311 lines
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311 lines
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* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#include "QskPushButton.h"
#include "QskAnimationHint.h"
#include "QskAspect.h"
#include "QskBoxShapeMetrics.h"
#include "QskGraphic.h"
#include "QskGraphicProvider.h"
#include "QskSetup.h"
#include "QskSkin.h"
#include "QskSkinlet.h"
#include "QskTextOptions.h"
#include <qfontmetrics.h>
QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskPushButton, Panel )
QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskPushButton, Ripple )
QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskPushButton, Text )
QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskPushButton, Graphic )
class QskPushButton::PrivateData
PrivateData( const QString& txt )
: text( txt )
, isCheckable( false )
, isGraphicSourceDirty( false )
void ensureGraphic( const QskPushButton* button )
if ( isGraphicSourceDirty )
if ( !graphicSource.isEmpty() )
graphic = button->loadGraphic( graphicSource );
isGraphicSourceDirty = false;
QString text;
QUrl graphicSource;
QskGraphic graphic;
bool isCheckable : 1;
bool isGraphicSourceDirty : 1;
QskPushButton::QskPushButton( QQuickItem* parent )
: QskPushButton( QString(), parent )
QskPushButton::QskPushButton( const QString& text, QQuickItem* parent )
: Inherited( parent )
, m_data( new PrivateData( text ) )
initSizePolicy( QskSizePolicy::Minimum, QskSizePolicy::Fixed );
void QskPushButton::setCheckable( bool on )
if ( on != m_data->isCheckable )
m_data->isCheckable = on;
Q_EMIT checkableChanged( on );
bool QskPushButton::isCheckable() const
return m_data->isCheckable;
void QskPushButton::setShape( const QskBoxShapeMetrics& shape )
if ( setBoxShapeHint( Panel, shape ) )
Q_EMIT shapeChanged();
void QskPushButton::resetShape()
if ( resetBoxShapeHint( Panel ) )
Q_EMIT shapeChanged();
QskBoxShapeMetrics QskPushButton::shape() const
return boxShapeHint( Panel );
void QskPushButton::setText( const QString& text )
if ( text != m_data->text )
m_data->text = text;
Q_EMIT textChanged();
QString QskPushButton::text() const
return m_data->text;
void QskPushButton::setTextOptions( const QskTextOptions& textOptions )
if ( setTextOptionsHint( Text, textOptions ) )
Q_EMIT textOptionsChanged();
QskTextOptions QskPushButton::textOptions() const
return textOptionsHint( Text );
void QskPushButton::resetTextOptions()
if ( resetTextOptionsHint( Text ) )
Q_EMIT textOptionsChanged();
QFont QskPushButton::font() const
return effectiveFont( Text );
void QskPushButton::resetGraphicStrutSize()
if ( resetStrutSizeHint( Graphic ) )
Q_EMIT graphicStrutSizeChanged();
void QskPushButton::setGraphicStrutSize( const QSizeF& size )
auto newSize = size;
if ( newSize.width() < 0.0 )
newSize.setWidth( -1.0 );
if ( newSize.height() < 0.0 )
newSize.setHeight( -1.0 );
if ( setStrutSizeHint( Graphic, newSize ) )
Q_EMIT graphicStrutSizeChanged();
QSizeF QskPushButton::graphicStrutSize() const
return strutSizeHint( Graphic );
void QskPushButton::setGraphicSource( const QUrl& url )
if ( m_data->graphicSource == url )
m_data->graphicSource = url;
m_data->isGraphicSourceDirty = true;
Q_EMIT graphicSourceChanged();
void QskPushButton::setGraphicSource( const QString& source )
setGraphicSource( QUrl( source ) );
QUrl QskPushButton::graphicSource() const
return m_data->graphicSource;
void QskPushButton::setGraphic( const QskGraphic& graphic )
if ( graphic != m_data->graphic )
m_data->graphic = graphic;
if ( !m_data->graphicSource.isEmpty() )
m_data->graphicSource = QString();
m_data->isGraphicSourceDirty = false;
Q_EMIT graphicSourceChanged();
Q_EMIT graphicChanged();
QskGraphic QskPushButton::graphic() const
m_data->ensureGraphic( this );
return m_data->graphic;
bool QskPushButton::hasGraphic() const
return !( graphic().isEmpty() && graphicSource().isEmpty() );
void QskPushButton::updateResources()
m_data->ensureGraphic( this );
QskAspect::Placement QskPushButton::effectivePlacement() const
if ( hasGraphic() && !text().isEmpty() )
// for the moment we only support the direction. TODO ...
auto aspect = Panel | QskAspect::Direction;
aspect.setPlacement( QskAspect::Vertical ); // to avoid recursions TODO ...
const auto dir = flagHint( aspect, Qsk::LeftToRight );
switch( dir )
case Qsk::LeftToRight:
case Qsk::RightToLeft:
return QskAspect::Horizontal;
case Qsk::TopToBottom:
case Qsk::BottomToTop:
return QskAspect::Vertical;
return Inherited::effectivePlacement();
QRectF QskPushButton::layoutRectForSize( const QSizeF& size ) const
return subControlContentsRect( size, Panel );
void QskPushButton::changeEvent( QEvent* event )
switch ( event->type() )
case QEvent::StyleChange:
if ( !m_data->graphicSource.isEmpty() &&
qskSetup->skin()->hasGraphicProvider() )
// we might need to reload from a different skin
m_data->isGraphicSourceDirty = true;
case QEvent::LocaleChange:
if ( !m_data->text.isEmpty() )
// maybe QLocale::textDirection() has changed
Inherited::changeEvent( event );
void QskPushButton::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
Inherited::mousePressEvent( event );
using A = QskAspect;
const auto hint = animationHint( Ripple | A::Color );
if( hint.isValid() )
setSkinHint( Ripple | A::Metric | A::Position, event->pos() );
startTransition( Ripple | A::Metric | A::Size, hint, 0.0, 1.0 );
QskGraphic QskPushButton::loadGraphic( const QUrl& url ) const
return Qsk::loadGraphic( url );
#include "moc_QskPushButton.cpp"