fusion skin improvements
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
QskFusionGlobal.h QskFusionSkin.h QskFusionSkin.cpp
QskFusionPalette.h QskFusionPalette.cpp
QskFusionSkin.h QskFusionSkin.cpp
QskFusionSkinFactory.h QskFusionSkinFactory.cpp
qt_add_resources(SOURCES icons.qrc)
qsk_add_plugin(fusionskin skins QskFusionSkinFactory ${SOURCES})
set_target_properties(fusionskin PROPERTIES DEFINE_SYMBOL QSK_FUSION_MAKEDLL )
set_target_properties(fusionskin PROPERTIES DEFINE_SYMBOL QSK_FUSION_MAKEDLL)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
* QSkinny - Copyright (C) The authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "QskFusionPalette.h"
#include <QskRgbValue.h>
#if 0
extern QPalette qt_fusionPalette();
inline constexpr QRgb rgbGray( int value )
return qRgb( value, value, value );
QskFusionPalette::QskFusionPalette( QskSkin::ColorScheme colorScheme )
using namespace QskRgb;
using P = QPalette;
QRgb base, background, text, disabledText, light, midLight, mid, dark,
darkDisabled, highlight, disabledHighlight, shadow, disabledShadow,
hightlightedText, link;
} colors;
if ( colorScheme == QskSkin::DarkScheme )
colors.base = rgbGray( 36 );
colors.background = rgbGray( 50 );
colors.text = rgbGray( 240 );
colors.disabledText = rgbGray( 130 );
colors.light = rgbGray( 75 );
colors.midLight = rgbGray( 42 );
colors.mid = rgbGray( 38 );
colors.dark = rgbGray( 33 );
colors.darkDisabled = rgbGray( 190 );
colors.highlight = qRgb( 48, 140, 198 );
colors.disabledHighlight = rgbGray( 145 );
colors.shadow = rgbGray( 25 );
colors.disabledShadow = rgbGray( 36 );
colors.hightlightedText = colors.text;
colors.link = colors.highlight;
colors.base = White;
colors.background = rgbGray( 239 );
colors.text = Black;
colors.disabledText = rgbGray( 190 );
colors.light = White;
colors.midLight = rgbGray( 202 );
colors.mid = rgbGray( 184 );
colors.dark = rgbGray( 159 );
colors.darkDisabled = rgbGray( 190 );
colors.highlight = qRgb( 48, 140, 198 );
colors.disabledHighlight = rgbGray( 145 );
colors.shadow = rgbGray( 118 );
colors.disabledShadow = rgbGray( 177 );
colors.hightlightedText = White;
colors.link = Blue;
setColor( P::WindowText, colors.text );
setColor( P::Button, colors.background );
setColor( P::Light, colors.light );
setColor( P::Midlight, colors.midLight );
setColor( P::Dark, colors.dark );
setColor( P::Mid, colors.mid );
setColor( P::Text, colors.text );
setColor( P::BrightText, colors.light );
setColor( P::ButtonText, colors.text );
setColor( P::Base, colors.base );
setColor( P::Window, colors.background );
setColor( P::Shadow, colors.shadow );
setColor( P::AlternateBase, interpolated( colors.base, colors.background, 0.5 ) );
setColor( P::Highlight, colors.highlight );
setColor( P::HighlightedText, colors.hightlightedText );
setColor( P::Link, colors.link);
setColor( P::LinkVisited, Magenta );
setColor( P::ToolTipBase, qRgb( 255, 255, 220 ) );
setColor( P::ToolTipText, Black );
setColor( P::PlaceholderText, toTransparent( colors.text, 128 ) );
// disabled colors
setColor( P::Disabled, P::Text, colors.disabledText );
setColor( P::Disabled, P::WindowText, colors.disabledText );
setColor( P::Disabled, P::ButtonText, colors.disabledText );
setColor( P::Disabled, P::Base, colors.background );
setColor( P::Disabled, P::Dark, colors.darkDisabled );
setColor( P::Disabled, P::Shadow, colors.disabledShadow );
setColor( P::Disabled, P::Highlight, colors.disabledHighlight );
setColor( P::Active, P::Accent, active( P::Highlight ) );
setColor( P::Disabled, P::Accent, disabled( P::Highlight ) );
QskFusionPalette::QskFusionPalette( const QPalette& palette )
using P = QPalette;
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
const auto group = static_cast< P::ColorGroup >( i );
for ( int j = 0; j < P::NColorRoles; j++ )
const auto role = static_cast< P::ColorRole >( j );
m_colors[ group ][ role ] = palette.color( group, role ).rgba();
void QskFusionPalette::initExtraColors()
using P = QPalette;
outline = QskRgb::darker( active( P::Window ), 140 );
button = active( P::Button );
auto c = QColor::fromRgba( button );
const int val = qGray( button );
c = c.lighter( 100 + qMax( 1, ( 180 - val ) / 6 ) );
c.setHsv(c.hue(), c.saturation() * 0.75, c.value() );
button = c.rgba();
auto c = QColor::fromRgba( button ).toHsv();
c.setHsv( c.hue(), qMin( 255, (int)( c.saturation() ) ),
qMin( 255, (int)( c.value() * 0.9 ) ) );
groove = c.rgba();
tabFrame = QskRgb::lighter( button, 104 );
highlightedOutline = active( QPalette::Highlight );
highlightedOutline = QskRgb::darker( highlightedOutline, 125 );
auto c = QColor::fromRgba( highlightedOutline );
if ( c.value() > 160 )
c.setHsl(c.hue(), c.saturation(), 160 );
highlightedOutline = c.rgba();
error = QskRgb::DarkRed; // ????
