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404 lines
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#ifndef __TBB_detail__template_helpers_H
#define __TBB_detail__template_helpers_H
#include "_utils.h"
#include "_config.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <memory>
#include <iterator>
namespace tbb {
namespace detail {
inline namespace d0 {
// An internal implementation of void_t, which can be used in SFINAE contexts
template <typename...>
struct void_impl {
using type = void;
}; // struct void_impl
template <typename... Args>
using void_t = typename void_impl<Args...>::type;
// Generic SFINAE helper for expression checks, based on the idea demonstrated in ISO C++ paper n4502
template <typename T, typename, template <typename> class... Checks>
struct supports_impl {
using type = std::false_type;
template <typename T, template <typename> class... Checks>
struct supports_impl<T, void_t<Checks<T>...>, Checks...> {
using type = std::true_type;
template <typename T, template <typename> class... Checks>
using supports = typename supports_impl<T, void, Checks...>::type;
//! A template to select either 32-bit or 64-bit constant as compile time, depending on machine word size.
template <unsigned u, unsigned long long ull >
struct select_size_t_constant {
// Explicit cast is needed to avoid compiler warnings about possible truncation.
// The value of the right size, which is selected by ?:, is anyway not truncated or promoted.
static const std::size_t value = static_cast<std::size_t>((sizeof(std::size_t)==sizeof(u)) ? u : ull);
// TODO: do we really need it?
//! Cast between unrelated pointer types.
/** This method should be used sparingly as a last resort for dealing with
situations that inherently break strict ISO C++ aliasing rules. */
// T is a pointer type because it will be explicitly provided by the programmer as a template argument;
// U is a referent type to enable the compiler to check that "ptr" is a pointer, deducing U in the process.
template<typename T, typename U>
inline T punned_cast( U* ptr ) {
std::uintptr_t x = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(ptr);
return reinterpret_cast<T>(x);
template<class T, size_t S, size_t R>
struct padded_base : T {
char pad[S - R];
template<class T, size_t S> struct padded_base<T, S, 0> : T {};
//! Pads type T to fill out to a multiple of cache line size.
template<class T, size_t S = max_nfs_size>
struct padded : padded_base<T, S, sizeof(T) % S> {};
using std::index_sequence;
using std::make_index_sequence;
template<std::size_t... S> class index_sequence {};
template<std::size_t N, std::size_t... S>
struct make_index_sequence_impl : make_index_sequence_impl < N - 1, N - 1, S... > {};
template<std::size_t... S>
struct make_index_sequence_impl <0, S...> {
using type = index_sequence<S...>;
template<std::size_t N>
using make_index_sequence = typename make_index_sequence_impl<N>::type;
using std::conjunction;
using std::disjunction;
template <typename...>
struct conjunction : std::true_type {};
template <typename First, typename... Args>
struct conjunction<First, Args...>
: std::conditional<bool(First::value), conjunction<Args...>, First>::type {};
template <typename T>
struct conjunction<T> : T {};
template <typename...>
struct disjunction : std::false_type {};
template <typename First, typename... Args>
struct disjunction<First, Args...>
: std::conditional<bool(First::value), First, disjunction<Args...>>::type {};
template <typename T>
struct disjunction<T> : T {};
template <typename Iterator>
using iterator_value_t = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type;
template <typename Iterator>
using iterator_key_t = typename std::remove_const<typename iterator_value_t<Iterator>::first_type>::type;
template <typename Iterator>
using iterator_mapped_t = typename iterator_value_t<Iterator>::second_type;
template <typename Iterator>
using iterator_alloc_pair_t = std::pair<typename std::add_const<iterator_key_t<Iterator>>::type,
template <typename A> using alloc_value_type = typename A::value_type;
template <typename A> using alloc_ptr_t = typename std::allocator_traits<A>::pointer;
template <typename A> using has_allocate = decltype(std::declval<alloc_ptr_t<A>&>() = std::declval<A>().allocate(0));
template <typename A> using has_deallocate = decltype(std::declval<A>().deallocate(std::declval<alloc_ptr_t<A>>(), 0));
// alloc_value_type should be checked first, because it can be used in other checks
template <typename T>
using is_allocator = supports<T, alloc_value_type, has_allocate, has_deallocate>;
template <typename T>
inline constexpr bool is_allocator_v = is_allocator<T>::value;
// Template class in which the "type" determines the type of the element number N in pack Args
template <std::size_t N, typename... Args>
struct pack_element {
using type = void;
template <std::size_t N, typename T, typename... Args>
struct pack_element<N, T, Args...> {
using type = typename pack_element<N-1, Args...>::type;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
struct pack_element<0, T, Args...> {
using type = T;
template <std::size_t N, typename... Args>
using pack_element_t = typename pack_element<N, Args...>::type;
template <typename Func>
class raii_guard {
std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible<Func>::value &&
"Throwing an exception during the Func copy or move construction cause an unexpected behavior."
