/****************************************************************************** * QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann * This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #include "QskListViewSkinlet.h" #include "QskListView.h" #include "QskColorFilter.h" #include "QskGraphic.h" #include "QskSGNode.h" #include #include #include #include class QskListViewNode final : public QSGTransformNode { public: inline QskListViewNode( int columnCount ) : m_columnCount( columnCount ) , m_rowMin( -1 ) , m_rowMax( -1 ) { m_backgroundNode.setFlag( QSGNode::OwnedByParent, false ); appendChildNode( &m_backgroundNode ); m_foregroundNode.setFlag( QSGNode::OwnedByParent, false ); appendChildNode( &m_foregroundNode ); } QSGNode* backgroundNode() { return &m_backgroundNode; } QSGNode* foregroundNode() { return &m_foregroundNode; } inline void resetRows( int rowMin, int rowMax ) { m_rowMin = rowMin; m_rowMax = rowMax; } inline int rowMin() const { return m_rowMin; } inline int rowMax() const { return m_rowMax; } inline bool intersects( int rowMin, int rowMax ) const { return ( rowMin <= m_rowMax ) && ( rowMax >= m_rowMin ); } inline int nodeCount() const { return ( m_rowMin >= 0 ) ? ( m_rowMax - m_rowMin + 1 ) * m_columnCount : 0; } inline int columnCount() const { return m_columnCount; } inline void invalidate() { m_rowMin = m_rowMax = -1; } private: int m_columnCount; int m_rowMin; int m_rowMax; QSGNode m_backgroundNode; QSGNode m_foregroundNode; }; QskListViewSkinlet::QskListViewSkinlet( QskSkin* skin ) : Inherited( skin ) { } QskListViewSkinlet::~QskListViewSkinlet() = default; QSGNode* QskListViewSkinlet::updateContentsNode( const QskScrollView* scrollView, QSGNode* node ) const { const auto* listView = static_cast< const QskListView* >( scrollView ); auto* listViewNode = static_cast< QskListViewNode* >( node ); if ( listViewNode == nullptr ) listViewNode = new QskListViewNode( listView->columnCount() ); QTransform transform; transform.translate( -listView->scrollPos().x(), -listView->scrollPos().y() ); listViewNode->setMatrix( transform ); updateBackgroundNodes( listView, listViewNode ); updateForegroundNodes( listView, listViewNode ); return listViewNode; } void QskListViewSkinlet::updateBackgroundNodes( const QskListView* listView, QskListViewNode* listViewNode ) const { QSGNode* backgroundNode = listViewNode->backgroundNode(); const qreal cellHeight = listView->rowHeight(); const QRectF viewRect = listView->viewContentsRect(); const QPointF scrolledPos = listView->scrollPos(); const int rowMin = qFloor( scrolledPos.y() / cellHeight ); int rowMax = qCeil( ( scrolledPos.y() + viewRect.height() ) / cellHeight ); if ( rowMax >= listView->rowCount() ) rowMax = listView->rowCount() - 1; const int rowSelected = listView->selectedRow(); const double x0 = viewRect.left() + scrolledPos.x(); const double y0 = viewRect.top(); auto* rowNode = static_cast< QSGSimpleRectNode* >( backgroundNode->firstChild() ); if ( listView->alternatingRowColors() ) { #if 1 /* Cell might be better for regular cells, while ( Cell | AlternateColor ) could be used for the alternate color TODO ... */ #endif const auto color = listView->color( QskListView::Cell ); for ( int row = rowMin; row <= rowMax; row++ ) { if ( row % 2 ) { if ( rowNode == nullptr ) { rowNode = new QSGSimpleRectNode(); backgroundNode->appendChildNode( rowNode ); } rowNode->setRect( x0, y0 + row * cellHeight, viewRect.width(), cellHeight ); rowNode->setColor( color ); rowNode = static_cast< QSGSimpleRectNode* >( rowNode->nextSibling() ); } } } if ( rowSelected >= rowMin && rowSelected <= rowMax ) { const QColor color = listView->color( QskListView::CellSelected ); if ( rowNode == nullptr ) { rowNode = new