2025-01-12 20:40:08 +08:00

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// Copyright 2013 Krzysztof Czainski
// Copyright 2020 Mateusz Loskot <mateusz at loskot dot net>
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0
// See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
#include <boost/gil.hpp>
#include <boost/gil/extension/numeric/resample.hpp>
#include <boost/gil/extension/numeric/sampler.hpp>
#include <boost/core/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include "test_utility_output_stream.hpp"
namespace gil = boost::gil;
// FIXME: Remove when https://github.com/boostorg/core/issues/38 happens
#define BOOST_GIL_TEST_IS_CLOSE(a, b, epsilon) BOOST_TEST_LT(std::fabs((a) - (b)), (epsilon))
template <class F, class I>
struct test_map_fn
using point_t = gil::point<F>;
using result_type = point_t;
result_type operator()(gil::point<I> const &src) const
F x = static_cast<F>(src.x) - 0.5;
F y = static_cast<F>(src.y) - 0.5;
return {x, y};
namespace boost { namespace gil {
// NOTE: I suggest this could be the default behavior:
template <typename T>
struct mapping_traits;
template <class F, class I>
struct mapping_traits<test_map_fn<F, I>>
using result_type = typename test_map_fn<F, I>::result_type;
template <class F, class I>
inline point<F> transform(test_map_fn<F, I> const &mf, point<I> const &src)
return mf(src);
}} // namespace boost::gil
void test_bilinear_sampler_test()
// R G B
// G W R
// B R G
gil::rgb8_image_t img(3, 3);
gil::rgb8_view_t v = view(img);
v(0, 0) = v(1, 2) = v(2, 1) = gil::rgb8_pixel_t(128, 0, 0);
v(0, 1) = v(1, 0) = v(2, 2) = gil::rgb8_pixel_t(0, 128, 0);
v(0, 2) = v(2, 0) = gil::rgb8_pixel_t(0, 0, 128);
v(1, 1) = gil::rgb8_pixel_t(128, 128, 128);
gil::rgb8_image_t dims(4, 4);
gil::rgb8c_view_t dv = gil::const_view(dims);
test_map_fn<double, gil::rgb8_image_t::coord_t> mf;
gil::resample_pixels(gil::const_view(img), gil::view(dims), mf, gil::bilinear_sampler());
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(128, 0, 0), dv(0, 0));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(64, 64, 0), dv(0, 1));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(0, 64, 64), dv(0, 2));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(0, 0, 128), dv(0, 3));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(64, 64, 0), dv(1, 0));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(64, 96, 32), dv(1, 1));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(64, 64, 64), dv(1, 2));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(64, 0, 64), dv(1, 3));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(0, 64, 64), dv(2, 0));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(64, 64, 64), dv(2, 1));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(96, 64, 32), dv(2, 2));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(64, 64, 0), dv(2, 3));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(0, 0, 128), dv(3, 0));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(64, 0, 64), dv(3, 1));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(64, 64, 0), dv(3, 2));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(gil::rgb8_pixel_t(0, 128, 0), dv(3, 3));
int main()
return ::boost::report_errors();