning( "Dual optimize failed." );
// Pivot the entering symbol into the basis
auto row = it->row;
m_rows.erase( it );
row->solveFor( leaving, entering );
substitute( entering, *row );
m_rows[ entering ].row = row;
Symbol SimplexSolver::getEnteringSymbol( const Row& objective )
for ( const auto& cell : objective.cells() )
if( cell.symbol.type() != Symbol::Dummy && cell.coefficient < 0.0 )
return cell.symbol;
return Symbol();
Symbol SimplexSolver::getDualEnteringSymbol( const Row& row )
Symbol entering;
double ratio = std::numeric_limits< double >::max();
for ( const auto& cell : row.cells() )
if( cell.coefficient > 0.0 && cell.symbol.type() != Symbol::Dummy )
const double coeff = m_objective->coefficientFor( cell.symbol );
const double r = coeff / cell.coefficient;
if( r < ratio )
ratio = r;
entering = cell.symbol;
return entering;
Symbol SimplexSolver::anyPivotableSymbol( const Row& row )
for ( const auto& cell : row.cells() )
const auto& symbol = cell.symbol;
if( symbol.type() == Symbol::Slack || symbol.type() == Symbol::Error )
return symbol;
return Symbol();
FlatMap< RowInfo >::iterator SimplexSolver::getLeavingRow( const Symbol& entering )
double ratio = std::numeric_limits< double >::max();
auto found = m_rows.end();
for( auto it = m_rows.begin(); it != m_rows.end(); ++it )
if( it->symbol.type() != Symbol::External )
const double coeff = it->row->coefficientFor( entering );
if( coeff < 0.0 )
const double temp_ratio = -it->row->constant() / coeff;
if( temp_ratio < ratio )
ratio = temp_ratio;
found = it;
return found;
FlatMap< RowInfo >::iterator SimplexSolver::getMarkerLeavingRow( const Symbol& marker )
const double dmax = std::numeric_limits< double >::max();
double r1 = dmax;
double r2 = dmax;
auto end = m_rows.end();
auto first = end;
auto second = end;
auto third = end;
for( auto it = m_rows.begin(); it != m_rows.end(); ++it )
double coeff = it->row->coefficientFor( marker );
if( coeff == 0.0 )
if( it->symbol.type() == Symbol::External )
third = it;
else if( coeff < 0.0 )
const double r = -it->row->constant() / coeff;
if( r < r1 )
r1 = r;
first = it;
double r = it->row->constant() / coeff;
if( r < r2 )
r2 = r;
second = it;
if( first != end )
return first;
if( second != end )
return second;
return third;
void SimplexSolver::removeMarkerEffects( const Symbol& marker, double strength )
auto row_it = m_rows.find( marker );
if( row_it != m_rows.end() )
m_objective->insert( *row_it->row, -strength );
m_objective->insert( marker, -strength );
: m_solver( new SimplexSolver() )
bool Solver::hasConstraints() const
return m_solver->hasConstraints();
void Solver::addConstraint( const Constraint& constraint )
m_solver->addConstraint( constraint );
void Solver::removeConstraint( const Constraint& constraint )
m_solver->removeConstraint( constraint );
bool Solver::hasConstraint( const Constraint& constraint ) const
return m_solver->hasConstraint( constraint );
void Solver::addEditVariable( const Variable& variable, double strength )
m_solver->addEditVariable( variable, strength );
void Solver::removeEditVariable( const Variable& variable )
m_solver->removeEditVariable( variable );
bool Solver::hasEditVariable( const Variable& variable ) const
return m_solver->hasEditVariable( variable );
void Solver::suggestValue( const Variable& variable, double value )
m_solver->suggestValue( variable, value );
void Solver::updateVariables()
void Solver::reset()