using icons from
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
<qresource prefix="/fluent2">
@ -419,7 +419,6 @@ void Editor::setupCheckBoxMetrics()
setStrutSize( Q::Box, { 20_px, 20_px } ); // 18 + 2*1 border
setBoxShape( Q::Box, 4_px ); // adapt to us taking the border into account
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::Box, 1_px );
setPadding( Q::Box, 5_px ); // "icon size"
setFontRole( Q::Text, Fluent2::Body );
@ -548,9 +547,9 @@ void Editor::setupComboBoxMetrics()
setAlignment( Q::Text, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter );
setFontRole( Q::Text, Fluent2::Body );
setStrutSize( Q::StatusIndicator, 12_px, 12_px );
setSymbol( Q::StatusIndicator, symbol( "spin-box-arrow-down" ) );
setSymbol( Q::StatusIndicator | Q::PopupOpen, symbol( "spin-box-arrow-up" ) );
setStrutSize( Q::StatusIndicator, 16_px, 16_px );
setSymbol( Q::StatusIndicator, symbol( "chevron_down" ) );
// setSymbol( Q::StatusIndicator | Q::PopupOpen, symbol( "chevron_up" ) );
// Using Focused (Pressed doesn't exist yet):
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::Panel | Q::Focused, { 1_px, 1_px, 1_px, 2_px } );
@ -1523,20 +1522,19 @@ void Editor::setupSpinBoxMetrics()
setPadding( Q::TextPanel, { 11_px, 0, 11_px, 0 } );
#if 1
// probably obsolete once QskGraphic supports viewBox
setStrutSize( Q::UpPanel, 32_px, 20_px );
setPadding( Q::UpPanel, { 11_px, 7_px, 11_px, 7_px } );
for ( auto panel : { Q::UpPanel, Q::DownPanel } )
setStrutSize( panel, 32_px, 18_px );
setStrutSize( Q::DownPanel, 34_px, 20_px );
setPadding( Q::DownPanel, { 11_px, 7_px, 13_px, 7_px } );
setSymbol( Q::UpIndicator, symbol( "chevron_up" ) );
setSymbol( Q::DownIndicator, symbol( "chevron_down" ) );
setPadding( Q::UpPanel, { 0, 1_px, 0, 0 } );
setPadding( Q::DownPanel, { 0, 0, 0, 1_px } );
#if 0
// QskSpinBox::Pressed is missing yet
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::Panel | Q::Pressed, { 1_px, 1_px, 1_px, 2_px } );
setSymbol( Q::UpIndicator, symbol( "spin-box-arrow-up" ) );
setSymbol( Q::DownIndicator, symbol( "spin-box-arrow-down" ) );
// Focused (Pressed doesn't exist yet):
setBoxBorderMetrics( Q::Panel | Q::Focused, { 1_px, 1_px, 1_px, 2_px } );
void Editor::setupSpinBoxColors(
@ -1599,8 +1597,17 @@ void Editor::setupSpinBoxColors(
panelColor = rgbSolid( panelColor, pal.background.solid.base );
setGradient( panel, panelColor );
setBoxBorderGradient( panel, borderColor1, borderColor2, panelColor );
if ( state == Q::Focused )
const auto colors = boxBorderColors( panel );
setBoxBorderColors( panel | Q::Decreasing, colors );
setBoxBorderColors( panel | Q::Increasing, colors );
setColor( text, textColor );
setGraphicRole( upIndicator, graphicRole );
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
SVGs have been taken from
Icons are available in different sizes. As SVGs can be scaled we only need
one version of them - chosing the '12'.
As we are replacing the colors of the SVGs using graphic filters we set the
color in the SVGs manually to black ( instead of #212121 ). So they are in
line with icons coming from somewhere else.
