2025-01-12 20:40:48 +08:00

261 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

[/ Symbols and Greek letters (about 120) from HTML4.]
[/ File HTML4_symbols.qbk]
[/ See]
[/ See also]
[/ and others]
[/ All (except 2 angle brackets) show OK on Firefox 2.0 and higher]
[/ See also Latin-1 aka Western (ISO-8859-1) in latin1_symbols.qbk]
[/Unicode Latin extended]
[/ chart arrows]
[/ Also some miscellaneous math characters added to this list - see the end.]
[/ For others see also math_toolkit.symbols.qbk]
[/ To use, enclose the template name in square brackets, for example: [pi] ]
[template fnof[]'''ƒ'''] [/ ƒ Latin small f with hook = function = florin]
[/ Capital Greek start with capital letter, lower case all small.]
[template Alpha[]'''Α'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter alphadot]
[template Beta[]'''Β'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter beta]
[template Gamma[]'''Γ'''] [/ G Greek capital letter gamma]
[template Delta[]'''Δ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter delta]
[template Epsilon[]'''Ε'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter epsilon]
[template Zeta[]'''Ζ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter zeta]
[template Eta[]'''Η'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter eta]
[template Theta[]'''Θ'''] [/ T Greek capital letter theta]
[template Iota[]'''Ι'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter iota]
[template Kappa[]'''Κ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter kappa]
[template Lambda[]'''Λ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter lambda]
[template Mu[]'''Μ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter mu]
[template Nu[]'''Ν'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter nu]
[template Xi[]'''Ξ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter xi]
[template Omicron[]'''Ο'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter omicron]
[template Pi[]'''Π'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter pi]
[template Rho[]'''Ρ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter rho]
[template Sigma[]'''Σ'''] [/ S Greek capital letter sigma]
[template Tau[]'''Τ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter tau]
[template Upsilon[]'''Υ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter upsilon]
[template Phi[]'''Φ'''] [/ F Greek capital letter phi]
[template Chi[]'''Χ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter chi]
[template Psi[]'''Ψ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter psi]
[template Omega[]'''Ω'''] [/ O Greek capital letter omega]
[template alpha[]'''α'''] [/ a Greek small letter alpha]
[template beta[]'''β'''] [/ ß Greek small letter beta]
[template gamma[]'''γ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter gamma]
[template delta[]'''δ'''] [/ d Greek small letter delta]
[template epsilon[]'''ε'''] [/ e Greek small letter epsilon]
[template zeta[]'''ζ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter zeta]
[template eta[]'''η'''] [/ ? Greek small letter eta]
[template theta[]'''θ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter theta]
[template iota[]'''ι'''] [/ ? Greek small letter iota]
[template kappa[]'''κ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter kappa]
[template lambda[]'''λ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter lambda]
[template mu[]'''μ'''] [/ µ Greek small letter mu]
[template nu[]'''ν'''] [/ ? Greek small letter nu]
[template xi[]'''ξ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter xi]
[template omicron[]'''ο'''] [/ ? Greek small letter omicron]
[template pi[]'''π'''] [/ p Greek small letter pi]
[template rho[]'''ρ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter rho]
[template sigmaf[]'''ς'''] [/ ? Greek small letter final sigma]
[template sigma[]'''σ'''] [/ s Greek small letter sigma]
[template tau[]'''τ'''] [/ t Greek small letter tau]
[template upsilon[]'''υ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter upsilon]
[template phi[]'''φ'''] [/ f Greek small letter phi]
[template chi[]'''χ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter chi]
[template psi[]'''ψ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter psi]
[template omega[]'''ω'''] [/ ? Greek small letter omega]
