2025-01-12 20:41:24 +08:00

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The Boost Parameter Library Python Binding Documentation
:Authors: David Abrahams, Daniel Wallin
:Contact: dave@boost-consulting.com, daniel@boostpro.com
:organization: `BoostPro Computing`_
:date: $Date$
:copyright: Copyright David Abrahams, Daniel Wallin
2005-2009. Distributed under the Boost Software License,
Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
:abstract: Makes it possible to bind Boost.Parameter-enabled
functions, operators and constructors to Python.
.. |(logo)| image:: ../../../../boost.png
:alt: Boost
__ ../../../../index.htm
.. _`BoostPro Computing`: http://www.boostpro.com
.. role:: class
:class: class
.. role:: concept
:class: concept
.. role:: function
:class: function
.. |ParameterSpec| replace:: :concept:`ParameterSpec`
.. contents::
:depth: 1
``boost/parameter/python.hpp`` introduces a group of |def_visitors|_ that can
be used to easily expose Boost.Parameter-enabled member functions to Python with
Boost.Python. It also provides a function template ``def()`` that can be used
to expose Boost.Parameter-enabled free functions.
.. |def_visitor| replace:: ``def_visitor``
.. |def_visitors| replace:: ``def_visitors``
.. _def_visitor: def_visitors_
.. _def_visitors: ../../../python/doc/v2/def_visitor.html
When binding a Boost.Parameter enabled function, the keyword tags
must be specified. Additionally, because Boost.Parameter enabled
functions are templates, the desired function signature must be
.. The keyword tags are specified as an `MPL Sequence`_, using the
pointer qualifications described in |ParameterSpec|_ below. The
signature is also specifid as an `MPL sequence`_ of parameter
types. Additionally, ``boost::parameter::python::function`` and
``boost::parameter::python::def`` requires a class with forwarding
overloads. We will take a closer look at how this is done in the
tutorial section below.
The keyword tags and associated argument types are specified as an `MPL
Sequence`_, using the function type syntax described in |ParameterSpec|_
below. Additionally, ``boost::parameter::python::function`` and
``boost::parameter::python::def`` requires a class with forwarding overloads.
We will take a closer look at how this is done in the tutorial section below.
.. The last two sentences are terribly vague. Which namespace is
.. ``function`` in? Isn't the return type always needed? What
.. else are we going to do other than pass these sequences to
.. function?
.. _`MPL Sequence`: ../../../mpl/doc/refmanual/sequences.html
.. _parameterspec: `concept ParameterSpec`_
In this section we will outline the steps needed to bind a simple
Boost.Parameter-enabled member function to Python. Knowledge of the
Boost.Parameter macros_ are required to understand this section.
.. _macros: index.html
The class and member function we are interested in binding looks
like this:
.. parsed-literal::
#include <boost/parameter/keyword.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/preprocessor.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
// First the keywords
class window
(void), open, tag,
(required (title, (std::string)))
(optional (width, (unsigned), 400)
(height, (unsigned), 400))
*… function implementation …*
.. @example.prepend('#include <cassert>')
.. @example.replace_emphasis('''
assert(title == "foo");
assert(height == 20);
assert(width == 400);
It defines a set of overloaded member functions called ``open`` with one
required parameter and two optional ones. To bind this member function to
Python we use the binding utility ``boost::parameter::python::function``.
``boost::parameter::python::function`` is a |def_visitor|_ that we'll instantiate
and pass to ``boost::python::class_::def()``.
To use ``boost::parameter::python::function`` we first need to define
a class with forwarding overloads. This is needed because ``window::open()``
is a function template, so we can't refer to it in any other way.
struct open_fwd
template <class A0, class A1, class A2>
void operator()(
boost::type<void>, window& self
, A0 const& a0, A1 const& a1, A2 const& a2
self.open(a0, a1, a2);
The first parameter, ``boost::type<void>``, tells the forwarding overload
what the return type should be. In this case we know that it's always void
but in some cases, when we are exporting several specializations of a
Boost.Parameter-enabled template, we need to use that parameter to
deduce the return type.
``window::open()`` takes a total of 3 parameters, so the forwarding function
needs to take three parameters as well.
