2025-01-12 19:51:34 +08:00

277 lines
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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 with LLVM Exceptions
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <unifex/any_ref.hpp>
#include <unifex/any_unique.hpp>
#include <unifex/receiver_concepts.hpp>
#include <unifex/sender_concepts.hpp>
#include <unifex/get_stop_token.hpp>
#include <unifex/inplace_stop_token.hpp>
#include <unifex/type_list.hpp>
#include <unifex/with_query_value.hpp>
#include <unifex/scheduler_concepts.hpp>
#include <unifex/detail/prologue.hpp>
namespace unifex {
// Forward-declaration for any_scheduler, defined in
// <any_scheduler.hpp>
namespace _any_sched {
template <typename... CPOs>
struct _with {
struct any_scheduler;
struct any_scheduler_ref;
template <typename... CPOs>
using any_scheduler = typename _with<CPOs...>::any_scheduler;
template <typename... CPOs>
using any_scheduler_ref = typename _with<CPOs...>::any_scheduler_ref;
} // _any_sched
namespace _any {
using _operation_state =
any_unique_t<overload<void(this_&) noexcept>(start)>;
template <typename CPOs>
struct _rec_ref_base;
template <typename... CPOs>
struct _rec_ref_base<type_list<CPOs...>> {
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
template <typename... Values>
using type =
tag_t<overload(set_value, sig<void(this_&&, Values...)>)>,
tag_t<overload(set_error, sig<void(this_&&, std::exception_ptr) noexcept>)>,
tag_t<overload(set_done, sig<void(this_&&) noexcept>)>,
template <typename... Values>
using type =
tag_t<overload<void(this_&&, Values...)>(set_value)>,
tag_t<overload<void(this_&&, std::exception_ptr) noexcept>(set_error)>,
tag_t<overload<void(this_&&) noexcept>(set_done)>,
template <typename CPOs, typename... Values>
struct _rec_ref {
struct type;
template <typename CPOs, typename... Values>
struct _rec_ref<CPOs, Values...>::type
: _rec_ref_base<CPOs>::template type<Values...> {
template <typename Op>
type(inplace_stop_token st, Op* op)
: _rec_ref_base<CPOs>::template type<Values...>(*op)
, stoken_(st) {}
friend inplace_stop_token tag_invoke(tag_t<get_stop_token>, const type& self) noexcept {
return self.stoken_;
inplace_stop_token stoken_;
template <typename CPOs, typename... Values>
using _receiver_ref = typename _rec_ref<CPOs, Values...>::type;
// For in-place constructing non-movable operation states.
// Relies on C++17's guaranteed copy elision.
template <typename Sender, typename Receiver>
struct _rvo {
Sender&& s;
Receiver r;
operator connect_result_t<Sender, Receiver>() {
return connect((Sender &&) s, std::move(r));
template <typename Sender, typename Receiver>
_rvo(Sender&&, Receiver) -> _rvo<Sender, Receiver>;
template <typename CPOs, typename... Values>
struct _connect_fn {
struct type;
template <typename CPOs, typename... Values>
struct _connect_fn<CPOs, Values...>::type {
using _rec_ref_t = _receiver_ref<CPOs, Values...>;
using type_erased_signature_t = _operation_state(this_&&, _rec_ref_t);
template(typename Sender)
(requires sender_to<Sender, _rec_ref_t>)
friend _operation_state
tag_invoke(const type&, Sender&& s, _rec_ref_t r) {
using Op = connect_result_t<Sender, _rec_ref_t>;
return _operation_state{std::in_place_type<Op>, _rvo{(Sender &&) s, std::move(r)}};
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// MSVC (_MSC_VER == 1927) doesn't seem to like the requires
// clause here. Use SFINAE instead.
