- Layouts There are no spacing/stretch getters for spacer items The initial spacings/margins have to be from the theme ( see QskLayoutEngineStyleInfo ) Code review 21-23.11 -------------------- Add auto-add-children property to QskTabBar Making QskGradient into QGradient (i.e. exposing QGradient to QML) Replace QSK_DLL with QSK_STATIC (or possibly remove it if not needed) Add QML module for QskModule, find a way to not link directly to QtQML Move relevant properties from QskAbstractButton to QskPushButton (checkable, isChecked) Hide classes inherited from QskAnimation Focus indicator: missing focus hints Move QskImage to an example Polish QskLineEdit & remove line edit example QskIndexedLayout: equal width for all horizontal elements Create skins as plugins; add squiek plugin as static plugin; use Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN for the examples (including Material) Create playground directory for less-polished test examples Finish slider API by introducing remaining pieces from QSlider ( inverted, inverted controls etc ) Add a cross-fade feature to QskWindow which freezes the frame and fades it out over an interval qvg compiler only is built and run on the host QskWindow: Add convenience methods for controlling resizing and preventing window visibility until first frame is rendered QskListBox: make the text geometry calculation numerically stable ( see result with a million items ) Add additional connection overloads to QskShortcut (see QTimer for inspiration) Add a "Tab" QML type which is simply a QML wrapper for QskTabButton to form a QQC1-compatible API Other stuff -------------------- QskGridBox needs to have a mode for static grids ( reserving space for potential gaps ) something like QskControl::setClipRect could be implemented on the scene graph level to make certain animations like in dcugui possible without introducing an extra item State specific animators ( animators being related to the target state, what is not exactly the perfect solution what would be related to transitions ( Moore vs. Mealy )