[template thetasym[]'''ϑ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter theta symbol]
[template upsih[]'''ϒ'''] [/ ? Greek upsilon with hook symbol]
[template piv[]'''ϖ'''] [/ ? Greek pi symbol]
[/Math symbols]
[template bull[]'''•'''] [/ • bullet = black small circle]
[template hellip[]'''…'''] [/ … horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader]
[template prime[]'''′'''] [/ ' prime = minutes = feet]
[template Prime[]'''″'''] [/ ? double prime = seconds = inches]
[template oline[]'''‾'''] [/ ? overline = spacing overscore]
[template frasl[]'''⁄'''] [/ / fraction slash]
[template weierp[]'''℘'''] [/ P script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p]
[template image[]'''ℑ'''] [/ I blackletter capital I = imaginary part]
[template real[]'''ℜ'''] [/ R blackletter capital R = real part math symbol]
[template bigo[]'''𝑶'''] [/ O blackletter capital O = big O symbol]
[template negative[]'''ℕ'''] [/ N blackletter capital N = Negative number math symbol]
[template trade[]'''™'''] [/ ™ trade mark sign]
[template alefsym[]'''ℵ'''] [/ ? alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal]
[template larr[]'''←'''] [/ ? leftwards arrow]
[template uarr[]'''↑'''] [/ ? upwards arrow]
[template rarr[]'''→'''] [/ ? rightwards arrow]
[template darr[]'''↓'''] [/ ? downwards arrow]
[template harr[]'''↔'''] [/ ? left right arrow]
[template crarr[]'''↵'''] [/ ? downwards arrow with corner leftwards = CR]
[template lArr[]'''⇐'''] [/ ? leftwards double arrow]
[template uArr[]'''⇑'''] [/ ? upwards double arrow]
[template rArr[]'''⇒'''] [/ ? rightwards double arrow]
[template dArr[]'''⇓'''] [/ ? downwards double arrow]
[template hArr[]'''⇔'''] [/ ? left right double arrow]
[template forall[]'''∀'''] [/ ? for all]
[template part[]'''∂'''] [/ ? partial differential]
[template exist[]'''∃'''] [/ ? there exists]
[template empty[]'''∅'''] [/ Ø empty set = null set = diameter]
[template nabla[]'''∇'''] [/ ? nabla = backward difference]
[template isin[]'''∈'''] [/ ? element of]
[template notin[]'''∉'''] [/ ? not an element of]
[template ni[]'''∋'''] [/ ? contains as member]
[template prod[]'''∏'''] [/ ? n-ary product = PI product sign]
[template sum[]'''∑'''] [/ ? n-ary sumation]
[template minus[]'''−'''] [/ - minus sign]
[template lowast[]'''∗'''] [/ * asterisk operator]
[template bullet[]'''∙'''] [/ dot multiply operator ]
[template radic[]'''√'''] [/ v square root = radical sign]
[/template sqrt v square root = radical sign (duplicate of radic)]
[template cbrt[]'''∛'''] [/ cube root= radical sign]
[template fourthrt[]'''∜'''] [/ fourth root= radical sign]
[template prop[]'''∝'''] [/ ? proportional to]
[template infin[]'''∞'''] [/ 8 infinity]
[template ang[]'''∠'''] [/ ? angle]
[template and[]'''∧'''] [/ ? logical and = wedge]
[template or[]'''∨'''] [/ ? logical or = vee]
[template cap[]'''∩'''] [/ n intersection = cap]
[template cup[]'''∪'''] [/ ? union = cup]
[template int[]'''∫'''] [/ ? integral]
[template there4[]'''∴'''] [/ ? therefore]
[template sim[]'''∼'''] [/ ~ tilde operator = varies with = similar to]
[template simeq[]'''≃'''] [/ ~_asymptotic equality]
[template cong[]'''≅'''] [/ =~ approximately equal to]
[template approx[]'''≈'''] [/ ? ~~ very approximately equal to]
[template asymp[]'''≈'''] [/ ˜ almost equal to = asymptotic to]
[template ne[]'''≠'''] [/ ? not equal to]
[template equiv[]'''≡'''] [/ = identical to]
[template le[]'''≤'''] [/ = less-than or equal to]
[template ge[]'''≥'''] [/ = greater-than or equal to]
[template subset[]'''⊂'''] [/ ? subset of]
[template superset[]'''⊃'''] [/ ? superset of]
[template nsubset[]'''⊄'''] [/ ? not a subset of]
[template sube[]'''⊆'''] [/ ? subset of or equal to]
[template supe[]'''⊇'''] [/ ? superset of or equal to]
[template oplus[]'''⊕'''] [/ ? circled plus = direct sum]
[template otimes[]'''⊗'''] [/ ? circled times = vector product]
[template perp[]'''⊥'''] [/ ? up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular]
[template sdot[]'''⋅'''] [/ · dot operator]
[template cdot[]'''·'''] [/ · dot operator]
[template lceil[]'''⌈'''] [/ ? left ceiling = APL upstile]
[template rceil[]'''⌉'''] [/ ? right ceiling]
[template lfloor[]'''⌊'''] [/ ? left floor = APL downstile]
[template rfloor[]'''⌋'''] [/ ? right floor]
[template lang[]'''&#x2329;'''] [/ < left-pointing angle bracket = bra (Firefox shows ?)]