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
* QSkinny - Copyright (C) The authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "QskSkin.h"
#include "QskFusionGlobal.h"
#include "QskRgbValue.h"
#include <qpalette.h>
class QskFusionPalette
QskFusionPalette( QskSkin::ColorScheme = QskSkin::LightScheme );
QskFusionPalette( const QPalette& );
QRgb active( QPalette::ColorRole ) const;
QRgb disabled( QPalette::ColorRole ) const;
QRgb color( QPalette::ColorGroup, QPalette::ColorRole ) const;
QRgb lighter( QPalette::ColorGroup, QPalette::ColorRole, int factor ) const;
QRgb darker( QPalette::ColorGroup, QPalette::ColorRole, int factor ) const;
QRgb outline;
QRgb button;
QRgb groove;
QRgb tabFrame;
QRgb highlightedOutline;
QRgb error;
void initExtraColors();
void setColor( QPalette::ColorRole, QRgb );
void setColor( QPalette::ColorGroup, QPalette::ColorRole, QRgb );
QRgb m_colors[ 2 ][ QPalette::NColorRoles ] = { };
inline QRgb QskFusionPalette::color(
QPalette::ColorGroup group, QPalette::ColorRole role ) const
Q_ASSERT( group >= 0 && group < 2 );
return m_colors[group][role];
inline QRgb QskFusionPalette::lighter( QPalette::ColorGroup group,
QPalette::ColorRole role, int factor ) const
return QskRgb::lighter( color( group, role ), factor );
inline QRgb QskFusionPalette::darker( QPalette::ColorGroup group,
QPalette::ColorRole role, int factor ) const
return QskRgb::darker( color( group, role ), factor );
inline QRgb QskFusionPalette::active( QPalette::ColorRole role ) const
return m_colors[ QPalette::Active ][ role ];
inline QRgb QskFusionPalette::disabled( QPalette::ColorRole role ) const
return m_colors[ QPalette::Disabled ][ role ];
inline void QskFusionPalette::setColor(
QPalette::ColorRole role, QRgb rgb )
setColor( QPalette::Active, role, rgb );
setColor( QPalette::Disabled, role, rgb );
inline void QskFusionPalette::setColor(
QPalette::ColorGroup group, QPalette::ColorRole role, QRgb rgb )
Q_ASSERT( group >= 0 && group < 2 );
m_colors[group][role] = rgb;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "QskFusionSkin.h"
#include "QskFusionPalette.h"
#include <QskSkinHintTableEditor.h>
@ -51,22 +52,14 @@
#include <QskMargins.h>
#include <QskRgbValue.h>
#include <QskNamespace.h>
#include <QskPlatform.h>
#include <qguiapplication.h>
#include <qscreen.h>
#include <qpalette.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpainterpath.h>
#include <qpa/qplatformtheme.h>
static const int qskDuration = 50;
#if 1
extern QPalette qt_fusionPalette();
Q_DECL_UNUSED inline double operator ""_dp( long double value )
@ -79,216 +72,10 @@ namespace
return qskDpToPixels( value );
inline constexpr QRgb rgbGray( int value )
return qRgb( value, value, value );
class Palette
Palette( QskSkin::ColorScheme colorScheme )
using namespace QskRgb;
using P = QPalette;
if ( colorScheme == QskSkin::DarkScheme )
const auto text = rgbGray( 240 );
const auto background = rgbGray( 50 );
const auto light = rgbGray( 75 );
const auto mid = rgbGray( 38 );
const auto midLight = rgbGray( 42 );
const auto base = rgbGray( 36 );
const auto dark = rgbGray( 33 );
const auto darkDisabled = rgbGray( 190 );
const auto highlight = qRgb(48, 140, 198);
const auto disabledText = rgbGray( 130 );
const auto shadow = rgbGray( 25 );
const auto disabledShadow = rgbGray( 36 );
const auto disabledHighlight = rgbGray( 145 );
const auto placeholder = toTransparent( text, 128 );
setRgb( P::WindowText, text );
setRgb( P::Button, background );
setRgb( P::Light, light );
setRgb( P::Midlight, midLight );
setRgb( P::Dark, dark );
setRgb( P::Mid, mid );
setRgb( P::Text, text );
setRgb( P::BrightText, light );
setRgb( P::ButtonText, text );