.. Note::
We only need one overload in the forwarding class, despite the
fact that there are two optional parameters. There are special
circumstances when several overload are needed; see
`special keywords`_.
Next we'll define the module and export the class:
using namespace boost::python;
namespace py = boost::parameter::python;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
"open", py::function<
, mpl::vector<
, tag::title(std::string)
, tag::width*(unsigned)
, tag::height*(unsigned)
.. @jam_prefix.append('import python ;')
.. @jam_prefix.append('stage . : my_module /boost/python//boost_python ;')
.. @my_module = build(
output = 'my_module'
, target_rule = 'python-extension'
, input = '/boost/python//boost_python'
, howmany = 'all'
.. @del jam_prefix[:]
``py::function`` is passed two parameters. The first one is the class with
forwarding overloads that we defined earlier. The second one is an `MPL
Sequence`_ with the keyword tag types and argument types for the function
specified as function types. The pointer syntax used in ``tag::width*`` and
``tag::height*`` means that the parameter is optional. The first element of
the `MPL Sequence`_ is the return type of the function, in this case ``void``,
which is passed as the first argument to ``operator()`` in the forwarding
.. The
pointer syntax means that the parameter is optional, so in this case
``width`` and ``height`` are optional parameters. The third parameter
is an `MPL Sequence`_ with the desired function signature. The return type comes first, and
then the parameter types:
.. parsed-literal::
mpl::vector<void, std::string, unsigned, unsigned>
*return type* *title* *width* *height*
.. @ignore()
That's it! This class can now be used in Python with the expected syntax::
>>> w = my_module.window()
>>> w.open(title = "foo", height = 20)
.. @example.prepend('import my_module')
.. @run_python(module_path = my_module)
.. Sorry to say this at such a late date, but this syntax really
.. strikes me as cumbersome. Couldn't we do something like:
(void (*)(
or at least:
assuming, that is, that we will have to repeat the tags (yes,
users of broken compilers will have to give us function pointer
types instead).
concept |ParameterSpec|
A |ParameterSpec| is a function type ``K(T)`` that describes both the keyword tag,
``K``, and the argument type, ``T``, for a parameter.
``K`` is either:
* A *required* keyword of the form ``Tag``
* **or**, an *optional* keyword of the form ``Tag*``
* **or**, a *special* keyword of the form ``Tag**``
where ``Tag`` is a keyword tag type, as used in a specialization
of |keyword|__.
.. |keyword| replace:: ``boost::parameter::keyword``
__ ../../../parameter/doc/html/reference.html#keyword
The **arity range** for an `MPL Sequence`_ of |ParameterSpec|'s is
defined as the closed range:
.. parsed-literal::
[ mpl::size<S> - number of *special* keyword tags in ``S``, mpl::size<S> ]
For example, the **arity range** of ``mpl::vector2<x(int),y(int)>`` is ``[2,2]``,
the **arity range** of ``mpl::vector2<x(int),y*(int)>`` is ``[2,2]`` and the
**arity range** of ``mpl::vector2<x(int),y**(int)>`` is ``[1,2]``.
*special* keywords
Sometimes it is desirable to have a default value for a parameter that differ
in type from the parameter. This technique is useful for doing simple tag-dispatching
based on the presence of a parameter. For example:
.. An example_ of this is given in the Boost.Parameter
docs. The example uses a different technique, but could also have been written like this:
.. parsed-literal::
namespace core
template <class ArgumentPack>
void dfs_dispatch(ArgumentPack const& args, mpl::false\_)
*…compute and use default color map…*
template <class ArgumentPack, class ColorMap>
void dfs_dispatch(ArgumentPack const& args, ColorMap colormap)
*…use colormap…*
template <class ArgumentPack>
void depth_first_search(ArgumentPack const& args)
core::dfs_dispatch(args, args[color | mpl::false_()]);
.. @example.prepend('''
#include <boost/parameter/keyword.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/parameters.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <cassert>
typedef boost::parameter::parameters<tag::color> params;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
.. @example.replace_emphasis('''
assert(args[color | 1] == 1);
.. @example.replace_emphasis('''
assert(args[color | 1] == 0);
.. @example.append('''
int main()
depth_first_search(params()(color = 0));
.. @build()
.. .. _example: index.html#dispatching-based-on-the-presence-of-a-default
In the above example the type of the default for ``color`` is ``mpl::false_``, a
type that is distinct from any color map that the user might supply.