[template rang[]'''&#x232A;'''] [/ > right-pointing angle bracket = ket (Firefox shows ?)]
[template loz[]'''&#x25CA;'''] [/ ? lozenge]
[template spades[]'''&#x2660;'''] [/ ? black spade suit]
[template clubs[]'''&#x2663;'''] [/ ? black club suit = shamrock]
[template hearts[]'''&#x2665;'''] [/ ? black heart suit = valentine]
[template diams[]'''&#x2666;'''] [/ ? black diamond suit]
[template euro[]'''&#x20AC;'''] [/ ? Euro currency symbol]
[template lchev[]'''&#x27E8;'''] [/ ? left chevron]
[template rchev[]'''&#x27E9;'''] [/ right chevron]
[template rflat[]'''&#x27EE;'''] [/ right flat bracket Misc Math Symbol A]
[template lflat[]'''&#x27EE;'''] [/ left flat bracket]
[template mapsto[]'''&#x21A6;'''] [/ function maps to ]
[template obelus[]'''&#x00F7;'''] [/ division dot over and under dash divide symbol]
[template divide[]'''&#x00F7;'''] [/ division dot over and under dash divide symbol (duplicate of obelus)]
[/ U2000.pdf punctuation]
[template endash[]'''&#x2013;'''] [/ em width dash]
[template emdash[]'''&#x2014;'''] [/ en width dash]
[template hbar[]'''&#x2015;'''] [/ ? horizontal bar - introducing quoted text]
[template vert2bar[]'''&#x2016;'''] [/ ? double vertical bar]
[template line2[]'''&#x2016;'''] [/ ? double low line bar]
[template dagger[]'''&#x2020;'''] [/ ? dagger]
[template dagger2[]'''&#x2021;'''] [/ ? double dagger]
[template dot[]'''&#x2024;'''] [/ dot leader]
[template dot2[]'''&#x2025;'''] [/ ? dots leader]
[template ellipsis[]'''&#x2026;'''] [/ horizontal ellipsis]
[template sect[]'''&#x00A7;'''] [/ ? section or paragraph sign]
[template dotover[]'''&#x0307;'''] [/ dot over symbol]
[template recur[]'''&#x200A;&#x0307;'''] [/ math recurring symbol, eg after 0.333]
[/ Note use of a thin space before digit, so that dot isn't placed directly over the digit.]
[/ Use:1[recur]]
[/ Other symbols, not in the HTML4 list:]
[template enquad[] '''&#x2000;'''] [/ en quad space]
[template emquad[] '''&#x2001;'''] [/ em quad space]
[template enspace[] '''&#x2002;'''] [/ em half en space]
[template emspace[] '''&#x2003;'''] [/ em space type size in points]
[template thickspace[] '''&#x2004;'''] [/ 3 per em space]
[template midspace[] '''&#x2005;'''] [/ 4 per em space]
[template sixemspace[] '''&#x2006;'''] [/ 6 em space]
[template indent[] '''&#x2006;&#x2006;&#x2006;'''] [/ 3 * 6 = 18 em space suitable for indenting formulae & equations.]
