/****************************************************************************** * QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann * This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #include "QskGraphicLabel.h" #include "QskAspect.h" #include "QskColorFilter.h" #include "QskGraphic.h" #include "QskGraphicProvider.h" #include "QskSetup.h" #include "QskSkin.h" QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskGraphicLabel, Panel ) QSK_SUBCONTROL( QskGraphicLabel, Graphic ) class QskGraphicLabel::PrivateData { public: PrivateData( const QUrl& sourceUrl ) : source( sourceUrl ) , sourceSize( -1, -1 ) , fillMode( QskGraphicLabel::PreserveAspectFit ) , mirror( false ) , isSourceDirty( !sourceUrl.isEmpty() ) , hasPanel( false ) { } QUrl source; QSize sourceSize; QskGraphic graphic; uint fillMode : 2; bool mirror : 1; bool isSourceDirty : 1; bool hasPanel : 1; }; QskGraphicLabel::QskGraphicLabel( const QUrl& source, QQuickItem* parent ) : Inherited( parent ) , m_data( new PrivateData( source ) ) { initSizePolicy( QskSizePolicy::Expanding, QskSizePolicy::Expanding ); if ( !m_data->source.isEmpty() ) polish(); } QskGraphicLabel::QskGraphicLabel( QQuickItem* parent ) : QskGraphicLabel( QUrl(), parent ) { } QskGraphicLabel::QskGraphicLabel( const QString& source, QQuickItem* parent ) : QskGraphicLabel( QUrl( source ), parent ) { } QskGraphicLabel::QskGraphicLabel( const QskGraphic& graphic, QQuickItem* parent ) : QskGraphicLabel( parent ) { m_data->graphic = graphic; } QskGraphicLabel::~QskGraphicLabel() { } void QskGraphicLabel::setPanel( bool on ) { if ( on == m_data->hasPanel ) return; m_data->hasPanel = on; resetImplicitSize(); update(); Q_EMIT panelChanged( on ); } bool QskGraphicLabel::hasPanel() const { return m_data->hasPanel; } bool QskGraphicLabel::isEmpty() const { return m_data->graphic.isNull() && m_data->source.isEmpty(); } QUrl QskGraphicLabel::source() const { return m_data->source; } void QskGraphicLabel::setSource( const QString& source ) { setSource( QUrl( source ) ); } void QskGraphicLabel::setSource( const QUrl& url ) { if ( url == m_data->source ) return; m_data->graphic.reset(); m_data->isSourceDirty = true; m_data->source = url; resetImplicitSize(); polish(); update(); Q_EMIT sourceChanged(); } QskGraphic QskGraphicLabel::graphic() const { return m_data->graphic; } void QskGraphicLabel::setGraphic( const QskGraphic& graphic ) { if ( m_data->graphic != graphic ) { const bool keepImplicitSize = m_data->sourceSize.isValid() || ( m_data->graphic.defaultSize() == graphic.defaultSize() ); m_data->graphic = graphic; if ( !keepImplicitSize ) resetImplicitSize(); update(); } // in case we have a sequence setting a source and a graphic later m_data->isSourceDirty = false; if ( !m_data->source.isEmpty() ) { m_data->source.clear(); Q_EMIT sourceChanged(); } } void QskGraphicLabel::setGraphicRole( int role ) { if ( setGraphicRoleHint( Graphic, role ) ) Q_EMIT graphicRoleChanged( role ); } void QskGraphicLabel::resetGraphicRole() { if ( resetGraphicRoleHint( Graphic ) ) Q_EMIT graphicRoleChanged( graphicRoleHint( Graphic ) ); } int QskGraphicLabel::graphicRole() const { return graphicRoleHint( Graphic ); } QskColorFilter QskGraphicLabel::graphicFilter() const { // can be removed once we can store a filter inidividually // for a skinnable return effectiveGraphicFilter( QskGraphicLabel::Graphic ); } void QskGraphicLabel::setMirror( bool on ) { if ( on != m_data->mirror ) { m_data->mirror = on; if ( !( m_data->sourceSize.isEmpty() || m_data->graphic.isEmpty() ) ) update(); Q_EMIT mirrorChanged(); } } bool QskGraphicLabel::mirror() const { return m_data->mirror; } void QskGraphicLabel::setSourceSize( const QSize& size ) { QSize sz = size; if ( sz.width() < 0 ) sz.setWidth( -1 ); if ( sz.height() < 0 ) sz.setHeight( -1 ); if ( m_data->sourceSize != sz ) { m_data->sourceSize = sz; resetImplicitSize(); update(); Q_EMIT sourceSizeChanged(); } } QSize QskGraphicLabel::sourceSize() const { return m_data->sourceSize; } void QskGraphicLabel::resetSourceSize() { setSourceSize( QSize( -1, -1 ) ); } void QskGraphicLabel::setFillMode( FillMode mode ) { if ( mode != m_data->fillMode ) { m_data->fillMode = mode; if ( !m_data->graphic.isEmpty() ) update(); Q_EMIT fillModeChanged( mode ); } } QskGraphicLabel::FillMode QskGraphicLabel::fillMode() const { return static_cast< QskGraphicLabel::FillMode >( m_data->fillMode ); } void QskGraphicLabel::setAlignment( Qt::Alignment alignment ) { if ( setAlignmentHint( Graphic, alignment ) ) Q_EMIT alignmentChanged( alignment ); } void QskGraphicLabel::resetAlignment() { if ( resetAlignmentHint( Graphic ) ) Q_EMIT alignmentChanged( alignment() ); } Qt::Alignment QskGraphicLabel::alignment() const { return alignmentHint( Graphic, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter ); } QskGraphic QskGraphicLabel::loadSource( const QUrl& url ) const { return Qsk::loadGraphic( url ); } void QskGraphicLabel::updateResources() { if ( !m_data->source.isEmpty() && m_data->isSourceDirty ) m_data->graphic = loadSource( m_data->source ); m_data->isSourceDirty = false; } QSizeF QskGraphicLabel::effectiveSourceSize() const { const auto& sourceSize = m_data->sourceSize; if ( sourceSize.width() >= 0 && sourceSize.height() >= 0 ) { // the size has been explicitly set return sourceSize; } if ( !m_data->source.isEmpty() && m_data->isSourceDirty ) { // we have to load to know about the geometry m_data->graphic = loadSource( m_data->source ); m_data->isSourceDirty = false; } QSizeF sz( 0, 0 ); if ( !m_data->graphic.isEmpty() ) { const QSizeF defaultSize = m_data->graphic.defaultSize(); if ( sourceSize.width() <= 0 && sourceSize.height() <= 0 ) { // size is derived from the default size sz = defaultSize; } else if ( sourceSize.width() <= 0 ) { // only the height has been given const qreal f = sourceSize.height() / defaultSize.height(); sz.setWidth( f * defaultSize.width() ); sz.setHeight( sourceSize.height() ); } else { // only the width has been given const qreal f = sourceSize.width() / defaultSize.width(); sz.setWidth( sourceSize.width() ); sz.setHeight( f * defaultSize.height() ); } } return sz; } void QskGraphicLabel::changeEvent( QEvent* event ) { if ( event->type() == QEvent::StyleChange ) { if ( !m_data->source.isEmpty() && qskSetup->skin()->hasGraphicProvider() ) { // we might need to reload from a different skin m_data->isSourceDirty = true; } } Inherited::changeEvent( event ); } #include "moc_QskGraphicLabel.cpp"