template <typename Self>
tag_invoke_result_t<type, Self, _rec_ref_t>
operator()(Self&& s, _rec_ref_t r) const {
return tag_invoke(*this, (Self&&) s, std::move(r));
template(typename Self)
(requires tag_invocable<type, Self, _rec_ref_t>)
_operation_state operator()(Self&& s, _rec_ref_t r) const {
return tag_invoke(*this, (Self&&) s, std::move(r));
template <typename CPOs, typename... Values>
inline constexpr typename _connect_fn<CPOs, Values...>::type _connect{};
template <typename Receiver>
struct _op_for {
struct type;
template <typename Receiver>
using _operation_state_for = typename _op_for<Receiver>::type;
template <typename Receiver>
struct _op_for<Receiver>::type {
template <typename Fn>
explicit type(Receiver r, Fn fn)
: rec_((Receiver&&) r)
, state_{fn({subscription_.subscribe(unifex::get_stop_token(rec_)), this})}
void start() & noexcept {
// This operation state also implements the receiver CPOs and forwards them
// to the receiver after unsubscribing the stop token.
template (typename CPO, typename... Args)
(requires is_receiver_cpo_v<CPO> AND is_callable_v<CPO, Receiver, Args...>)
friend void tag_invoke(CPO cpo, type&& self, Args&&... args)
noexcept(is_nothrow_callable_v<CPO, Receiver, Args...>) {
cpo(std::move(self).rec_, (Args&&) args...);
// Forward other receiver queries
template (typename CPO)
(requires is_receiver_query_cpo_v<CPO> AND is_callable_v<CPO, const Receiver&>)
friend auto tag_invoke(CPO cpo, const type& self)
noexcept(is_nothrow_callable_v<CPO, const Receiver&>)
-> callable_result_t<CPO, const Receiver&> {
return std::move(cpo)(self.rec_);
Receiver rec_;
detail::inplace_stop_token_adapter_subscription<stop_token_type_t<Receiver>> subscription_{};
_operation_state state_;
template <typename CPOs, typename... Values>
using _sender_base = any_unique_t<_connect<CPOs, Values...>>;
template <typename... Values>
struct _sender {
struct type;
template <typename... CPOs>
struct _with {
template <typename... Values>
struct _sender {
struct type;
template <typename... Values>
using any_sender_of = typename _sender<Values...>::type;
using any_scheduler = _any_sched::any_scheduler<CPOs...>;
using any_scheduler_ref = _any_sched::any_scheduler_ref<CPOs...>;
template <typename... Values>
using any_receiver_ref = _receiver_ref<type_list<CPOs...>, Values...>;
template <typename... CPOs>
template <typename... Values>
struct _with<CPOs...>::_sender<Values...>::type
: private _sender_base<type_list<CPOs...>, Values...> {
template <template <class...> class Variant, template <class...> class Tuple>
using value_types = Variant<Tuple<Values...>>;
template <template <class...> class Variant>
using error_types = Variant<std::exception_ptr>;
static constexpr bool sends_done = true;
template (typename Receiver)
(requires receiver_of<Receiver, Values...> AND
(invocable<CPOs, Receiver const&> &&...))
_operation_state_for<Receiver> connect(Receiver r) && {
any_unique_t<_connect<type_list<CPOs...>, Values...>>& self = *this;
return _operation_state_for<Receiver>{
[&self](_receiver_ref<type_list<CPOs...>, Values...> rec) {
return _connect<type_list<CPOs...>, Values...>(std::move(self), std::move(rec));
using _sender_base<type_list<CPOs...>, Values...>::_sender_base;
UNIFEX_ALWAYS_INLINE ~type() = default;
type(type&&) = default;
template <typename... Values>
struct _sender<Values...>::type : _with<>::_sender<Values...>::type {
using _with<>::_sender<Values...>::type::type;
} // namespace _any
template <typename Receiver>
using any_operation_state_for = _any::_operation_state_for<Receiver>;
template <typename... Values>
using any_sender_of = typename _any::_sender<Values...>::type;
template <typename... Values>
using any_receiver_ref = _any::_receiver_ref<type_list<>, Values...>;
template <auto&... CPOs>
using with_receiver_queries = _any::_with<tag_t<CPOs>...>;
} // namespace unifex
#include <unifex/detail/epilogue.hpp>