#include "SkinnyShortcut.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { class SkinTransition : public QskSkinTransition { protected: virtual void updateSkin( QskSkin*, QskSkin* ) override final { // nop } }; } SkinnyShortcut::SkinnyShortcut( QObject* parent ): QObject( parent ) { } void SkinnyShortcut::enable( Types types ) { using namespace std; static SkinnyShortcut s_shortcut; if ( types & RotateSkin ) { QskShortcut::addShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_S ), &s_shortcut, SLOT(rotateSkin()) ); cout << "CTRL-S to change the skin." << endl; } if ( types & DebugBackground ) { QskShortcut::addShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_B ), &s_shortcut, SLOT(showBackground()) ); cout << "CTRL-B to enable visual debugging modes." << endl; } if ( types & DebugStatistics ) { QskShortcut::addShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_K ), &s_shortcut, SLOT(debugStatistics()) ); cout << "CTRL-K to dump statistics about the items/nodes being currently used." << endl; } if ( types & Quit ) { // QKeySequence::Quit crashes the application // when not being implemented by the platform !! QskShortcut::addShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q ), QGuiApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()) ); cout << "CTRL-Q to terminate the application." << endl; } } void SkinnyShortcut::rotateSkin() { const QStringList names = Qsk::skinNames(); if ( names.size() <= 1 ) return; int index = names.indexOf( qskSetup->skinName() ); index = ( index + 1 ) % names.size(); QskSkin* oldSkin = qskSetup->skin(); if ( oldSkin->parent() == qskSetup ) oldSkin->setParent( nullptr ); // otherwise setSkin deletes it QskSkin* newSkin = qskSetup->setSkin( names[ index ] ); SkinTransition transition; //transition.setMask( QskAspect::Color ); // Metrics are flickering -> TODO transition.setSourceSkin( oldSkin ); transition.setTargetSkin( newSkin ); transition.setAnimation( 500 ); transition.process(); if ( oldSkin->parent() == nullptr ) delete oldSkin; } void SkinnyShortcut::showBackground() { #if 0 const QVector< QByteArray > sgDebugModes = { "clip", "overdraw", "changes", "batches" }; #else const QVector< QByteArray > sgDebugModes = { "overdraw" }; #endif static int id = 0; id = ( id + 1 ) % ( sgDebugModes.count() + 2 ); bool forceBackground = false; QByteArray scengraphDebugMode; if ( id == 0 ) { // nothing } else if ( id == 1 ) { forceBackground = true; } else { scengraphDebugMode = sgDebugModes[ id - 2 ]; } qskSetup->setControlFlag( QskSetup::DebugForceBackground, forceBackground ); for ( auto window : QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows() ) { if ( QskWindow* w = qobject_cast< QskWindow* >( window ) ) { if ( w->customRenderMode() != scengraphDebugMode ) { w->setCustomRenderMode( scengraphDebugMode ); w->update(); } } } } static inline void countNodes( const QSGNode* node, int& counter ) { if ( node ) { counter++; for ( auto child = node->firstChild(); child != nullptr; child = child->nextSibling() ) { countNodes( child, counter ); } } } static void countNodes( const QQuickItem* item, int& counter ) { const auto itemNode = QskControl::itemNode( item ); if ( itemNode ) { auto node = QskControl::paintNode( item ); if ( node ) { countNodes( node, counter ); while ( node != itemNode ) { counter++; node = node->parent(); } } else { counter++; // clipNode/opacityNode ??? } } } static void countItems( const QQuickItem* item, int counter[4] ) { if ( item ) { counter[0]++; int nodeCounter = 0; countNodes( item, nodeCounter ); counter[2] += nodeCounter; if ( item->isVisible() ) { counter[1]++; counter[3] += nodeCounter; } for ( const auto* child : item->childItems() ) countItems( child, counter ); } } void SkinnyShortcut::debugStatistics() { for ( auto window : QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows() ) { const auto w = qobject_cast< const QQuickWindow* >( window ); if ( w == nullptr ) continue; int counter[4] = {}; countItems( w->contentItem(), counter ); std::cout << w << "\n\titems:" << counter[0] << "visible" << counter[1] << "\n\tnodes:" << counter[2] << "visible" << counter[3] << std::endl; } } #include "moc_SkinnyShortcut.cpp"