setRgb( P::Base, base );
setRgb( P::Window, background );
setRgb( P::Shadow, shadow );
setRgb( P::AlternateBase, interpolated( base, background, 0.5 ) );
setRgb( P::Highlight, highlight );
setRgb( P::HighlightedText, text );
setRgb( P::Link, highlight);
setRgb( P::LinkVisited, Magenta );
setRgb( P::ToolTipBase, qRgb( 255, 255, 220 ) );
setRgb( P::ToolTipText, rgbGray( 0 ) );
setRgb( P::PlaceholderText, placeholder );
setRgb( P::Accent, highlight );
// disabled colors
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::Text, disabledText );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::WindowText, disabledText );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::ButtonText, disabledText );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::Base, background );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::Dark, darkDisabled );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::Shadow, disabledShadow );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::Highlight, disabledHighlight );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::Accent, disabledHighlight );
const auto text = rgbGray( 0 );
const auto background = rgbGray( 239 );
const auto dark = rgbGray( 159 );
const auto mid = rgbGray( 184 );
const auto midLight = rgbGray( 202 );
const auto light = rgbGray( 255 );
const auto shadow = rgbGray( 118 );
const auto base = rgbGray( 255 );
const auto darkDisabled = rgbGray( 190 );
const auto highlight = qRgb(48, 140, 198);
const auto hightlightedText = rgbGray( 255 );
const auto disabledText = rgbGray( 190 );
const auto disabledShadow = rgbGray( 177 );
const auto disabledHighlight = rgbGray( 145 );
setRgb( P::WindowText, text );
setRgb( P::Button, background );
setRgb( P::Light, light );
setRgb( P::Midlight, midLight );
setRgb( P::Dark, dark );
setRgb( P::Mid, mid );
setRgb( P::Text, text );
setRgb( P::BrightText, light );
setRgb( P::ButtonText, text );
setRgb( P::Base, base );
setRgb( P::Window, background );
setRgb( P::Shadow, shadow );
setRgb( P::AlternateBase, interpolated( base, background, 0.5 ) );
setRgb( P::Highlight, highlight );
setRgb( P::HighlightedText, hightlightedText );
setRgb( P::Link, Blue );
setRgb( P::LinkVisited, Magenta );
setRgb( P::ToolTipBase, qRgb( 255, 255, 220 ) );
setRgb( P::ToolTipText, rgbGray( 0 ) );
setRgb( P::PlaceholderText, toTransparent( text, 128 ) );
setRgb( P::Accent, highlight );
// disabled colors
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::Text, disabledText );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::WindowText, disabledText );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::ButtonText, disabledText );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::Base, background );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::Dark, darkDisabled );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::Shadow, disabledShadow );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::Highlight, disabledHighlight );
setRgb( P::Disabled, P::Accent, disabledHighlight );
outline = QskRgb::darker( rgb( P::Window ), 140 );
button = rgb( P::Button );
auto c = QColor::fromRgba( button );
const int val = qGray( button );
c = c.lighter( 100 + qMax( 1, ( 180 - val ) / 6 ) );
c.setHsv(c.hue(), c.saturation() * 0.75, c.value() );
button = c.rgba();
tabFrame = QskRgb::lighter( button, 104 );
highlightedOutline = rgb( QPalette::Highlight );
highlightedOutline = QskRgb::darker( highlightedOutline, 125 );
auto c = QColor::fromRgba( highlightedOutline );
if ( c.value() > 160 )
c.setHsl(c.hue(), c.saturation(), 160 );
highlightedOutline = c.rgba();
error = QskRgb::DarkRed; // ????