When binding the case outlined above, the default type for ``color`` will not
be convertible to the parameter type. Therefore we need to tag the ``color``
keyword as a *special* keyword. This is done by specifying the tag as
``tag::color**`` when binding the function (see `concept ParameterSpec`_ for
more details on the tagging). By doing this we tell the binding functions that
it needs to generate two overloads, one with the ``color`` parameter present
and one without. Had there been two *special* keywords, four overloads would
need to be generated. The number of generated overloads is equal to 2\
:sup:`N`, where ``N`` is the number of *special* keywords.
class template ``init``
Defines a named parameter enabled constructor.
.. parsed-literal::
template <class ParameterSpecs>
struct init : python::def_visitor<init<ParameterSpecs> >
template <class Class>
void def(Class& class\_);
template <class CallPolicies>
*def\_visitor* operator[](CallPolicies const& policies) const;
.. @ignore()
``init`` requirements
* ``ParameterSpecs`` is an `MPL sequence`_ where each element is a
model of |ParameterSpec|.
* For every ``N`` in ``[U,V]``, where ``[U,V]`` is the **arity
range** of ``ParameterSpecs``, ``Class`` must support these
======================= ============= =========================================
Expression Return type Requirements
======================= ============= =========================================
``Class(a0, …, aN)`` \- ``a0``\ …\ ``aN`` are tagged arguments.
======================= ============= =========================================
``template <class CallPolicies> operator[](CallPolicies const&)``
Returns a ``def_visitor`` equivalent to ``*this``, except that it
uses CallPolicies when creating the binding.
.. parsed-literal::
#include <boost/parameter/keyword.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/preprocessor.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
struct base
template <class ArgumentPack>
base(ArgumentPack const& args)
*… use args …*
class X : base
(required (x, \*))
(optional (y, \*))
BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(*module name*)
using namespace boost::python;
namespace py = boost::parameter::python;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
class_<X>("X", no_init)
mpl::vector<tag::x(int), tag::y\*(int)>
.. @example.replace_emphasis('''
assert(args[x] == 0);
assert(args[y | 1] == 1);
.. @example.replace_emphasis('my_module')
.. @jam_prefix.append('import python ;')
.. @jam_prefix.append('stage . : my_module /boost/python//boost_python ;')
.. @my_module = build(
output = 'my_module'
, target_rule = 'python-extension'
, input = '/boost/python//boost_python'
class template ``call``
Defines a ``__call__`` operator, mapped to ``operator()`` in C++.
.. parsed-literal::
template <class ParameterSpecs>
struct call : python::def_visitor<call<ParameterSpecs> >
template <class Class>
void def(Class& class\_);
template <class CallPolicies>
*def\_visitor* operator[](CallPolicies const& policies) const;
.. @ignore()
``call`` requirements
* ``ParameterSpecs`` is an `MPL sequence`_ where each element
except the first models |ParameterSpec|. The first element
is the result type of ``c(…)``.
* ``Class`` must support these expressions, where ``c`` is an
instance of ``Class``:
=================== ==================== =======================================
Expression Return type Requirements
=================== ==================== =======================================
``c(a0, …, aN)`` Convertible to ``R`` ``a0``\ …\ ``aN`` are tagged arguments.
=================== ==================== =======================================
For every ``N`` in ``[U,V]``, where ``[U,V]`` is the **arity range** of ``ParameterSpecs``.
``template <class CallPolicies> operator[](CallPolicies const&)``
Returns a ``def_visitor`` equivalent to ``*this``, except that it
uses CallPolicies when creating the binding.
.. parsed-literal::
#include <boost/parameter/keyword.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/preprocessor.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
namespace parameter = boost::parameter;
typedef parameter::parameters<
, parameter::optional<tag::y>
> call_parameters;
class X
template <class ArgumentPack>
int call_impl(ArgumentPack const& args)
*… use args …*
template <class A0>
int operator()(A0 const& a0)
return call_impl(call_parameters()(a0));
template <class A0, class A1>
int operator()(A0 const& a0, A1 const& a1)
return call_impl(call_parameters()(a0,a1));
BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(*module name*)
using namespace boost::python;
namespace py = parameter::python;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
mpl::vector<int, tag::x(int), tag::y\*(int)>
.. @example.replace_emphasis('''
assert(args[x] == 0);
assert(args[y | 1] == 1);
return 0;
.. @example.replace_emphasis('my_module')
.. @my_module = build(
output = 'my_module'
, target_rule = 'python-extension'
, input = '/boost/python//boost_python'
class template ``function``
Defines a named parameter enabled member function.
.. parsed-literal::
template <class Fwd, class ParameterSpecs>
struct function : python::def_visitor<function<Fwd, ParameterSpecs> >
template <class Class, class Options>
void def(Class& class\_, char const* name, Options const& options);
.. @ignore()
``function`` requirements
* ``ParameterSpecs`` is an `MPL sequence`_ where each element
except the first models |ParameterSpec|. The first element
is the result type of ``c.f(…)``, where ``f`` is the member
* An instance of ``Fwd`` must support this expression:
============================================ ==================== =================================================
Expression Return type Requirements
============================================ ==================== =================================================
``fwd(boost::type<R>(), self, a0, …, aN)`` Convertible to ``R`` ``self`` is a reference to the object on which
the function should be invoked. ``a0``\ …\ ``aN``
are tagged arguments.
============================================ ==================== =================================================
For every ``N`` in ``[U,V]``, where ``[U,V]`` is the **arity range** of ``ParameterSpecs``.
This example exports a member function ``f(int x, int y = …)`` to Python. The
sequence of |ParameterSpec|'s ``mpl::vector2<tag::x(int), tag::y*(int)>`` has
an **arity range** of [2,2], so we only need one forwarding overload.
.. parsed-literal::
#include <boost/parameter/keyword.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/preprocessor.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
class X
(required (x, \*))
(optional (y, \*, 1))
struct f_fwd
template <class A0, class A1>
void operator()(boost::type<void>, X& self, A0 const& a0, A1 const& a1)
self.f(a0, a1);
BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(*module name*)
using namespace boost::python;
namespace py = boost::parameter::python;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
, mpl::vector<void, tag::x(int), tag::y\*(int)>
.. @example.replace_emphasis('''
assert(x == 0);
assert(y == 1);
.. @example.replace_emphasis('my_module')
.. @my_module = build(
output = 'my_module'
, target_rule = 'python-extension'
, input = '/boost/python//boost_python'
function template ``def``
Defines a named parameter enabled free function in the current Python scope.
.. parsed-literal::
template <class Fwd, class ParameterSpecs>
void def(char const* name);
.. @ignore()
``def`` requirements
* ``ParameterSpecs`` is an `MPL sequence`_ where each element
except the first models |ParameterSpec|. The first element
is the result type of ``f(…)``, where ``f`` is the function.
* An instance of ``Fwd`` must support this expression:
====================================== ==================== =======================================
Expression Return type Requirements
====================================== ==================== =======================================
``fwd(boost::type<R>(), a0, …, aN)`` Convertible to ``R`` ``a0``\ …\ ``aN`` are tagged arguments.
====================================== ==================== =======================================
For every ``N`` in ``[U,V]``, where ``[U,V]`` is the **arity range** of ``ParameterSpecs``.
This example exports a function ``f(int x, int y = …)`` to Python. The
sequence of |ParameterSpec|'s ``mpl::vector2<tag::x(int), tag::y*(int)>`` has
an **arity range** of [2,2], so we only need one forwarding overload.
.. parsed-literal::
(required (x, \*))
(optional (y, \*, 1))
struct f_fwd
template <class A0, class A1>
void operator()(boost::type<void>, A0 const& a0, A1 const& a1)
f(a0, a1);
, mpl::vector<
void, tag::\ x(int), tag::\ y\*(int)
.. @ignore()
.. again, the undefined ``fwd`` identifier.
The Boost.Parameter Python binding library requires *partial template