/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2021 Edelhirsch Software GmbH * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause *****************************************************************************/ #include "LightDisplay.h" #include "Skin.h" #include #include #include QSK_SUBCONTROL( LightDisplay, Panel ) QSK_SUBCONTROL( LightDisplay, Groove ) QSK_SUBCONTROL( LightDisplay, ColdAndWarmArc ) QSK_SUBCONTROL( LightDisplay, Tickmarks ) QSK_SUBCONTROL( LightDisplay, ValueText ) QSK_SUBCONTROL( LightDisplay, LeftLabel ) QSK_SUBCONTROL( LightDisplay, RightLabel ) QSK_SUBCONTROL( LightDisplay, Handle ) QSK_STATE( LightDisplay, Pressed, ( QskAspect::FirstUserState << 1 ) ) namespace { bool angleInRange( const QskArcMetrics& metrics, qreal angle ) { return angle >= metrics.startAngle() && angle <= metrics.endAngle(); } qreal angleDiff( qreal angle1, qreal angle2 ) { // Qt wraps around at 180 degrees qreal diff = qAbs( angle1 ) - qAbs( angle2 ); return qAbs( diff ); } } LightDisplay::LightDisplay( QQuickItem* parent ) : QskBoundedValueInput( parent ) { setAlignmentHint( LeftLabel, Qt::AlignRight ); setAlignmentHint( ValueText, Qt::AlignRight ); setBoundaries( 0, 100 ); } bool LightDisplay::isPressed() const { return hasSkinState( Pressed ); } void LightDisplay::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { const auto handleRect = subControlRect( LightDisplay::Handle ); if ( handleRect.contains( event->pos() ) ) { setSkinStateFlag( Pressed ); return; } Inherited::mousePressEvent( event ); } void LightDisplay::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { if ( !isPressed() ) return; const auto mousePos = qskMousePosition( event ); const auto rect = subControlRect( ColdAndWarmArc ); if( !arcContainsPoint( rect, mousePos ) ) { setSkinStateFlag( Pressed, false ); return; } const auto metrics = arcMetricsHint( ColdAndWarmArc ); const int tolerance = 20; auto angle = angleFromPoint( rect, mousePos ); if( !angleInRange( metrics, angle ) ) { // we're slightly outside the range, but don't want to give up // the Pressed state if( angleDiff( angle, metrics.startAngle() ) < tolerance ) { angle = metrics.startAngle(); } else if( angleDiff( angle, metrics.endAngle() ) < tolerance ) { angle = metrics.endAngle(); } } const auto ratio = ( metrics.spanAngle() - angle ) / metrics.spanAngle(); setValueAsRatio( ratio ); } void LightDisplay::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* /*event*/ ) { setSkinStateFlag( Pressed, false ); } qreal LightDisplay::angleFromPoint( const QRectF& rect, const QPointF& point ) const { const QPointF circlePos( point.x() - rect.center().x(), rect.center().y() - point.y() ); const qreal angle = qAtan2( circlePos.y(), circlePos.x() ); return qRadiansToDegrees( angle ); } bool LightDisplay::arcContainsPoint( const QRectF& rect, const QPointF& point ) const { // putting this in an own function just because it might be useful // at other places in the future const auto metrics = arcMetricsHint( ColdAndWarmArc ); const int tolerance = 20; // 1. check angle QPointF circlePos( point.x() - rect.center().x(), rect.center().y() - point.y() ); const qreal angle = angleFromPoint( rect, point ); const bool angleWithinRange = angleInRange( metrics, angle ) || angleDiff( angle, metrics.startAngle() ) <= tolerance || angleDiff( angle, metrics.endAngle() ) <= tolerance; // 2. check whether point is on arc const qreal radiusMax = rect.width() / 2; const qreal arcWidth = metrics.thickness(); const qreal radiusMin = radiusMax - arcWidth; const qreal polarRadius = qSqrt( qPow( circlePos.x(), 2 ) + qPow( circlePos.y(), 2 ) ); const bool pointOnArc = ( polarRadius + tolerance ) > radiusMin && ( polarRadius - tolerance ) < radiusMax; return angleWithinRange && pointOnArc; } #include "moc_LightDisplay.cpp"