QRgb rgb( QPalette::ColorRole role ) const
return rgb( QPalette::Normal, role );
QRgb rgb( QPalette::ColorGroup group, QPalette::ColorRole role ) const
Q_ASSERT( group >= 0 && group < 2 );
return m_colors[group][role];
QRgb outline;
QRgb button;
QRgb tabFrame;
QRgb highlightedOutline;
QRgb error;
void setRgb( QPalette::ColorRole role, QRgb rgb )
setRgb( QPalette::Active, role, rgb );
setRgb( QPalette::Disabled, role, rgb );
void setRgb( QPalette::ColorGroup group, QPalette::ColorRole role, QRgb rgb )
Q_ASSERT( group >= 0 && group < 2 );
m_colors[group][role] = rgb;
QRgb m_colors[ 2 ][ QPalette::NColorRoles ] = { };
class Editor : private QskSkinHintTableEditor
Editor( const Palette& palette, QskSkinHintTable* table )
Editor( const QskFusionPalette& palette, QskSkinHintTable* table )
: QskSkinHintTableEditor( table )
, m_pal( palette )
@ -338,13 +125,6 @@ namespace
QskGraphic symbol( const char* name ) const
#if 0
const QString path = QStringLiteral( ":fusion/icons/qvg/" )
+ name + QStringLiteral( ".qvg" );
return QskGraphicIO::read( path );
QskGraphic graphic;
if ( strcmp( name, "checkMark" ) == 0 )
@ -363,7 +143,7 @@ namespace
return graphic;
const Palette& m_pal;
const QskFusionPalette& m_pal;
@ -403,8 +183,10 @@ void Editor::setup()
void Editor::setupBox()
using Q = QskBox;
using P = QPalette;
setGradient( Q::Panel, m_pal.rgb( QPalette::Window ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel, m_pal.active( P::Window ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Window ) );
void Editor::setupCheckBox()
@ -424,9 +206,9 @@ void Editor::setupCheckBox()
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
const auto rgb1 = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Base );
const auto rgb1 = m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Base );
const auto rgb2 = QskRgb::darker( m_pal.button, 110 );
const auto aspect = Q::Box | state;
@ -462,8 +244,8 @@ void Editor::setupCheckBox()
// elide mode ElideRight or mirrored ElideLeft
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.rgb( P::Normal, P::WindowText ) );
setColor( Q::Text | Q::Disabled, m_pal.rgb( P::Disabled, P::WindowText ) );
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.active( P::WindowText ) );
setColor( Q::Text | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::WindowText ) );
void Editor::setupComboBox()
@ -477,8 +259,8 @@ void Editor::setupComboBox()
setAlignment( Q::Text, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter );
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.rgb( P::Normal, P::ButtonText ) );
setColor( Q::Text | Q::Disabled, m_pal.rgb( P::Disabled, P::ButtonText ) );
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.active( P::ButtonText ) );
setColor( Q::Text | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::ButtonText ) );
setStrutSize( Q::Panel, -1.0, 32_dp );
@ -492,8 +274,10 @@ void Editor::setupComboBox()
// should be similar for QskPushButton
auto rgbFill = m_pal.button;
setVGradient( Q::Panel, QskRgb::lighter( rgbFill, 124 ),
setVGradient( Q::Panel,
QskRgb::lighter( rgbFill, 124 ),
QskRgb::lighter( rgbFill, 102 ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel | Q::Pressed, QskRgb::darker( rgbFill, 110 ) );
setStrutSize( Q::Icon, 20_dp, 20_dp );
@ -524,6 +308,7 @@ void Editor::setupMenu()
using Q = QskMenu;
using A = QskAspect;
using P = QPalette;
setHint( Q::Overlay | A::Style, true );
setGradient( Q::Overlay, QColor( 220, 220, 220, 100 ) );
@ -531,15 +316,13 @@ void Editor::setupMenu()
setBoxShape( Q::Panel, 4_dp );
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::Panel, 1_dp );
auto rgbFill = m_pal.rgb( QPalette::Base );
rgbFill = QskRgb::lighter( rgbFill, 108 );
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
setGradient( Q::Panel, rgbFill );
auto rgbBorder = m_pal.rgb( QPalette::Window );
rgbBorder = QskRgb::darker( rgbBorder, 160 );
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Panel, rgbBorder );
setGradient( Q::Panel | state, m_pal.lighter( colorGroup, P::Base, 108 ) );
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Panel | state, m_pal.darker( colorGroup, P::Window, 160 ) );
const bool isCascading = qskMaybeDesktopPlatform();
setHint( Q::Panel | A::Style, isCascading );
@ -555,10 +338,16 @@ void Editor::setupMenu()
setSpacing( Q::Segment, 5 );
setGradient( Q::Segment, Qt::transparent );
setGradient( Q::Cursor, m_pal.rgb( QPalette::Highlight ) );
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.rgb( QPalette::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text | Q::Selected, m_pal.rgb( QPalette::HighlightedText ) );
setGradient( Q::Cursor | state, m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Highlight ) );
setColor( Q::Text | state, m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text | state | Q::Selected,
m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::HighlightedText ) );