QSGSimpleRectNode(); backgroundNode->appendChildNode( rowNode ); } rowNode->setRect( x0, y0 + rowSelected * cellHeight, viewRect.width(), cellHeight ); rowNode->setColor( color ); rowNode = static_cast< QSGSimpleRectNode* >( rowNode->nextSibling() ); } QSGNode* nextNode = rowNode; while ( nextNode != nullptr ) { QSGNode* tmpNode = nextNode; nextNode = nextNode->nextSibling(); delete tmpNode; } } void QskListViewSkinlet::updateForegroundNodes( const QskListView* listView, QskListViewNode* listViewNode ) const { auto parentNode = listViewNode->foregroundNode(); if ( listView->rowCount() <= 0 || listView->columnCount() <= 0 ) { parentNode->removeAllChildNodes(); listViewNode->invalidate(); return; } const auto margins = listView->paddingHint( QskListView::Cell ); const auto cr = listView->viewContentsRect(); const auto scrolledPos = listView->scrollPos(); const int rowMin = qFloor( scrolledPos.y() / listView->rowHeight() ); int rowMax = rowMin + qCeil( cr.height() / listView->rowHeight() ); if ( rowMax >= listView->rowCount() ) rowMax = listView->rowCount() - 1; #if 1 // should be optimized for visible columns only const int colMin = 0; const int colMax = listView->columnCount() - 1; #endif bool forwards = true; if ( listViewNode->intersects( rowMin, rowMax ) ) { /* We try to avoid reallcations when scrolling, by reusing the nodes of the cells leaving the viewport for those becoming visible. */ forwards = ( rowMin >= listViewNode->rowMin() ); if ( forwards ) { // usually scrolling down for ( int row = listViewNode->rowMin(); row < rowMin; row++ ) { for ( int col = 0; col < listView->columnCount(); col++ ) { QSGNode* childNode = parentNode->firstChild(); parentNode->removeChildNode( childNode ); parentNode->appendChildNode( childNode ); } } } else { // usually scrolling up for ( int row = rowMax; row < listViewNode->rowMax(); row++ ) { for ( int col = 0; col < listView->columnCount(); col++ ) { QSGNode* childNode = parentNode->lastChild(); parentNode->removeChildNode( childNode ); parentNode->prependChildNode( childNode ); } } } } updateVisibleForegroundNodes( listView, listViewNode, rowMin, rowMax, colMin, colMax, margins, forwards ); // finally putting the nodes into their position auto node = parentNode->firstChild(); const qreal rowHeight = listView->rowHeight(); qreal y = cr.top() + rowMin * rowHeight; for ( int row = rowMin; row <= rowMax; row++ ) { qreal x = cr.left(); for ( int col = colMin; col <= colMax; col++ ) { Q_ASSERT( node->type() == QSGNode::TransformNodeType ); auto transformNode = static_cast< QSGTransformNode* >( node ); QTransform transform; transform.translate( x + margins.left(), y + margins.top() ); transformNode->setMatrix( transform ); node = node->nextSibling(); x += listView->columnWidth( col ); } y += rowHeight; } listViewNode->resetRows( rowMin, rowMax ); } void QskListViewSkinlet::updateVisibleForegroundNodes( const QskListView* listView, QskListViewNode* listViewNode, int rowMin, int rowMax, int colMin, int colMax, const QMarginsF& margins, bool forward ) const { auto parentNode = listViewNode->foregroundNode(); const int rowCount = rowMax - rowMin + 1; const int colCount = colMax - colMin + 1; const int obsoleteNodesCount = listViewNode->nodeCount() - rowCount * colCount; if ( forward ) { for ( int i = 0; i < obsoleteNodesCount; i++ ) delete parentNode->lastChild(); auto node = parentNode->firstChild(); for ( int row = rowMin; row <= rowMax; row++ ) { const qreal h = listView->rowHeight() - ( margins.top() + margins.bottom() ); for ( int col = 0; col < listView->columnCount(); col++ ) { const qreal w = listView->columnWidth( col ) - ( margins.left() + margins.right() ); node = updateForegroundNode( listView, parentNode, static_cast< QSGTransformNode* >( node ), row, col, QSizeF( w, h ), forward ); node = node->nextSibling(); } } } else { for ( int i = 0; i < obsoleteNodesCount; i++ ) delete parentNode->firstChild(); auto* node = parentNode->lastChild(); for ( int row = rowMax; row >= rowMin; row-- ) { const qreal h = listView->rowHeight() - ( margins.top() + margins.bottom() ); for ( int col = listView->columnCount() - 1; col >= 0; col-- ) { const qreal w = listView->columnWidth( col ) - ( margins.left() + margins.right() ); node = updateForegroundNode( listView, parentNode, static_cast< QSGTransformNode* >( node ), row, col, QSizeF( w, h ), forward ); node = node->previousSibling(); } } } } QSGTransformNode* QskListViewSkinlet::updateForegroundNode( const QskListView* listView, QSGNode* parentNode, QSGTransformNode* cellNode, int row, int col, const QSizeF& size, bool forward ) const { const QRectF cellRect( 0.0, 0.0, size.width(), size.height() ); /* Text nodes already have a transform root node - to avoid inserting extra transform nodes, the code below becomes a bit more complicated. */ QSGTransformNode* newCellNode = nullptr; if ( cellNode && ( cellNode->type() == QSGNode::TransformNodeType ) ) { QSGNode* oldNode = cellNode; auto newNode = updateCellNode( listView, oldNode, cellRect, row, col ); if ( newNode ) { if ( newNode->type() == QSGNode::TransformNodeType ) { newCellNode = static_cast< QSGTransformNode* >( newNode ); } else { newCellNode = new QSGTransformNode(); newCellNode->appendChildNode( newNode ); } } } else { QSGNode* oldNode = cellNode ? cellNode->firstChild() : nullptr; auto newNode = updateCellNode( listView, oldNode, cellRect, row, col ); if ( newNode ) { if ( newNode->type() == QSGNode::TransformNodeType ) { newCellNode = static_cast< QSGTransformNode* >( newNode ); } else { if ( cellNode == nullptr ) { newCellNode = new QSGTransformNode(); newCellNode->appendChildNode( newNode ); } else { if ( newNode != oldNode ) { delete cellNode->firstChild(); cellNode->appendChildNode( newNode ); newCellNode = cellNode; } } } } } if ( newCellNode == nullptr ) newCellNode = new QSGTransformNode(); if ( cellNode != newCellNode ) { if ( cellNode ) { parentNode->insertChildNodeAfter( newCellNode, cellNode ); delete cellNode; } else { if ( forward ) parentNode->appendChildNode( newCellNode ); else parentNode->prependChildNode( newCellNode ); } } return newCellNode; } QSGNode* QskListViewSkinlet::updateCellNode( const QskListView* listView, QSGNode* contentNode, const QRectF& rect, int row, int col ) const { using namespace QskSGNode; QSGNode* newNode = nullptr; #if 1 /* Alignments, text options etc are user definable attributes and need to be adjustable - at least individually for each column - from the public API of QskListView TODO ... */ #endif const auto alignment = listView->alignmentHint( QskListView::Cell, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft ); const QVariant value = listView->valueAt( row, col ); if ( value.canConvert< QskGraphic >() ) { if ( nodeRole( contentNode ) == GraphicRole ) newNode = contentNode; const auto colorFilter = listView->graphicFilterAt( row, col ); newNode = updateGraphicNode( listView, newNode, value.value< QskGraphic >(), colorFilter, rect, alignment ); if ( newNode ) setNodeRole( newNode, GraphicRole ); } else if ( value.canConvert< QString >() ) { if ( nodeRole( contentNode ) == TextRole ) newNode = contentNode; auto subControl = listView->textSubControlAt( row, col ); newNode = updateTextNode( listView, newNode, rect, alignment, value.toString(), listView->textOptions(), subControl ); if ( newNode ) setNodeRole( newNode, TextRole ); } else { qWarning() << "QskListViewSkinlet: got unsupported QVariant type" << value.typeName(); } return newNode; } #include "moc_QskListViewSkinlet.cpp"