/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2021 Edelhirsch Software GmbH * This file may be used under the terms of the 3-clause BSD License *****************************************************************************/ #include "Skin.h" #include "Box.h" #include "BoxWithButtons.h" #include "CircularProgressBar.h" #include "CircularProgressBarSkinlet.h" #include "Diagram.h" #include "DiagramSkinlet.h" #include "GridBox.h" #include "LightDisplay.h" #include "LightDisplaySkinlet.h" #include "DashboardPage.h" #include "MenuBar.h" #include "RoundedIcon.h" #include "RoundButton.h" #include "TopBar.h" #include "UsageBox.h" #include "UsageDiagram.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { static inline QFont qskFont( qreal pointSize, bool semiBold = false ) { QFont font( "Proxima Nova" ); if( semiBold ) { font.setWeight( QFont::Bold ); } font.setPointSizeF( pointSize /*/ qskDpiScaled( 1.0 )*/ ); return font; } } Skin::Skin( const Palette& palette, QObject* parent ) : QskSkin( parent ) { declareSkinlet< CircularProgressBar, CircularProgressBarSkinlet >(); declareSkinlet< Diagram, DiagramSkinlet >(); declareSkinlet< LightDisplay, LightDisplaySkinlet >(); initHints( palette ); } Skin::~Skin() { } void Skin::initHints( const Palette& palette ) { QFontDatabase db; db.addApplicationFont( ":/fonts/ProximaNova-Regular.otf" ); // ### use fontconfig setFont( QskSkin::DefaultFont, qskFont( 12 ) ); setFont( QskSkin::TinyFont, qskFont( 9 ) ); setFont( QskSkin::SmallFont, qskFont( 10 ) ); setFont( QskSkin::MediumFont, qskFont( 13 ) ); setFont( QskSkin::LargeFont, qskFont( 20 ) ); setFont( QskSkin::HugeFont, qskFont( 27, true ) ); setFont( Skin::TitleFont, qskFont( 10, true ) ); QskSkinHintTableEditor ed( &hintTable() ); ed.setPadding( MainContentGridBox::Panel, {19, 0, 27, 24} ); // menu bar: ed.setPadding( MenuBar::Panel, {0, 35, 0, 12} ); ed.setStrutSize( MenuItem::Panel | QskAspect::Size, {140, 40} ); ed.setPadding( MenuItem::Panel, {30, 0, 30, 0} ); QColor color( Qt::white ); color.setAlphaF( 0.09 ); ed.setGradient( MenuItem::Panel | QskControl::Hovered, color ); color.setAlphaF( 0.14 ); ed.setGradient( MenuItem::Panel | MenuItem::Active, color ); ed.setColor( MenuBarLabel::Text, Qt::white ); ed.setFontRole( MenuBarLabel::Text, QskSkin::SmallFont ); ed.setMargin( MenuBarTopLabel::Graphic, { 50, 0, 50, 54 } ); ed.setMetric( MenuBarGraphicLabel::Graphic | QskAspect::Size, 14 ); ed.setAlignment( MenuBarGraphicLabel::Graphic, Qt::AlignCenter ); // top bar: ed.setPadding( TopBar::Panel, {25, 35, 25, 0} ); ed.setColor( TopBarItem::Item1 | QskAspect::TextColor, 0xffff3122 ); ed.setColor( TopBarItem::Item2 | QskAspect::TextColor, 0xff6776ff ); ed.setColor( TopBarItem::Item3 | QskAspect::TextColor, 0xfff99055 ); ed.setColor( TopBarItem::Item4 | QskAspect::TextColor, 0xff6776ff ); // conical gradients are counterclockwise, so specify the 2nd color first: ed.setHGradient( TopBarItem::Item1, 0xffff3122, 0xffff5c00 ); ed.setHGradient( TopBarItem::Item2, 0xff6100ff, 0xff6776ff ); ed.setHGradient( TopBarItem::Item3, 0xffff3122, 0xffffce50 ); ed.setHGradient( TopBarItem::Item4, 0xff6100ff, 0xff6776ff ); // the bar gradient is defined through the top bar items above ed.setArcMetrics( CircularProgressBar::Groove, { 8.53, 90, -360 } ); // the span angle will be set in the progress bar, we just give a dummy // value here: ed.setArcMetrics( CircularProgressBar::Bar, { 8.53, 90, -180 } ); ed.setFontRole( TimeTitleLabel::Text, Skin::TitleFont ); ed.setFontRole( TimeLabel::Text, QskSkin::HugeFont ); ed.setColor( TimeLabel::Text, 0xff6776ff ); // boxes: ed.setPadding( Box::Panel, 8 ); // content in boxes (indoor temperature, humidity etc.): ed.setFontRole( UsageBox::Separator, QskSkin::SmallFont ); ed.setColor( UsageBox::Separator, 0xffdddddd ); ed.setPadding( BoxWithButtons::Panel, 8 ); for ( auto subControl : { RoundedIcon::Panel, RoundedIcon::PalePanel } ) { ed.setBoxShape( subControl, 6 ); QskGradient normal( Qt::Vertical, 0xff6776ff, 0xff6100ff ); QskGradient bright( Qt::Vertical, 0xffff7d34, 0xffff3122 ); if ( subControl == RoundedIcon::PalePanel ) { const uint alpha = 38; normal.setAlpha( alpha ); bright.setAlpha( alpha ); } ed.setGradient( subControl, normal ); ed.setGradient( subControl | RoundedIcon::Bright, bright ); } ed.setFontRole( BoxWithButtons::ValueText, QskSkin::HugeFont ); ed.setColor( BoxWithButtons::ValueText, 0xff929cb2 ); ed.setPadding( BoxWithButtons::ValuePanel, 0, 10, 0, 0 ); ed.setStrutSize( RoundButton::Panel, 27, 38 ); ed.setBoxShape( RoundButton::Panel, 0, 0, 30, 30 ); ed.setBoxShape( RoundButton::Panel | RoundButton::Top, 30, 30, 0, 0 ); // diagram: ed.setBoxBorderMetrics( UsageDiagramBox::DaysBox, 0, 0, 3, 3 ); ed.setFontRole( UsageDiagramBox::DayText, QskSkin::TinyFont ); ed.setStrutSize( UsageDiagramLegend::Symbol, 8, 8 ); ed.setBoxShape( UsageDiagramLegend::Symbol, 100, Qt::RelativeSize ); // a circle ed.setGradient( UsageDiagramLegend::Symbol | UsageDiagramLegend::Water, { 0xff6776ff } ); ed.setGradient( UsageDiagramLegend::Symbol | UsageDiagramLegend::Electricity, { 0xffff3122 } ); ed.setGradient( UsageDiagramLegend::Symbol | UsageDiagramLegend::Gas, { 0xffff7d34 } ); ed.setPadding( UsageDiagramBox::Panel, 0 ); // new diagram: ed.setColor( Diagram::ChartArea1, 0x666776ff ); ed.setColor( Diagram::ChartArea2, 0x66ff3122 ); ed.setColor( Diagram::ChartArea3, 0x66ff7d34 ); ed.setColor( Diagram::ChartBar1, 0xff6776ff ); ed.setColor( Diagram::ChartBar2, 0xffff3122 ); ed.setColor( Diagram::ChartBar3, 0xffff7d34 ); ed.setStrutSize( Diagram::ChartBar1, { 6, -1 } ); ed.setStrutSize( Diagram::ChartBar2, { 6, -1 } ); ed.setStrutSize( Diagram::ChartBar3, { 6, -1 } ); ed.setBoxShape( Diagram::ChartBar1, { 3, 3, 0, 0 } ); ed.setBoxShape( Diagram::ChartBar2, { 3, 3, 0, 0 } ); ed.setBoxShape( Diagram::ChartBar3, { 3, 3, 0, 0 } ); // light intensity: ed.setBoxShape( LightDisplay::Panel, 100, Qt::RelativeSize ); ed.setArcMetrics( LightDisplay::ColdAndWarmArc, 8.785, 0, 180 ); QskGradient coldGradient( Qt::Horizontal, { { 0.0, 0xffff3122 }, { 0.2, 0xfffeeeb7 }, { 0.3, 0xffa7b0ff }, { 0.5, 0xff6776ff }, { 1.0, Qt::black } } ); ed.setGradient( LightDisplay::ColdAndWarmArc, coldGradient ); ed.setMetric( LightDisplay::Tickmarks, 1 ); ed.setArcMetrics( LightDisplay::Tickmarks, { 4.69, 0, 180 } ); ed.setColor( LightDisplay::Tickmarks, 0x55929cb2 ); ed.setFontRole( LightDisplay::ValueText, QskSkin::LargeFont ); ed.setColor( LightDisplay::ValueText, 0xff929cb2 ); ed.setStrutSize( LightDisplay::Knob, { 20, 20 } ); ed.setBoxBorderMetrics( LightDisplay::Knob, 1 ); ed.setBoxBorderColors( LightDisplay::Knob, 0xffc4c4c4 ); ed.setBoxShape( LightDisplay::Knob, 100, Qt::RelativeSize ); // palette dependent skin hints: ed.setGradient( MenuBar::Panel, palette.menuBar ); ed.setGradient( DashboardPage::Panel, palette.mainContent ); ed.setColor( Box::Panel, palette.box.startColor() ); QskShadowMetrics shadowMetrics( 0, 10 ); ed.setShadowMetrics( Box::Panel, shadowMetrics ); ed.setShadowColor( Box::Panel, palette.shadow ); ed.setGradient( BoxWithButtons::Panel, palette.box ); ed.setShadowMetrics( BoxWithButtons::Panel, shadowMetrics ); ed.setShadowColor( BoxWithButtons::Panel, palette.shadow ); ed.setGradient( UsageDiagramBox::Panel, palette.box ); ed.setShadowMetrics( UsageDiagramBox::Panel, shadowMetrics ); ed.setShadowColor( UsageDiagramBox::Panel, palette.shadow ); ed.setGradient( LightDisplay::Panel, palette.box ); ed.setGradient( LightDisplay::Knob, palette.box ); ed.setGradient( RoundButton::Panel, palette.roundButton ); ed.setBoxBorderColors( UsageDiagramBox::DaysBox, palette.weekdayBox ); ed.setColor( QskTextLabel::Text, palette.text ); ed.setColor( UsageDiagramBox::DayText, palette.text ); ed.setGradient( CircularProgressBar::Groove, palette.circularProgressBarGroove ); } Skin::Palette DaytimeSkin::palette() const { return { 0xff6d7bfb, 0xfffbfbfb, Qt::white, 0xfff7f7f7, 0xfff4f4f4, Qt::black, 0xffe5e5e5, { Qt::Vertical, { { 0.0, 0xffc4c4c4 }, { 0.5, 0xfff8f8f8 }, { 1.0, 0xffc4c4c4 } } } }; } Skin::Palette NighttimeSkin::palette() const { return { 0xff2937A7, 0xff040404, Qt::black, 0xff0a0a0a, 0xff0c0c0c, Qt::white, 0xff1a1a1a, { Qt::Vertical, { { 0.0, 0xff666666 }, { 0.5, 0xff222222 }, { 1.0, 0xff333333 } } } }; }