setPadding( Q::Icon, 8_dp );
@ -585,8 +374,8 @@ void Editor::setupTextLabel()
using Q = QskTextLabel;
setAlignment( Q::Text, Qt::AlignCenter );
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.rgb( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text | Q::Disabled, m_pal.rgb( QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text | Q::Disabled, m_pal.color( QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text ) );
setPadding( Q::Panel, 0 );
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::Panel, 0 );
@ -604,15 +393,14 @@ void Editor::setupTextInput()
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
setColor( Q::Text | state, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Text ) );
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
setColor( Q::PanelSelected | state, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Highlight ) );
setColor( Q::TextSelected | state, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::HighlightedText ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel | state, m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Base ) );
setColor( Q::PanelSelected | state, m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Highlight ) );
QRgb rgb = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Base );
setColor( Q::Text | state, m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::TextSelected | state, m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::HighlightedText ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel | state, rgb );
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::Panel, 1_dp );
@ -639,21 +427,19 @@ void Editor::setupProgressBar()
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Groove, m_pal.outline );
setGradient( Q::Groove, m_pal.rgb( P::Normal, P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Groove | Q::Disabled, m_pal.rgb( P::Disabled, P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Groove, m_pal.active( P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Groove | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Base ) );
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
using namespace QskRgb;
const auto aspect = Q::Fill | state;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
const auto rgb = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Highlight );
const auto rgb = m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Highlight );
setBoxBorderColors( aspect, darker( rgb, 140 ) );
setVGradient( aspect, lighter( rgb, 120 ), rgb );
setBoxBorderColors( aspect, QskRgb::darker( rgb, 140 ) );
setVGradient( aspect, QskRgb::lighter( rgb, 120 ), rgb );
@ -673,8 +459,8 @@ void Editor::setupProgressRing()
setColor( Q::Groove | A::Border, m_pal.outline );
setGradient( Q::Groove, m_pal.rgb( P::Normal, P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Groove | Q::Disabled, m_pal.rgb( P::Disabled, P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Groove, m_pal.active( P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Groove | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Base ) );
@ -684,9 +470,9 @@ void Editor::setupProgressRing()
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto aspect = Q::Fill | state;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
const auto rgb = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Highlight );
const auto rgb = m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Highlight );
setColor( aspect | A::Border, QskRgb::darker( rgb, 140 ) );
setGradient( aspect, rgb );
@ -713,22 +499,21 @@ void Editor::setupRadioBox()
setGradient( Q::Button, QskGradient() );
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.rgb( P::Normal, P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text | Q::Disabled, m_pal.rgb( P::Disabled, P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.active( P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Text ) );
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
const auto aspect = Q::CheckIndicatorPanel | state;
const auto rgb1 = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Base );
const auto rgb2 = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::WindowText );
const auto rgb3 = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Window );
const auto rgb1 = m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Base );
const auto rgb2 = m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::WindowText );
setColor( aspect, rgb1 );
setColor( aspect | Q::Pressed, QskRgb::interpolated( rgb2, rgb1, 0.85 ) );
setBoxBorderColors( aspect, QskRgb::darker( rgb3, 150 ) );
setBoxBorderColors( aspect, m_pal.darker( colorGroup, P::Window, 150 ) );
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::CheckIndicator, 1 );
@ -737,10 +522,9 @@ void Editor::setupRadioBox()
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