raii_guard( Func f ) noexcept : my_func(f), is_active(true) {}
raii_guard( raii_guard&& g ) noexcept : my_func(std::move(g.my_func)), is_active(g.is_active) {
g.is_active = false;
~raii_guard() {
if (is_active) {
void dismiss() {
is_active = false;
Func my_func;
bool is_active;
}; // class raii_guard
template <typename Func>
raii_guard<Func> make_raii_guard( Func f ) {
return raii_guard<Func>(f);
template <typename Body>
struct try_call_proxy {
try_call_proxy( Body b ) : body(b) {}
template <typename OnExceptionBody>
void on_exception( OnExceptionBody on_exception_body ) {
auto guard = make_raii_guard(on_exception_body);
template <typename OnCompletionBody>
void on_completion(OnCompletionBody on_completion_body) {
auto guard = make_raii_guard(on_completion_body);
Body body;
}; // struct try_call_proxy
// Template helper function for API
// try_call(lambda1).on_exception(lambda2)
// Executes lambda1 and if it throws an exception - executes lambda2
template <typename Body>
try_call_proxy<Body> try_call( Body b ) {
return try_call_proxy<Body>(b);
using std::is_nothrow_swappable;
using std::is_swappable;
namespace is_swappable_detail {
using std::swap;
template <typename T>
using has_swap = decltype(swap(std::declval<T&>(), std::declval<T&>()));
#if _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER <= 1900 && !__INTEL_COMPILER
// Workaround for VS2015: it fails to instantiate noexcept(...) inside std::integral_constant.
template <typename T>
struct noexcept_wrapper {
static const bool value = noexcept(swap(std::declval<T&>(), std::declval<T&>()));
template <typename T>
struct is_nothrow_swappable_impl : std::integral_constant<bool, noexcept_wrapper<T>::value> {};
template <typename T>
struct is_nothrow_swappable_impl : std::integral_constant<bool, noexcept(swap(std::declval<T&>(), std::declval<T&>()))> {};
template <typename T>
struct is_swappable : supports<T, is_swappable_detail::has_swap> {};
template <typename T>
struct is_nothrow_swappable
: conjunction<is_swappable<T>, is_swappable_detail::is_nothrow_swappable_impl<T>> {};
//! Allows to store a function parameter pack as a variable and later pass it to another function
template< typename... Types >
struct stored_pack;
struct stored_pack<>
using pack_type = stored_pack<>;
stored_pack() {}
// Friend front-end functions
template< typename F, typename Pack > friend void call(F&& f, Pack&& p);
template< typename Ret, typename F, typename Pack > friend Ret call_and_return(F&& f, Pack&& p);
// Ideally, ref-qualified non-static methods would be used,
// but that would greatly reduce the set of compilers where it works.
template< typename Ret, typename F, typename... Preceding >
static Ret call(F&& f, const pack_type& /*pack*/, Preceding&&... params) {
return std::forward<F>(f)(std::forward<Preceding>(params)...);
template< typename Ret, typename F, typename... Preceding >
static Ret call(F&& f, pack_type&& /*pack*/, Preceding&&... params) {
return std::forward<F>(f)(std::forward<Preceding>(params)...);
template< typename T, typename... Types >
struct stored_pack<T, Types...> : stored_pack<Types...>
using pack_type = stored_pack<T, Types...>;
using pack_remainder = stored_pack<Types...>;
// Since lifetime of original values is out of control, copies should be made.
// Thus references should be stripped away from the deduced type.
typename std::decay<T>::type leftmost_value;
// Here rvalue references act in the same way as forwarding references,
// as long as class template parameters were deduced via forwarding references.
stored_pack(T&& t, Types&&... types)
: pack_remainder(std::forward<Types>(types)...), leftmost_value(std::forward<T>(t)) {}
// Friend front-end functions
template< typename F, typename Pack > friend void call(F&& f, Pack&& p);
template< typename Ret, typename F, typename Pack > friend Ret call_and_return(F&& f, Pack&& p);
template< typename Ret, typename F, typename... Preceding >
static Ret call(F&& f, pack_type& pack, Preceding&&... params) {
return pack_remainder::template call<Ret>(
std::forward<F>(f), static_cast<pack_remainder&>(pack),
std::forward<Preceding>(params)... , pack.leftmost_value
template< typename Ret, typename F, typename... Preceding >
static Ret call(F&& f, pack_type&& pack, Preceding&&... params) {
return pack_remainder::template call<Ret>(
std::forward<F>(f), static_cast<pack_remainder&&>(pack),
std::forward<Preceding>(params)... , std::move(pack.leftmost_value)
//! Calls the given function with arguments taken from a stored_pack
template< typename F, typename Pack >
void call(F&& f, Pack&& p) {
std::decay<Pack>::type::template call<void>(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Pack>(p));
template< typename Ret, typename F, typename Pack >
Ret call_and_return(F&& f, Pack&& p) {
return std::decay<Pack>::type::template call<Ret>(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Pack>(p));
template< typename... Types >
stored_pack<Types...> save_pack(Types&&... types) {
return stored_pack<Types...>(std::forward<Types>(types)...);
// A structure with the value which is equal to Trait::value
// but can be used in the immediate context due to parameter T
template <typename Trait, typename T>
struct dependent_bool : std::integral_constant<bool, bool(Trait::value)> {};
template <typename Callable>
struct body_arg_detector;
template <typename Callable, typename ReturnType, typename Arg>
struct body_arg_detector<ReturnType(Callable::*)(Arg)> {
using arg_type = Arg;
template <typename Callable, typename ReturnType, typename Arg>
struct body_arg_detector<ReturnType(Callable::*)(Arg) const> {
using arg_type = Arg;
template <typename Callable>
struct argument_detector;
template <typename Callable>
struct argument_detector {
using type = typename body_arg_detector<decltype(&Callable::operator())>::arg_type;
template <typename ReturnType, typename Arg>
struct argument_detector<ReturnType(*)(Arg)> {
using type = Arg;
// Detects the argument type of callable, works for callable with one argument.
template <typename Callable>
using argument_type_of = typename argument_detector<typename std::decay<Callable>::type>::type;
template <typename T>
struct type_identity {
using type = T;
template <typename T>
using type_identity_t = typename type_identity<T>::type;
} // inline namespace d0
} // namespace detail
} // namespace tbb
#endif // __TBB_detail__template_helpers_H