/****************************************************************************** * QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann * This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #include "QskSkinHintTable.h" QVariant QskSkinHintTable::invalidHint; inline const QVariant* qskResolvedHint( QskAspect aspect, const std::unordered_map< QskAspect, QVariant >& hints, QskAspect* resolvedAspect ) { const auto a = aspect; Q_FOREVER { auto it = hints.find( aspect ); if ( it != hints.cend() ) { if ( resolvedAspect ) *resolvedAspect = aspect; return &it->second; } if ( const auto topState = aspect.topState() ) { aspect.clearState( topState ); continue; } if ( aspect.placement() ) { // clear the placement bits and restart aspect = a; aspect.setPlacement( QskAspect::NoPlacement ); continue; } return nullptr; } } QskSkinHintTable::QskSkinHintTable() : m_hints( nullptr ) , m_animatorCount( 0 ) , m_hasStates( false ) { } QskSkinHintTable::QskSkinHintTable( const QskSkinHintTable& other ) : m_hints( nullptr ) , m_animatorCount( other.m_animatorCount ) , m_hasStates( other.m_hasStates ) { if ( other.m_hints ) m_hints = new HintMap( *( other.m_hints ) ); } QskSkinHintTable::~QskSkinHintTable() { delete m_hints; } QskSkinHintTable& QskSkinHintTable::operator=( const QskSkinHintTable& other ) { m_animatorCount = other.m_animatorCount; m_hasStates = other.m_hasStates; if ( other.m_hints ) { if ( m_hints == nullptr ) m_hints = new HintMap(); *m_hints = *other.m_hints; } else { delete m_hints; m_hints = nullptr; } return *this; } const std::unordered_map< QskAspect, QVariant >& QskSkinHintTable::hints() const { if ( m_hints ) return *m_hints; static std::unordered_map< QskAspect, QVariant > dummyHints; return dummyHints; } void QskSkinHintTable::setHint( QskAspect aspect, const QVariant& skinHint ) { if ( m_hints == nullptr ) m_hints = new HintMap(); auto it = m_hints->find( aspect ); if ( it == m_hints->end() ) { m_hints->emplace( aspect, skinHint ); if ( aspect.isAnimator() ) m_animatorCount++; } else if ( it->second != skinHint ) { it->second = skinHint; } if ( aspect.state() ) m_hasStates = true; } bool QskSkinHintTable::removeHint( QskAspect aspect ) { if ( m_hints == nullptr ) return false; const bool erased = m_hints->erase( aspect ); if ( erased ) { if ( aspect.isAnimator() ) m_animatorCount--; if ( m_hints->empty() ) { delete m_hints; m_hints = nullptr; } } return erased; } QVariant QskSkinHintTable::takeHint( QskAspect aspect ) { if ( m_hints ) { auto it = m_hints->find( aspect ); if ( it != m_hints->end() ) { const auto value = it->second; m_hints->erase( it ); if ( aspect.isAnimator() ) m_animatorCount--; if ( m_hints->empty() ) { delete m_hints; m_hints = nullptr; } return value; } } return QVariant(); } void QskSkinHintTable::clear() { delete m_hints; m_hints = nullptr; m_animatorCount = 0; } const QVariant* QskSkinHintTable::resolvedHint( QskAspect aspect, QskAspect* resolvedAspect ) const { if ( m_hints != nullptr ) return qskResolvedHint( aspect, *m_hints, resolvedAspect ); return nullptr; } QskAspect QskSkinHintTable::resolvedAspect( QskAspect aspect ) const { QskAspect a; if ( m_hints != nullptr ) qskResolvedHint( aspect, *m_hints, &a ); return a; } QskAspect QskSkinHintTable::resolvedAnimator( QskAspect aspect, QskAnimationHint& hint ) const { if ( m_hints && m_animatorCount > 0 ) { Q_FOREVER { auto it = m_hints->find( aspect ); if ( it != m_hints->cend() ) { hint = it->second.value< QskAnimationHint >(); return aspect; } if ( const auto topState = aspect.topState() ) aspect.clearState( topState ); else break; } } return QskAspect(); }