auto rgb = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Text );
rgb = QskRgb::darker( rgb, 120 );
auto rgb = m_pal.darker( colorGroup, P::Text, 120 );
const auto aspect = Q::CheckIndicator | Q::Selected | state;
@ -758,25 +542,14 @@ void Editor::setupFocusIndicator()
using Q = QskFocusIndicator;
using A = QskAspect;
using P = QPalette;
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::Panel, 2 );
setPadding( Q::Panel, 3 );
setBoxShape( Q::Panel, 4 );
auto rgb = m_pal.rgb( P::Highlight );
rgb = QskRgb::darker( rgb, 125 );
auto c = QColor::fromRgba( rgb ).toHsv();
if ( c.value() > 160 )
c.setHsl( c.hue(), c.saturation(), 160 );
rgb = c.rgba();
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Panel, rgb );
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Panel | Q::Disabled, QskRgb::toTransparent( rgb, 0 ) );
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Panel, m_pal.highlightedOutline );
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Panel | Q::Disabled,
QskRgb::toTransparent( m_pal.highlightedOutline, 0 ) );
setAnimation( Q::Panel | A::Color, 200 );
setAnimation( Q::Panel | A::Color | Q::Disabled, 500 );
@ -802,8 +575,8 @@ void Editor::setupSegmentedBar()
setPadding( Q::Panel, 0 );
setSpacing( Q::Panel, 5_dp );
setGradient( Q::Panel, m_pal.rgb( P::Normal, P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel | Q::Disabled, m_pal.rgb( P::Disabled, P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel, m_pal.active( P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Base ) );
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::Panel, 1_dp );
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Panel, m_pal.outline );
@ -825,8 +598,9 @@ void Editor::setupSegmentedBar()
// Cursor
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Cursor, m_pal.outline );
setGradient( Q::Cursor, m_pal.rgb( P::Normal, P::Highlight ) );
setGradient( Q::Cursor | Q::Disabled, m_pal.rgb( P::Disabled, P::Highlight ) );
setGradient( Q::Cursor, m_pal.active( P::Highlight ) );
setGradient( Q::Cursor | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Highlight ) );
setAnimation( Q::Cursor | A::Metric | A::Position, duration );
@ -837,12 +611,12 @@ void Editor::setupSegmentedBar()
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
const auto aspect = Q::Text | state;
setColor( aspect, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Text ) );
setColor( aspect | Q::Selected, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::HighlightedText ) );
setColor( aspect, m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Text ) );
setColor( aspect | Q::Selected, m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::HighlightedText ) );
setAnimation( Q::Text | A::Color, duration );
@ -887,8 +661,8 @@ void Editor::setupPageIndicator()
using namespace QskRgb;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
auto rgb = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Shadow );
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
auto rgb = m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Shadow );
const auto aspect = Q::Bullet | state;
setGradient( aspect, toTransparentF( rgb, 0.45 ) );
@ -920,17 +694,16 @@ void Editor::setupPushButton()
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
auto rgb = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Button );
rgb = QskRgb::lighter( rgb, 104 );
const auto rgb = m_pal.lighter( colorGroup, P::Button, 104 );
setGradient( Q::Panel | state, rgb );
for ( auto state2 : { Q::Pressed, Q::Checked } )
setGradient( Q::Panel | state | state2, QskRgb::darker( rgb, 110 ) );
setColor( Q::Text | state, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text | state, m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Text ) );
setGraphicRole( Q::Icon, QskFusionSkin::GraphicNormal );
@ -942,18 +715,14 @@ void Editor::setupPushButton()
void Editor::setupDialogButtonBox()
using Q = QskDialogButtonBox;
using A = QskAspect;
using P = QPalette;
setBoxShape( Q::Panel, 0 );
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::Panel, 0 );
setPadding( Q::Panel, 2_dp, 4_dp, 2_dp, 0_dp );
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
setGradient( Q::Panel, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel, m_pal.active( P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Base ) );
void Editor::setupDrawer()
@ -962,11 +731,8 @@ void Editor::setupDrawer()
using A = QskAspect;
using P = QPalette;
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
setGradient( Q::Panel | state, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Window ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel, m_pal.active( P::Window ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Window ) );
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::Panel, 1 );
setBoxShape( Q::Panel, 2 );
