
355 lines
9.9 KiB

* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#include "QskStandardSymbol.h"
#include "QskGraphic.h"
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpainterpath.h>
static void qskOkGraphic( QPainter* painter )
QPainterPath path;
path.moveTo( 14, 43 );
path.cubicTo( 13.5, 43, 12.25, 42.5, 11.75, 41.5 );
path.lineTo( 0, 20.5 );
path.cubicTo( 0, 19, 0, 17.25, 1.5, 16.5 );
path.cubicTo( 3, 15.75, 4.75, 16.25, 5.5, 17.75 );
path.lineTo( 14.75, 34 );
path.cubicTo( 17.25, 28.25, 20, 23.25, 22.75, 18.5 );
path.cubicTo( 26.75, 12.25, 31.25, 6.5, 38.25, 0.75 );
path.cubicTo( 39.5, 0, 41.25, 0, 42.25, 1 );
path.cubicTo( 43.25, 2.25, 43.25, 4, 42, 5.25 );
path.cubicTo( 35.50, 10.75, 31.5, 15.75, 27.75, 21.5 );
path.cubicTo( 24.25, 27.25, 21.25, 33.75, 16.75, 41.5 );
path.cubicTo( 16.25, 42.5, 15.25, 43, 14.25, 43 );
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
painter->setBrush( QColor( 76, 175, 80 ) );
painter->drawPath( path );
static void qskCancelGraphic( QPainter* painter )
QPainterPath path;
path.moveTo( 5, 0 );
path.lineTo( 20, 15 );
path.lineTo( 35, 0 );
path.lineTo( 40, 5 );
path.lineTo( 25, 20 );
path.lineTo( 40, 35 );
path.lineTo( 35, 40 );
path.lineTo( 20, 25 );
path.lineTo( 5, 40 );
path.lineTo( 0, 35 );
path.lineTo( 15, 20 );
path.lineTo( 0, 5 );
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
painter->setBrush( QColor( Qt::red ) );
painter->drawPath( path );
static void qskCriticalGraphic( QPainter* painter )
QPainterPath path;
path.addEllipse( 0, 5, 40, 40 );
path.addRect( 5, 22, 30, 5 );
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
// painter->setBrush( QColor( Qt::black ) );
painter->setBrush( QColor( Qt::red ) );
painter->drawPath( path );
static void qskWarningGraphic( QPainter* painter )
const QRectF outerRect( 0, 2, 40, 36 );
const double off = 0.2 * qMin( outerRect.width(), outerRect.height() );
const double offBottom = 0.5 * ( outerRect.width() / outerRect.height() ) * off;
const QRectF innerRect = outerRect.adjusted( off, off, -off, -offBottom );
QPainterPath path;
path.moveTo( outerRect.center().x(), outerRect.top() );
path.lineTo( outerRect.right(), outerRect.bottom() );
path.lineTo( outerRect.left(), outerRect.bottom() );
path.moveTo( innerRect.left(), innerRect.bottom() );
path.lineTo( innerRect.right(), innerRect.bottom() );
path.lineTo( innerRect.center().x(), innerRect.top() );
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
painter->setBrush( QColor( Qt::red ) );
painter->drawPath( path );
const double d = 0.25 * off;
const QRectF r1(
innerRect.center().x() - d,
innerRect.top() + 0.25 * innerRect.height(),
2 * d,
0.5 * innerRect.height() );
painter->fillRect( r1, Qt::black );
const QRectF r2(
r1.bottom() + 0.05 * innerRect.height(),
r1.width() );
painter->fillRect( r2, Qt::black );
static void qskQuestionGraphic( QPainter* painter )
const double w = 40;
const double h = 50;
QPainterPath path;
path.addRect( 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0 );
path.moveTo( 0.55, 0.63 );
path.lineTo( 0.325, 0.63 );
path.cubicTo( 0.325, 0.578, 0.33, 0.554, 0.3425, 0.532 );
path.cubicTo( 0.3575, 0.51, 0.385, 0.484, 0.43, 0.452 );
path.cubicTo( 0.495, 0.406, 0.5125, 0.388, 0.5225, 0.374 );
path.cubicTo( 0.5325, 0.358, 0.54, 0.342, 0.54, 0.328 );
path.cubicTo( 0.54, 0.304, 0.53, 0.286, 0.51, 0.272 );
path.cubicTo( 0.49, 0.258, 0.46, 0.252, 0.425, 0.252 );
path.cubicTo( 0.3925, 0.252, 0.355, 0.258, 0.315, 0.27 );
path.cubicTo( 0.275, 0.28, 0.235, 0.298, 0.1925, 0.32 );
path.lineTo( 0.195, 0.162 );
path.cubicTo( 0.245, 0.148, 0.29, 0.138, 0.3325, 0.132 );
path.cubicTo( 0.3725, 0.124, 0.4125, 0.122, 0.4525, 0.122 );
path.cubicTo( 0.5525, 0.122, 0.63, 0.138, 0.685, 0.172 );
path.cubicTo( 0.7375, 0.204, 0.765, 0.252, 0.765, 0.316 );
path.cubicTo( 0.7625, 0.348, 0.755, 0.378, 0.74, 0.404 );
path.cubicTo( 0.725, 0.43, 0.695, 0.458, 0.6575, 0.488 );
path.cubicTo( 0.5875, 0.536, 0.57, 0.552, 0.5625, 0.566 );
path.cubicTo( 0.55, 0.578, 0.55, 0.592, 0.55, 0.63 );
