# Generating the website ## Prerequisites You will need: 1. A recent version of doxygen; The currently used version is 1.9.8. The `doxygen` binary needs to be in the $PATH. 1. The `m4` command, which can be installed with `sudo apt install m4`. 1. A recent version of Jekyll (see https://jekyllrb.com/), which will generate the static html pages. The currently used jekyll version is 4.2.2. Also a recent version of bundler is required; this can be installed with: ``` gem install jekyll:4.2.2 gem install bundler:2.1.4 ``` 1. Checkout the repo to generate the website via `git clone git@github.com:peter-ha/qskinny-website.git` 1. Checkout the live website repository via `git clone git@github.com:qskinny/qskinny.github.io.git` ## Generating the website ### Generating the API documentation with doxygen ``` cd ~/dev/qskinny/doc export PATH=.:$PATH doxygen ``` This will generate the documentation into the `api` folder. ### Testing and building the website locally First copy the generated files from above to the website repo: ``` cp -r api ~/dev/qskinny-website/docs/ ``` Then test the website locally: ``` cd ~/dev/qskinny-website bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload ``` Then direct your browser to ``. If all looks good, generate the static HTML website: ``` bundle exec jekyll build ``` ### Publishing the website Just copy over the generated HTML files to the public website repo and push a new version of the homepage: ``` cp -r _site/* ~/dev/qskinny.github.io/ cd ~/dev/qskinny.github.io/ git commit -a -m "new version" # you might want to add new files gith push ``` That's it, the new website is now published at https://qskinny.github.io/ .