@ -1007,25 +773,17 @@ void Editor::setupSlider()
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Groove, m_pal.outline );
auto rgb = m_pal.button;
auto c = QColor::fromRgba( rgb ).toHsv();
c.setHsv( c.hue(), qMin( 255, (int)( c.saturation() ) ),
qMin( 255, (int)( c.value() * 0.9 ) ) );
rgb = c.rgba();
setGradient( Q::Groove, QskRgb::darker( rgb, 110 ),
QskRgb::lighter( rgb, 110 ) );
setGradient( Q::Groove,
QskRgb::darker( m_pal.groove, 110 ),
QskRgb::lighter( m_pal.groove, 110 ) );
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
const auto rgb = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Highlight );
const auto rgb = m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Highlight );
setGradient( Q::Fill | state, rgb );
@ -1045,13 +803,13 @@ void Editor::setupSlider()
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Pressed } )
using namespace QskRgb;
auto rgb = m_pal.button;
if ( state == Q::Pressed )
rgb = darker( rgb, 110 );
rgb = QskRgb::darker( rgb, 110 );
setGradient( Q::Handle | state, lighter( rgb, 124 ), lighter( rgb, 102 ) );
setGradient( Q::Handle | state,
QskRgb::lighter( rgb, 124 ),
QskRgb::lighter( rgb, 102 ) );
// move the handle smoothly, when using keys
@ -1074,13 +832,8 @@ void Editor::setupSpinBox()
setPadding( Q::TextPanel, 5_dp );
setBoxShape( Q::TextPanel, 2, 0, 2, 0 );
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
setColor( Q::Text | state, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Text ) );
setGradient( Q::TextPanel | state, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Base ) );
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.active( P::Text ) );
setGradient( Q::TextPanel | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Base ) );
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::TextPanel, 1_dp );
setBoxBorderColors( Q::TextPanel, m_pal.outline );
@ -1151,23 +904,19 @@ void Editor::setupSwitchButton()
// on/off is indicated by the position of the handle and the groove color
setGradient( Q::Groove,
QskRgb::darker( m_pal.groove, 110 ),
QskRgb::lighter( m_pal.groove, 110 ) );
for( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
auto rgb = m_pal.button;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
auto c = QColor::fromRgba( rgb ).toHsv();
c.setHsv( c.hue(), qMin( 255, c.saturation() ), qMin< int >( 255, c.value() * 0.9 ) );
rgb = c.rgba();
setGradient( Q::Groove,
QskRgb::darker( rgb, 110 ), QskRgb::lighter( rgb, 110 ) );
const auto rgb = m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Highlight );
setGradient( Q::Groove | state | Q::Checked,
rgb, QskRgb::lighter( rgb, 120 ) );
const auto highlightRgb = m_pal.rgb( P::Highlight );
setGradient( Q::Groove | Q::Checked,
highlightRgb, QskRgb::lighter( highlightRgb, 120 ) );
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Groove, m_pal.outline );
setGradient( Q::Handle, QskRgb::lighter( m_pal.button, 104 ) );
@ -1193,7 +942,8 @@ void Editor::setupTabButton()
setStrutSize( Q::Panel, 30_dp, 16_dp );
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.rgb( P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.active( P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Text ) );
QskGradient g;
@ -1288,8 +1038,8 @@ void Editor::setupTabButton()
// text
setAlignment( Q::Text, Qt::AlignCenter );
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.rgb( P::Active, P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text | Q::Disabled, m_pal.rgb( P::Disabled, P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text, m_pal.active( P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Text | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Text ) );
void Editor::setupTabBar()
@ -1325,7 +1075,6 @@ void Editor::setupTabView()
void Editor::setupInputPanel()
using Q = QskInputPanelBox;
using A = QskAspect;
using P = QPalette;
setPadding( Q::Panel, 5 );
@ -1334,11 +1083,8 @@ void Editor::setupInputPanel()
setBoxShape( Q::Panel, 2 );
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Panel, m_pal.outline );
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
setGradient( Q::Panel | state, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Window ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel, m_pal.active( P::Window ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Window ) );
void Editor::setupVirtualKeyboard()
@ -1362,16 +1108,16 @@ void Editor::setupVirtualKeyboard()
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
auto rgb = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Button );
auto rgb = m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Button );
rgb = QskRgb::lighter( rgb, 104 );
setGradient( Q::ButtonPanel | state, rgb );
setGradient( Q::ButtonPanel | state | QskPushButton::Pressed,
QskRgb::darker( rgb, 110 ) );
setColor( Q::ButtonText | state, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, QPalette::Text ) );
