2025-01-12 20:40:08 +08:00

181 lines
9.5 KiB

# Use, modification, and distribution are
# subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
# Copyright Antony Polukhin 2014.
# Copyright Adam Wulkiewicz 2015-2018.
- master
- develop
- test
# define tests list, if parallelism is enabled they are run in parallel
TESTS: test index/test
TESTS0: test/core test/concepts test/geometries test/arithmetic test/algorithms test/formulas test/iterators
TESTS1: test/srs test/strategies test/policies test/io test/util test/views index/test
# this is not fully bulletproof, ideally one should check
# if the current branch originates in master or develop
# but it's good enough
# test library using corresponding branch of Boost repository
BOOST_BRANCH: $([[ "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" = "master" ]] && echo master || echo develop)
# required directories
BOOST_DIR: boost-local
COVERAGE_DIR: coverage-local
# helper variables
- sudo apt-get update || true
# gcc, g++, gcov
- sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9 build-essential
#- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 10
#- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9 10
- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcov gcov /usr/bin/gcov-4.9 10
#- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/cc cc /usr/bin/gcc 20
#- sudo update-alternatives --set cc /usr/bin/gcc
#- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/c++ c++ /usr/bin/g++ 20
#- sudo update-alternatives --set c++ /usr/bin/g++
#- sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
#- sudo update-alternatives --config g++
- sudo update-alternatives --config gcov
# coveralls-lcov for lcov *.info to JSON conversion
- gem install coveralls-lcov
# jq for JSON handling
- sudo apt-get install jq
# curl for HTTP
- sudo apt-get install curl
# clone boost repository
- mkdir $BOOST_ROOT
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && git init .
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && git remote add --no-tags -t $BOOST_BRANCH origin https://github.com/boostorg/boost.git
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && git fetch --depth=1
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && git checkout $BOOST_BRANCH
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && git submodule update --init --merge
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && git remote set-branches --add origin $BOOST_BRANCH
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && git pull --recurse-submodules
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && git submodule update --init
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && git checkout $BOOST_BRANCH
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && git submodule foreach "git reset --quiet --hard; git clean -fxd"
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && git reset --hard; git clean -fxd
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && git status
# replace the content of the library with the currently tested repo
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && rm -rf libs/geometry/
- mkdir $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry
- cp -R `ls -A | grep -v $BOOST_DIR` $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry/
# build b2 and create headers
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && ./bootstrap.sh
- cd $BOOST_ROOT && ./b2 headers
# wait with the modifications of the project directory until now
# to avoid copying into the $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry/
# download and install the latest lcov
# do not use the old one from sources
- curl -fLO https://sourceforge.net/projects/ltp/files/Coverage%20Analysis/LCOV-1.12/lcov-1.12.tar.gz || curl -fLO https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ltp/Coverage%20Analysis/LCOV-1.12/lcov-1.12.tar.gz || wget http://sourceforge.mirrorservice.org/l/project/lt/ltp/Coverage%20Analysis/LCOV-1.12/lcov-1.12.tar.gz || wget -O lcov-1.12.tar.gz http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/lcov_1.12.orig.tar.gz
- tar xvzf lcov-1.12.tar.gz
- cd lcov-1.12 && sudo make install
# create a direcotry for temporary coverage data
- if [ ! -d $COVERAGE_ROOT ]; then mkdir $COVERAGE_ROOT; fi
# `--coverage` flags required to generate coverage info for Coveralls
# temporary for test purposes
#- cd $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry && ../../b2 cxxflags="--coverage" linkflags="--coverage" test/algorithms
#- cd $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry && ../../b2 cxxflags="--coverage" linkflags="--coverage" test/algorithms/detail
#- cd $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry && ../../b2 cxxflags="--coverage" linkflags="--coverage" test/algorithms/relational_operations
#- cd $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry && ../../b2 cxxflags="--coverage" linkflags="--coverage" test
#- cd $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry && ../../b2 cxxflags="--coverage" linkflags="--coverage" index/test/algorithms
#- cd $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry && ../../b2 cxxflags="--coverage" linkflags="--coverage" index/test/rtree/exceptions
