67 lines
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67 lines
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* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#ifndef QSK_QUICK_H
#define QSK_QUICK_H 1
#include "QskGlobal.h"
#include <qnamespace.h>
#include <qquickitem.h>
class QQuickItem;
class QSGNode;
class QRectF;
template< typename T > class QList;
Exporting methods from QQuickItemPrivate, that should be part
of QQuickItem.
QSK_EXPORT bool qskIsItemComplete( const QQuickItem* );
QSK_EXPORT bool qskIsAncestorOf( const QQuickItem* item, const QQuickItem* child );
QSK_EXPORT bool qskIsTransparentForPositioner( const QQuickItem* );
QSK_EXPORT bool qskIsTabFence( const QQuickItem* );
QSK_EXPORT bool qskIsShortcutScope( const QQuickItem* );
QSK_EXPORT bool qskIsVisibleTo( const QQuickItem* item, const QQuickItem* ancestor );
QSK_EXPORT bool qskIsVisibleToParent( const QQuickItem* );
QSK_EXPORT QRectF qskItemRect( const QQuickItem* );
QSK_EXPORT QRectF qskItemGeometry( const QQuickItem* );
QSK_EXPORT void qskSetItemGeometry( QQuickItem*, const QRectF& );
QSK_EXPORT QQuickItem* qskNearestFocusScope( const QQuickItem* );
QSK_EXPORT void qskForceActiveFocus( QQuickItem*, Qt::FocusReason );
QSK_EXPORT QList< QQuickItem* > qskPaintOrderChildItems( const QQuickItem* );
QSK_EXPORT void qskUpdateInputMethod( const QQuickItem*, Qt::InputMethodQueries );
QSK_EXPORT void qskInputMethodSetVisible( const QQuickItem*, bool );
QSK_EXPORT const QSGNode* qskItemNode( const QQuickItem* );
QSK_EXPORT const QSGNode* qskPaintNode( const QQuickItem* );
template< typename T >
inline T qskFindAncestorOf( QQuickItem* item )
for ( auto it = item; it != nullptr; it = it->parentItem() )
if ( auto ancestor = qobject_cast< T >( it ) )
return ancestor;
return nullptr;
template< typename T >
inline T qskFindAncestorOf( const QQuickItem* item )
return qskFindAncestorOf< std::remove_const< T > >(
const_cast< QQuickItem * >( item ) );