setColor( Q::ButtonText | state, m_pal.color( colorGroup, QPalette::Text ) );
setAnimation( Q::ButtonPanel | A::Color, 100 );
@ -1392,8 +1138,8 @@ void Editor::setupScrollView()
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Viewport, m_pal.outline );
setBoxShape( Q::Viewport, 2 );
setGradient( Q::Viewport, m_pal.rgb( P::Normal, P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Viewport | Q::Disabled, m_pal.rgb( P::Disabled, P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Viewport, m_pal.active( P::Base ) );
setGradient( Q::Viewport | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Base ) );
// scrollbars
@ -1432,9 +1178,9 @@ void Editor::setupScrollView()
setStrutSize( subControl, 0.0, handleExtent );
setGradient( subControl, m_pal.rgb( P::Mid ) );
setGradient( subControl | Q::Hovered, m_pal.rgb( P::Mid ) );
setGradient( subControl | Q::Pressed, m_pal.rgb( P::Dark ) );
setGradient( subControl, m_pal.active( P::Mid ) );
setGradient( subControl | Q::Hovered, m_pal.active( P::Mid ) );
setGradient( subControl | Q::Pressed, m_pal.active( P::Dark ) );
setAnimation( subControl | A::Color, 100 );
@ -1454,20 +1200,20 @@ void Editor::setupListView()
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Active : P::Disabled;
setColor( Q::Text | state, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Cell | state, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Base ) );
const auto rgb1 = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Highlight );
const auto rgb2 = m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::HighlightedText );
setColor( Q::Text | state, m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::Cell | state, m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Base ) );
const auto state1 = state | Q::Selected;
for ( auto state2 : { A::NoState, Q::Hovered, Q::Pressed } )
setColor( Q::Cell | state1 | state2, rgb1 );
setColor( Q::Text | state1 | state2, rgb2 );
setColor( Q::Cell | state1 | state2,
m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::Highlight ) );
setColor( Q::Text | state1 | state2,
m_pal.color( colorGroup, P::HighlightedText ) );
@ -1486,19 +1232,16 @@ void Editor::setupSubWindow()
setBoxBorderColors( Q::Panel, m_pal.outline );
for ( auto state : { A::NoState, Q::Disabled } )
const auto colorGroup = ( state == A::NoState ) ? P::Normal : P::Disabled;
setGradient( Q::Panel | state, m_pal.rgb( colorGroup, P::Window ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel, m_pal.active( P::Window ) );
setGradient( Q::Panel | Q::Disabled, m_pal.disabled( P::Window ) );
// TitleBarPanel
setHint( Q::TitleBarPanel | QskAspect::Style, Q::TitleBar | Q::Title );
setMargin( Q::TitleBarPanel, -1 );
setGradient( Q::TitleBarPanel, m_pal.rgb( P::Mid ) );
setGradient( Q::TitleBarPanel | Q::Focused, m_pal.rgb( P::Highlight ) );
setGradient( Q::TitleBarPanel, m_pal.active( P::Mid ) );
setGradient( Q::TitleBarPanel | Q::Focused, m_pal.active( P::Highlight ) );
setSpacing( Q::TitleBarPanel, 5 );
setStrutSize( Q::TitleBarPanel, 0, 20 );
setBoxShape( Q::TitleBarPanel, 2, 2, 0, 0 );
@ -1508,8 +1251,8 @@ void Editor::setupSubWindow()
setAlignment( Q::TitleBarText, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter );
setTextOptions( Q::TitleBarText, Qt::ElideRight, QskTextOptions::NoWrap );
setColor( Q::TitleBarText | Q::Focused, m_pal.rgb( P::Normal, P::HighlightedText ) );
setColor( Q::TitleBarText, m_pal.rgb( P::Normal, P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::TitleBarText, m_pal.active( P::Text ) );
setColor( Q::TitleBarText | Q::Focused, m_pal.active( P::HighlightedText ) );
#if 1
for ( auto subControl : { Q::Panel, Q::TitleBarPanel, Q::TitleBarText } )
@ -1522,18 +1265,17 @@ void Editor::setupSubWindow()
QskFusionSkin::QskFusionSkin( QskSkin::ColorScheme colorScheme, QObject* parent )
: Inherited( parent )
using P = QPalette;
setupFonts( QStringLiteral( "Roboto" ) );
const Palette palette( colorScheme );
const QskFusionPalette palette( colorScheme );
setGraphicColor( GraphicNormal,
palette.rgb( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text ) );
setGraphicColor( GraphicDisabled,
palette.rgb( QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text ) );
setGraphicColor( GraphicNormal, palette.active( P::Text ) );
setGraphicColor( GraphicDisabled, palette.disabled( P::Text ) );
setGraphicColor( GraphicError, palette.error );
setGraphicColor( GraphicHighlighted, palette.rgb( QPalette::HighlightedText ) );
setGraphicColor( GraphicHighlighted, palette.active( P::HighlightedText ) );
Editor editor( palette, &hintTable() );
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 175 B |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 157 B |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 187 B |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 246 B |
Reference in New Issue
Block a user