/****************************************************************************** * QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause *****************************************************************************/ #include "QskLinearBox.h" #include "label/LabelPage.h" #include "progressbar/ProgressBarPage.h" #include "inputs/InputPage.h" #include "button/ButtonPage.h" #include "selector/SelectorPage.h" #include "dialog/DialogPage.h" #include "listbox/ListBoxPage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { class GraphicProvider : public QskGraphicProvider { protected: const QskGraphic* loadGraphic( const QString& id ) const override { const QString path = QStringLiteral( ":gallery/icons/qvg/" ) + id + QStringLiteral( ".qvg" ); const auto graphic = QskGraphicIO::read( path ); return graphic.isNull() ? nullptr : new QskGraphic( graphic ); } }; class Drawer : public QskDrawer { public: Drawer( QQuickItem* parent = nullptr ) : QskDrawer( parent ) { auto box = new QskLinearBox( Qt::Vertical, this ); box->setSection( QskAspect::Header ); box->setPanel( true ); box->setPaddingHint( QskBox::Panel, 20 ); new QskPushButton( "One", box ); new QskPushButton( "Two", box ); new QskPushButton( "Three", box ); box->addStretch( 1 ); auto btn = new QskPushButton( "Close", box ); connect( btn, &QskPushButton::clicked, this, &QskDrawer::close ); } }; class TabView : public QskTabView { public: TabView( QQuickItem* parent = nullptr ) : QskTabView( parent ) { setAutoFitTabs( true ); } void setPagesEnabled( bool on ) { for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ ) pageAt( i )->setEnabled( on ); } void addPage( const QString& tabText, QQuickItem* page ) { auto scrollArea = new QskScrollArea(); scrollArea->setMargins( 5 ); #if 1 /* We need a mode, where the focus policy gets adjusted when a scroll bar becomes visible. TODO ... */ scrollArea->setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus ); #endif // hiding the viewport scrollArea->setGradientHint( QskScrollView::Viewport, QskGradient() ); scrollArea->setBoxShapeHint( QskScrollView::Viewport, 0 ); scrollArea->setBoxBorderMetricsHint( QskScrollView::Viewport, 0 ); scrollArea->setItemResizable( true ); scrollArea->setScrolledItem( page ); addTab( tabText, scrollArea ); } }; class MenuButton : public QskPushButton { public: MenuButton( const QString& text, QQuickItem* parent = nullptr ) : QskPushButton( text, parent ) { connect( this, &QskPushButton::pressed, this, &MenuButton::openMenu ); } private: void openMenu() { auto menu = new QskMenu( window()->contentItem() ); populateMenu( menu ); menu->setOrigin( geometry().bottomLeft() ); menu->open(); } virtual void populateMenu( QskMenu* ) = 0; }; class SkinButton final : public MenuButton { public: SkinButton( const QString& text, QQuickItem* parent = nullptr ) : MenuButton( text, parent ) { } private: void populateMenu( QskMenu* menu ) override { const auto names = qskSkinManager->skinNames(); for ( const auto& name : names ) menu->addOption( QUrl(), name ); if ( const auto index = names.indexOf( qskSetup->skinName() ) ) menu->setCurrentIndex( index ); connect( menu, &QskMenu::triggered, this, &SkinButton::changeSkin ); } void changeSkin( int index ) { const auto names = qskSkinManager->skinNames(); if ( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < names.size() ) && ( index != names.indexOf( qskSetup->skinName() ) ) ) { Skinny::setSkin( index, 500 ); } } }; class FileButton final : public MenuButton { public: FileButton( const QString& text, QQuickItem* parent = nullptr ) : MenuButton( text, parent ) { } private: void populateMenu( QskMenu* menu ) override { menu->addOption( "image://shapes/Rectangle/White", "Print" ); menu->addOption( "image://shapes/Diamond/Yellow", "Save As" ); menu->addOption( "image://shapes/Ellipse/Red", "Setup" ); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addOption( "image://shapes/Hexagon/PapayaWhip", "Quit" ); // see https://github.com/uwerat/qskinny/issues/192 connect( menu, &QskMenu::triggered, []( int index ) { if ( index == 4 ) qApp->quit(); } ); } }; class Header : public QskLinearBox { Q_OBJECT public: Header( QQuickItem* parent = nullptr ) : QskLinearBox( Qt::Horizontal, parent ) { setPaddingHint( QskBox::Panel, 5 ); initSizePolicy( QskSizePolicy::Ignored, QskSizePolicy::Fixed ); setPanel( true ); new FileButton( "File", this ); new SkinButton( "Skin", this ); addStretch( 10 ); { new QskTextLabel( "Enabled", this ); auto button = new QskSwitchButton( this ); button->setChecked( true ); connect( button, &QskSwitchButton::toggled, this, &Header::enabledToggled ); } { auto burger = new QskPushButton( "≡", this ); burger->setEmphasis( QskPushButton::LowEmphasis ); connect( burger, &QskPushButton::clicked, this, &Header::drawerRequested ); } } Q_SIGNALS: void enabledToggled( bool ); void drawerRequested(); }; class MainView : public QskMainView { public: MainView( QQuickItem* parent = nullptr ) : QskMainView( parent ) { auto header = new Header( this ); auto tabView = new TabView( this ); tabView->addPage( "Buttons", new ButtonPage() ); tabView->addPage( "Labels", new LabelPage() ); tabView->addPage( "Inputs", new InputPage() ); tabView->addPage( "Progress\nBars", new ProgressBarPage() ); tabView->addPage( "Selectors", new SelectorPage() ); tabView->addPage( "Dialogs", new DialogPage() ); tabView->addPage( "ListBox", new ListBoxPage() ); connect( header, &Header::enabledToggled, tabView, &TabView::setPagesEnabled ); auto drawer = new Drawer( this ); drawer->setEdge( Qt::RightEdge ); connect( header, &Header::drawerRequested, drawer, &QskPopup::open ); setHeader( header ); setBody( tabView ); } }; } int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { #ifdef ITEM_STATISTICS QskObjectCounter counter( true ); #endif Qsk::addGraphicProvider( QString(), new GraphicProvider() ); Qsk::addGraphicProvider( "shapes", new SkinnyShapeProvider() ); if ( true ) // environment variable, TODO ... { // dialogs in faked windows -> QskSubWindow QskDialog::instance()->setPolicy( QskDialog::EmbeddedBox ); } QGuiApplication app( argc, argv ); SkinnyShortcut::enable( SkinnyShortcut::AllShortcuts ); auto mainView = new MainView(); QskWindow window; window.addItem( mainView ); window.addItem( new QskFocusIndicator() ); window.resize( 800, 600 ); window.show(); return app.exec(); } #include "main.moc"