# this is the first step of the first approach to automatic balancing
# the problem is that first the upper-level dir is handled
# then the tests from lower dir are executed, so the tests in various containers overlap
#- cd $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry && index=0 ; run_tests() { for i in "$1"/* ; do if [ -f "$i"/Jamfile* ] ; then ((index++)) ; echo "$index - $i" ; ../../b2 cxxflags="--coverage" linkflags="--coverage" "$i" ; run_tests "$i" ; fi ; done } ; run_tests test
# so for now just run the tests from the list
#- cd $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry && status=0; index=0 ; for t in ${TESTS[@]} ; do if [ $(((index++)%CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL)) == $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX ] ; then ../../b2 -j2 cxxflags="--coverage" linkflags="--coverage" $t ; fi || status=$? ; done ; exit $status :
# parallel: true
# so for now just run the tests from 2 lists
- cd $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry && status=0; case $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX in 0) for t in ${TESTS0[@]} ; do ../../b2 -j2 cxxflags="--coverage" linkflags="--coverage" $t || status=$? ; done ;; 1) for t in ${TESTS1[@]} ; do ../../b2 -j2 cxxflags="--coverage" linkflags="--coverage" $t || status=$? ; done ;; esac ; exit $status :
parallel: true
## Copying Coveralls data to a separate folder
#- find $BOOST_ROOT/bin.v2/ -name "*.gcda" -exec mv "{}" $COVERAGE_ROOT \;
#- find $BOOST_ROOT/bin.v2/ -name "*.gcno" -exec mv "{}" $COVERAGE_ROOT \;
# upgraded version - change the file name if exists
- find $BOOST_ROOT/bin.v2/ -name "*.gcda" -exec bash -c 'filen=$(basename $1) ; filen=${filen%.*} ; dirn=$(dirname $1) ; dstfilen=$filen ; while [ -f $COVERAGE_ROOT/$dstfilen.gcda ]; do dstfilen=$filen.$RANDOM ; done ; mv $dirn/$filen.gcda $COVERAGE_ROOT/$dstfilen.gcda ; mv $dirn/$filen.gcno $COVERAGE_ROOT/$dstfilen.gcno ; echo $dstfilen' bash "{}" \; :
parallel: true
## Preparing Coveralls data by
## ... changind data format to a readable one
- cd $BOOST_ROOT/libs/geometry && lcov --directory $COVERAGE_ROOT --base-directory ./ --capture --output-file $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage.info :
parallel: true
## ... erasing /usr and unneeded directories data
- lcov --remove $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage.info "/usr*" "*/libs/geometry/*" -o $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage.info :
parallel: true
## ... erasing data that is not related to this project directly
- ls $BOOST_ROOT/boost | sed -r '/(geometry.*)/d' | sed -r 's/(.+)/"*\/boost\/\1\/*"/g' | sed -r 's/(.+\.hpp)\/\*/\1/g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' | xargs lcov --remove $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage.info -o $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage.info :
parallel: true
## ... sanity check
- ls -lah $COVERAGE_ROOT :
parallel: true
## Sending data to Coveralls
## ... gather all files in one container
- if [ $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX = 0 ]; then mv $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage.info $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage0.info ; else scp $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage.info node0:$COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage$CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX.info ; fi :
parallel: true
## ... merge info files
- lcov `ls $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage*.info | sed -r 's/(.+)/--add-tracefile \1/g'` -o $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage.info
## ... handle sending manually
## ... convert data with coveralls-lcov
- coveralls-lcov --repo-token=$COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN -v -n $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage.info > $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage.json #:
#parallel: true
## ... alter the json file
- jq -c ".service_name = \"circle-ci\" | .service_number = \"$CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM\" | .git .branch =\"$CIRCLE_BRANCH\"" $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage.json > $COVERAGE_ROOT/processed.json
#- jq -c ".service_name = \"circle-ci\" | .service_number = \"$CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM\" | .parallel = true | .git .branch =\"$CIRCLE_BRANCH\"" $COVERAGE_ROOT/coverage.json > $COVERAGE_ROOT/processed.json #:
#parallel: true
## ... send it to Coveralls
- curl --retry 3 -F "json_file=@$COVERAGE_ROOT/processed.json" 'https://coveralls.io/api/v1/jobs' #:
#parallel: true
## ... notify Coveralls that the parallel build has ended
# this doesn't work - Coveralls returns an error
#- echo "{\"payload\":{\"build_num\":\"$CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM\",\"status\":\"done\"}}" > $COVERAGE_ROOT/payload.json && curl --retry 3 -F "json_file=@$COVERAGE_ROOT/payload.json" "https://coveralls.io/webhook?repo_token=$COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN"
#- echo "{\"payload\":{\"build_num\":\"$CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM\",\"status\":\"done\"}}" > $COVERAGE_ROOT/payload.json && curl --retry 3 -d "@$COVERAGE_ROOT/payload.json" "https://coveralls.io/webhook?repo_token=$COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN"
## This doesn't work - no effect
# webhooks:
# Notify Coveralls that the build has ended
#- url: https://coveralls.io/webhook?repo_token=$COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN