2025-01-12 20:40:48 +08:00

145 lines
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// (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2006-2012.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// See http://www.boost.org/libs/interprocess for documentation.
#include <boost/interprocess/detail/workaround.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_mapped_file.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/smart_ptr/weak_ptr.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include "../test/get_process_id_name.hpp"
using namespace boost::interprocess;
//This is type of the object we want to share
struct type_to_share
//This is the type of a shared pointer to the previous type
//that will be built in the mapped file
typedef managed_shared_ptr<type_to_share, managed_mapped_file>::type shared_ptr_type;
typedef managed_weak_ptr<type_to_share, managed_mapped_file>::type weak_ptr_type;
//This is a type holding a shared pointer
struct shared_ptr_owner
shared_ptr_owner(const shared_ptr_type &other_shared_ptr)
: shared_ptr_(other_shared_ptr)
shared_ptr_owner(const shared_ptr_owner &other_owner)
: shared_ptr_(other_owner.shared_ptr_)
shared_ptr_type shared_ptr_;
int main ()
//Define file names
#if 1
std::string mapped_file(boost::interprocess::ipcdetail::get_temporary_path());
mapped_file += "/"; mapped_file += test::get_process_id_name();
const char *MappedFile = mapped_file.c_str();
const char *MappedFile = "MyMappedFile";
//Destroy any previous file with the name to be used.
struct file_remove
file_remove(const char *MappedFile)
: MappedFile_(MappedFile) { file_mapping::remove(MappedFile_); }
~file_remove(){ file_mapping::remove(MappedFile_); }
const char *MappedFile_;
} remover(MappedFile);
managed_mapped_file file(create_only, MappedFile, 65536);
//Construct the shared type in the file and
//pass ownership to this local shared pointer
shared_ptr_type local_shared_ptr = make_managed_shared_ptr
(file.construct<type_to_share>("object to share")(), file);
assert(local_shared_ptr.use_count() == 1);
//Share ownership of the object between local_shared_ptr and a new "owner1"
shared_ptr_owner *owner1 =
assert(local_shared_ptr.use_count() == 2);
//local_shared_ptr releases object ownership
assert(local_shared_ptr.use_count() == 0);
assert(owner1->shared_ptr_.use_count() == 1);
//Share ownership of the object between "owner1" and a new "owner2"
shared_ptr_owner *owner2 =
assert(owner1->shared_ptr_.use_count() == 2);
assert(owner2->shared_ptr_.use_count() == 2);
assert(owner1->shared_ptr_.get() == owner2->shared_ptr_.get());
//The mapped file is unmapped here. Objects have been flushed to disk
//Reopen the mapped file and find again all owners
managed_mapped_file file(open_only, MappedFile);
shared_ptr_owner *owner1 = file.find<shared_ptr_owner>("owner1").first;
shared_ptr_owner *owner2 = file.find<shared_ptr_owner>("owner2").first;
assert(owner1 && owner2);
//Check everything is as expected
assert(file.find<type_to_share>("object to share").first != 0);
assert(owner1->shared_ptr_.use_count() == 2);
assert(owner2->shared_ptr_.use_count() == 2);
assert(owner1->shared_ptr_.get() == owner2->shared_ptr_.get());
//Now destroy one of the owners, the reference count drops.
assert(owner2->shared_ptr_.use_count() == 1);
//Create a weak pointer
weak_ptr_type local_observer1(owner2->shared_ptr_);
assert(local_observer1.use_count() == owner2->shared_ptr_.use_count());
{ //Create a local shared pointer from the weak pointer
shared_ptr_type local_shared_ptr = local_observer1.lock();
assert(local_observer1.use_count() == owner2->shared_ptr_.use_count());
assert(local_observer1.use_count() == 2);
//Now destroy the remaining owner. "object to share" will be destroyed
assert(file.find<type_to_share>("object to share").first == 0);
//Test observer
assert(local_observer1.use_count() == 0);
//The reference count will be deallocated when all weak pointers
//disappear. After that, the file is unmapped.
return 0;