Names have been shortened ( ic_fluent_xyz_16_regular.svg -> xyz.svg )
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
<svg width="11" height="8" viewBox="0 0 11 8" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M0.00195312 3.49805C0.00195312 3.36133 0.0507812 3.24414 0.148438 3.14648C0.246094 3.04883 0.363281 3 0.5 3C0.636719 3 0.753906 3.04883 0.851562 3.14648L3.5 5.79492L9.14844 0.146484C9.24609 0.0488281 9.36328 0 9.5 0C9.57031 0 9.63477 0.0136719 9.69336 0.0410156C9.75586 0.0644531 9.80859 0.0996094 9.85156 0.146484C9.89844 0.189453 9.93555 0.242187 9.96289 0.304688C9.99023 0.363281 10.0039 0.427734 10.0039 0.498047C10.0039 0.634766 9.95312 0.753906 9.85156 0.855469L3.85156 6.85547C3.75391 6.95312 3.63672 7.00195 3.5 7.00195C3.36328 7.00195 3.24609 6.95312 3.14844 6.85547L0.148438 3.85547C0.0507812 3.75781 0.00195312 3.63867 0.00195312 3.49805Z" fill="black"/>
<svg width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M9.85355 3.14645C10.0488 3.34171 10.0488 3.65829 9.85355 3.85355L5.35355 8.35355C5.15829 8.54882 4.84171 8.54882 4.64645 8.35355L2.64645 6.35355C2.45118 6.15829 2.45118 5.84171 2.64645 5.64645C2.84171 5.45118 3.15829 5.45118 3.35355 5.64645L5 7.29289L9.14645 3.14645C9.34171 2.95118 9.65829 2.95118 9.85355 3.14645Z" fill="black"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 777 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 444 B |
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M2.14645 4.64645C2.34171 4.45118 2.65829 4.45118 2.85355 4.64645L6 7.79289L9.14645 4.64645C9.34171 4.45118 9.65829 4.45118 9.85355 4.64645C10.0488 4.84171 10.0488 5.15829 9.85355 5.35355L6.35355 8.85355C6.15829 9.04882 5.84171 9.04882 5.64645 8.85355L2.14645 5.35355C1.95118 5.15829 1.95118 4.84171 2.14645 4.64645Z" fill="black"/>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 444 B |
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M2.14645 7.35355C2.34171 7.54882 2.65829 7.54882 2.85355 7.35355L6 4.20711L9.14645 7.35355C9.34171 7.54882 9.65829 7.54882 9.85355 7.35355C10.0488 7.15829 10.0488 6.84171 9.85355 6.64645L6.35355 3.14645C6.15829 2.95118 5.84171 2.95118 5.64645 3.14645L2.14645 6.64645C1.95118 6.84171 1.95118 7.15829 2.14645 7.35355Z" fill="black"/>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 444 B |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
<svg width="8" height="5" viewBox="0 0 8 5" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M0.25 0.5L4 4.25L7.75 0.5H0.25Z" fill="black"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 157 B |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
<svg width="8" height="5" viewBox="0 0 8 5" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M0.25 0.5L4 4.25L7.75 0.5H0.25Z" transform="rotate(180 4 2.5)" fill="black"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 187 B |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
<svg width="14" height="11" viewBox="0 0 14 11" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M4.24914 8.12738L1.12164 4.99988L0.0566406 6.05738L4.24914 10.2499L13.2491 1.24988L12.1916 0.192383L4.24914 8.12738Z" fill="black"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 246 B |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
<svg width="10" height="6" viewBox="0 0 10 6" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M0.5 1.125C0.5 1.02344 0.537109 0.935547 0.611328 0.861328C0.685547 0.787109 0.773438 0.75 0.875 0.75C0.976562 0.75 1.06445 0.787109 1.13867 0.861328L5 4.7168L8.86133 0.861328C8.93555 0.787109 9.02344 0.75 9.125 0.75C9.22656 0.75 9.31445 0.787109 9.38867 0.861328C9.46289 0.935547 9.5 1.02344 9.5 1.125C9.5 1.22656 9.46289 1.31445 9.38867 1.38867L5.26367 5.51367C5.18945 5.58789 5.10156 5.625 5 5.625C4.89844 5.625 4.81055 5.58789 4.73633 5.51367L0.611328 1.38867C0.537109 1.31445 0.5 1.22656 0.5 1.125Z" fill="black"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 631 B |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
<svg width="10" height="6" viewBox="0 0 10 6" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M0.5 4.875C0.5 4.77344 0.537109 4.68555 0.611328 4.61133L4.73633 0.486328C4.81055 0.412109 4.89844 0.375 5 0.375C5.10156 0.375 5.18945 0.412109 5.26367 0.486328L9.38867 4.61133C9.46289 4.68555 9.5 4.77344 9.5 4.875C9.5 4.97656 9.46289 5.06445 9.38867 5.13867C9.31445 5.21289 9.22656 5.25 9.125 5.25C9.02344 5.25 8.93555 5.21289 8.86133 5.13867L5 1.2832L1.13867 5.13867C1.06445 5.21289 0.976562 5.25 0.875 5.25C0.773438 5.25 0.685547 5.21289 0.611328 5.13867C0.537109 5.06445 0.5 4.97656 0.5 4.875Z" fill="black"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 625 B |