163 lines
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163 lines
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* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#include "QskGlobal.h"
#include <qquickitem.h>
class QskQuickItemPrivate;
class QskGeometryChangeEvent;
class QskWindowChangeEvent;
class QSK_EXPORT QskQuickItem : public QQuickItem
Q_PROPERTY( QRectF geometry READ geometry WRITE setGeometry )
Q_PROPERTY( bool transparentForPositioners READ isTransparentForPositioner
WRITE setTransparentForPositioner NOTIFY itemFlagsChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( bool tabFence READ isTabFence
WRITE setTabFence NOTIFY itemFlagsChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( bool polishOnResize READ polishOnResize
WRITE setPolishOnResize NOTIFY itemFlagsChanged FINAL )
using Inherited = QQuickItem;
enum Flag
DeferredUpdate = 1 << 0,
DeferredPolish = 1 << 1,
DeferredLayout = 1 << 2,
CleanupOnVisibility = 1 << 3,
PreferRasterForTextures = 1 << 4,
DebugForceBackground = 1 << 7,
LastFlag = DebugForceBackground
Q_ENUM( Flag )
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS( Flags, Flag )
~QskQuickItem() override;
const char* className() const;
bool isVisibleTo( const QQuickItem* ) const;
QRectF geometry() const;
QRectF rect() const;
QSizeF size() const;
QSizeF implicitSize() const;
void setGeometry( qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height );
void setPolishOnResize( bool );
bool polishOnResize() const;
void setTransparentForPositioner( bool );
bool isTransparentForPositioner() const;
void setTabFence( bool );
bool isTabFence() const;
void setLayoutMirroring( bool on, bool recursive = false );
void resetLayoutMirroring();
bool layoutMirroring() const;
void setControlFlags( Flags );
void resetControlFlags();
Flags controlFlags() const;
Q_INVOKABLE void setControlFlag( Flag, bool on = true );
Q_INVOKABLE void resetControlFlag( Flag );
Q_INVOKABLE bool testControlFlag( Flag ) const;
void classBegin() override;
void componentComplete() override;
void releaseResources() override;
bool isPolishScheduled() const;
bool isUpdateNodeScheduled() const;
bool isInitiallyPainted() const;
bool maybeUnresized() const;
void itemFlagsChanged();
void controlFlagsChanged();
public Q_SLOTS:
void setGeometry( const QRectF& );
void show();
void hide();
void setVisible( bool );
void resetImplicitSize();
QskQuickItem( QskQuickItemPrivate&, QQuickItem* = nullptr );
bool event( QEvent* ) override;
virtual void changeEvent( QEvent* );
virtual void geometryChangeEvent( QskGeometryChangeEvent* );
virtual void windowChangeEvent( QskWindowChangeEvent* );
void itemChange( ItemChange, const ItemChangeData& ) override;
void geometryChanged( const QRectF&, const QRectF& ) override;
virtual void aboutToShow(); // called in updatePolish
// don't use boundingRect - it seems to be deprecated
QRectF boundingRect() const override final { return rect(); }
childrenRect()/childrenRectChanged does not make much sense
in a system, where the parent is responsible for laying out
its children.
void childrenRect() = delete;
void updateControlFlag( uint flag, bool on );
QSGNode* updatePaintNode( QSGNode*, UpdatePaintNodeData* ) override final;
virtual QSGNode* updateItemPaintNode( QSGNode* );
void updatePolish() override final;
virtual void updateItemPolish();
inline void QskQuickItem::setGeometry( const QRectF& rect )
setGeometry( rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height() );
inline QSizeF QskQuickItem::size() const
return QSizeF( width(), height() );
inline QSizeF QskQuickItem::implicitSize() const
return QSizeF( implicitWidth(), implicitHeight() );
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( QskQuickItem::Flags )