[template figspace[] '''&#x2007;'''] [/ space = width fixed font digit]
[template punctspace[] '''&#x2008;'''] [/ space = width punctuation]
[template thin[] '''&#x2009;'''] [/ thin space ]
[template hair[] '''&#x200A;'''] [/ hair space]
[template nbsp[] '''&#x00A0;'''] [/ non-breaking space]
[template space[] '''&#x00A0;'''] [/ plain non-breaking space == nbsp]
[template nospace[] '''&#x200B;'''] [/ zero width space]
[template wordjoin[] '''&#x2060;'''] [/ word joiner - no line break either side]
[template narrownbsp[] '''&#x202F;'''] [/ narrow non-breaking space]
[template hyphen[] '''&#x2010;'''] [/ soft hyphen]
[template nbhyphen[] '''&#x2011;'''] [/ non-breaking hyphen]
[template plusminus[]'''&#x00B1;'''] [/ ? plus or minus sign]
[template sqrt[]'''&#x221A;'''] [/ ? square root sqrt symbol]
[/template pow2[]'''&#x2073;'''] [/ 2073 is NOT superscript 2 and 3 characters]
[template pow2[]'''&#x00B2;'''] [/ superscript 2 character]
[template pow3[]'''&#x00B3;'''] [/ superscript 3 character]
[/ Unicode 2070 to 209F has super and subscript digits and characters,]
[template pow4[]'''&#x2074;'''] [/ superscript 4 character]
[template pown[]'''&#x207F;'''] [/ superscript n character]
[template frac12[]'''&#x00BD;'''] [/ fraction half]
[template frac13[]'''&#x2153;'''] [/ fraction third]
[template frac14[]'''&#x00BC;'''] [/ fraction quarter]
[template frac34[]'''&#x00BE;'''] [/ fraction three quarter]
[template frac23[]'''&#x2154;'''] [/ fraction two third]
[template sup1[]'''&#xB9;'''] [/ superscript one = superscript digit one ]
[template sup2[]'''&#xB2;'''] [/ superscript two = superscript digit two = squared ]
[template supminus[]'''&#x207B;'''] [/ superscript minus]
[template supplus[]'''&#x207A;'''] [/ superscript plus]
[template cubed[]'''&#xB3;'''] [/ superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed ]
[template macron[]'''&#xAF;'''] [/ macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar ]
[template deg[]'''&#xB0;'''] [/ degree sign ]
[template plusmn[]'''&#xB1;'''] [/ plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign ]
[template micro[]'''&#xB5;'''] [/ micro sign ]
[template agrave[]'''&#xE0;'''] [/ a grave ]
[template aacute[]'''&#xE1;'''] [/ a acute ]
[template acircum[]'''&#xE2;'''] [/ a acircum ]
[template atilde[]'''&#xE3;'''] [/ a tilde ]
[template aumlaut[]'''&#xE4;'''] [/ a umlaut ]
[template ae[]'''&#xE5;'''] [/ ae]
[template cedil[]'''&#xB8;'''] [/ cedilla = spacing cedilla ]
[template ccedil[]'''&#xE7;'''] [/ small c with cedilla ]
[template Ccedil[]'''&#xE7;'''] [/ capial C with cedilla ]
[template eacute[]'''&#xE9;'''] [/ e acute ]
[template egrave[]'''&#xE8;'''] [/ e grave ]
[template eumlaut[]'''&#xEB;'''] [/ e umlaut ]
[template uacute[]'''&#xFA;'''] [/ u acute ]
[template ugrave[]'''&#xF9;'''] [/ u grave ]
[template uumlaut[]'''&#xEB;'''] [/ u umlaut ]
[template ordm[]'''&#xBA;'''] [/ masculine ordinal indicator ]
[template ordf[]'''&#xAA;'''] [/ feminine ordinal indicator ]
[template laquo[]'''&#xAB;'''] [/ left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet ]
[template raquo[]'''&#xBB;'''] [/ right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet ]
Copyright 2007, 2010, 2012 Paul A. Bristow.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at