path.addRect( 0.325, 0.66, 0.55 - 0.325, ( 0.55 - 0.325 ) * w / h );
painter->scale( w, h );
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
painter->setBrush( QColor( Qt::black ) );
painter->drawPath( path );
static void qskInformationGraphic( QPainter* painter )
const double w = 40;
const double h = 50;
const QRectF dotRect( 0.3 * w, 0.15 * h, 0.4 * w, 0.2 * h );
const QRectF barRect( 0.3 * w, 0.4 * h, 0.4 * w, 0.5 * h );
QPainterPath path;
path.addRect( 0, 0, w, h );
path.addEllipse( dotRect );
const double dx = 0.33 * barRect.width();
const double dy = 0.25 * dotRect.height();
path.moveTo( barRect.left(), barRect.top() );
barRect.left() + dx, barRect.top() + dy,
barRect.left() + 2 * dx, barRect.top() + dy,
barRect.right(), barRect.top() );
path.lineTo( barRect.right(), barRect.bottom() );
path.lineTo( barRect.left(), barRect.bottom() );
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
painter->setBrush( QColor( Qt::black ) );
painter->drawPath( path );
static void qskCheckMarkGraphic( QPainter* painter )
QPainterPath path;
path.moveTo( 0.0, 0.5 );
path.lineTo( 0.33, 1.0 );
path.lineTo( 1.0, 0.0 );
painter->setPen( QPen( Qt::black, 0.2 ) );
painter->drawPath( path );
static void qskCrossMarkGraphic( QPainter* painter )
painter->setPen( QPen( Qt::black, 0.2 ) );
painter->drawLine( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
painter->drawLine( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
static void qskBulletGraphic( QPainter* painter )
painter->setPen( QPen( Qt::black, 1.0 ) );
painter->drawEllipse( QRectF( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) );
static void qskTriangleGraphic( QPainter* painter,
qreal width, qreal height, int type )
const QRectF rect( 0.0, 0.0, width, height );
QPainterPath path;
QPolygonF triangle;
switch( type )
case QskStandardSymbol::TriangleUp:
triangle += rect.bottomLeft();
triangle += QPointF( rect.center().x(), rect.top() );
triangle += rect.bottomRight();
case QskStandardSymbol::TriangleDown:
triangle += rect.topLeft();
triangle += QPointF( rect.center().x(), rect.bottom() );
triangle += rect.topRight();
case QskStandardSymbol::TriangleRight:
triangle += rect.bottomLeft();
triangle += QPointF( rect.right(), rect.center().y() );
triangle += rect.topLeft();
case QskStandardSymbol::TriangleLeft:
triangle += rect.bottomRight();
triangle += QPointF( rect.left(), rect.center().y() );
triangle += rect.topRight();
path.addPolygon( triangle );
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
painter->setBrush( QColor( Qt::black ) );
painter->drawPath( path );
QskGraphic QskStandardSymbol::graphic( Type symbolType )
static QskGraphic graphics[ SymbolTypeCount ];
if ( symbolType < 0 || symbolType >= SymbolTypeCount )
return QskGraphic();
if ( graphics[ symbolType ].isNull() )
QPainter painter( &graphics[ symbolType ] );
painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );
switch ( symbolType )
case QskStandardSymbol::Ok:
qskOkGraphic( &painter );
case QskStandardSymbol::Cancel:
qskCancelGraphic( &painter );
case QskStandardSymbol::Warning:
qskWarningGraphic( &painter );
case QskStandardSymbol::Critical:
qskCriticalGraphic( &painter );
case QskStandardSymbol::Question:
qskQuestionGraphic( &painter );
case QskStandardSymbol::Information:
qskInformationGraphic( &painter );
case QskStandardSymbol::CheckMark:
qskCheckMarkGraphic( &painter );
case QskStandardSymbol::CrossMark:
qskCrossMarkGraphic( &painter );
case QskStandardSymbol::SegmentedBarCheckMark:
qskCheckMarkGraphic( &painter );
case QskStandardSymbol::TriangleUp:
case QskStandardSymbol::TriangleDown:
qskTriangleGraphic( &painter, 2.0, 1.0, symbolType );
case QskStandardSymbol::TriangleLeft:
case QskStandardSymbol::TriangleRight:
qskTriangleGraphic( &painter, 1.0, 2.0, symbolType );
case QskStandardSymbol::Bullet:
qskBulletGraphic( &painter );
case QskStandardSymbol::NoSymbol:
case QskStandardSymbol::SymbolTypeCount:
return graphics[ symbolType ];
#include "moc_QskStandardSymbol.cpp"