/*! \fn void QskSkin::setColor( QskAspect::Aspect aspect, QRgb color ) Sets the default color (as a QRgb value) for the given QskAspect::Aspect. The QskSkinHint::TypeMask is implicitly set to QskSkinHint::Color. */ /*! \fn void QskSkin::setColor(QskAspect::Aspect aspect, Qt::GlobalColor color) Sets the color (as a Qt::GlobalColor) for the given QskAspect::Aspect. The QskSkinHint::TypeMask is implicitly set to QskSkinHint::Color. */ /*! \fn void QskSkin::setColor(QskAspect::Aspect aspect, const QColor &color) Sets the color (as a QColor) for the given QskAspect::Aspect. The QskSkinHint::TypeMask is implicitly set to QskSkinHint::Color. */ /*! \fn QRgb QskSkin::color( QskAspect::Aspect aspect ) const Gets the color (as a QRgb value) for the given QskAspect::Aspect. Equivalent to QskSkin::skinHint( aspect ).color. */ /*! \fn void QskSkin::setMetric(QskAspect::Aspect aspect, float metric) Sets the metric for the given QskAspect::Aspect. The QskSkinHint::TypeMask is implicitly set to QskSkinHint::Metric. */ /*! \fn float QskSkin::metric( QskAspect::Aspect aspect ) const Gets the metric for the given QskAspect::Aspect. Equivalent to QskSkin::skinHint( aspect ).metric. */ /*! \fn void QskSkin::setSkinHint( QskAspect::Aspect aspect, QskSkinHint option ) Sets the option for the given QskAspect::Aspect. */ */ /*! \fn QskSkinHint QskSkin::skinHint( QskAspect::Aspect aspect ) const Gets the option for the given QskAspect::Aspect. */ */