2025-01-12 20:37:50 +08:00

279 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Lorenzo Caminiti
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 (see accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or a copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
// See: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/contract/doc/html/index.html
// Test public member function subcontracting (also with old and return values).
#include "../detail/oteststream.hpp"
#include "../detail/counter.hpp"
#include <boost/contract/public_function.hpp>
#include <boost/contract/base_types.hpp>
#include <boost/contract/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/contract/old.hpp>
#include <boost/contract/check.hpp>
#include <boost/contract/override.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <string>
boost::contract::test::detail::oteststream out;
struct s_tag;
typedef boost::contract::test::detail::counter<s_tag, std::string> s_type;
struct except_error {};
struct result_type {
std::string value;
explicit result_type(std::string const& s) : value(s) {}
private: // Test non-copyable and non-default-constructible result.
result_type(result_type const&);
result_type& operator=(result_type const&);
// Test base without additional bases and pure virtual.
template<char Id>
struct t {
static void static_invariant() { out << Id << "::static_inv" << std::endl; }
void invariant() const {
out << Id << "::inv" << std::endl;
struct z_tag;
typedef boost::contract::test::detail::counter<z_tag, std::string> z_type;
z_type z;
t() { z.value.push_back(Id); }
virtual result_type& f(s_type& s, boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) = 0;
template<char Id> // Requires: Only pass lower case Id so it'll never be 'X'.
result_type& t<Id>::f(s_type& s, boost::contract::virtual_* v) {
std::ostringstream r; r << "none-" << Id;
static result_type result(r.str());
boost::contract::old_ptr<z_type> old_z =
BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, z_type::eval(z));
boost::contract::old_ptr<s_type> old_s;
boost::contract::check c = boost::contract::public_function(v, result, this)
.precondition([&] {
out << Id << "::f::pre" << std::endl;
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(s.value[0] == Id || s.value[0] == 'X');
.old([&] {
out << Id << "::f::old" << std::endl;
old_s = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, s_type::eval(s));
.postcondition([&] (result_type const& result) {
out << Id << "::f::post" << std::endl;
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(z.value == old_z->value + old_s->value);
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(s.value.find(old_z->value) !=
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(result.value == old_s->value);
.except([&] {
out << Id << "::f::except" << std::endl;
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(z.value == old_z->value);
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(s.value == old_s->value);
out << "t<" << Id << ">::f::body" << std::endl;
if(s.value == "X") throw except_error();
return result;
// Test base with other bases, multiple inheritance, and no subcontracting from
// protected and private bases (even if fully contracted).
struct c
#define BASES public t<'d'>, protected t<'p'>, private t<'q'>, public t<'e'>
#undef BASES
static void static_invariant() { out << "c::static_inv" << std::endl; }
void invariant() const {
out << "c::inv" << std::endl;
struct y_tag;
typedef boost::contract::test::detail::counter<y_tag, std::string> y_type;
y_type y;
c() { y.value = "c"; }
virtual result_type& f(s_type& s, boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0)
/* override */ {
static result_type result("none-c");
boost::contract::old_ptr<y_type> old_y =
BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, y_type::eval(y));
boost::contract::old_ptr<s_type> old_s;
boost::contract::check c = boost::contract::public_function<
override_f>(v, result, &c::f, this, s)
.precondition([&] {
out << "c::f::pre" << std::endl;
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(s.value == "C" || s.value == "X");
.old([&] {
out << "c::f::old" << std::endl;
old_s = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, s_type::eval(s));
.postcondition([&] (result_type const& result) {
out << "c::f::post" << std::endl;
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(y.value == old_y->value + old_s->value);
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(s.value.find(old_y->value) !=
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(result.value == old_s->value);
.except([&] {
out << "c::f::except" << std::endl;
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(y.value == old_y->value);
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(s.value == old_s->value);
out << "c::f::body" << std::endl;
if(s.value == "X") throw except_error();
std::string save_s = s.value;
std::string save = y.value;
y.value += save_s;
s.value = save;
save = t<'d'>::z.value;
t<'d'>::z.value += save_s;
s.value += save;
save = t<'e'>::z.value;
t<'e'>::z.value += save_s;
s.value += save;
result.value = save_s;
return result;
// Test no subcontracting from not (fully) contracted base.
struct b {
static void static_invariant() { out << "b::static_inv" << std::endl; }
void invariant() const { out << "b::inv" << std::endl; }
virtual ~b() {}
// No contract (no virtual_ so this is not actually overridden by a::f).
virtual result_type& f(s_type& s) {
static result_type result("none-b");
out << "b::f::body" << std::endl;
result.value = s.value;
return result;
// Test public function with both non-contracted and contracted bases.
struct a
#define BASES public b, public c
#undef BASES
static void static_invariant() { out << "a::static_inv" << std::endl; }
void invariant() const {
out << "a::inv" << std::endl;
struct x_tag;
typedef boost::contract::test::detail::counter<x_tag, std::string> x_type;
x_type x;
a() { x.value = "a"; }
#if defined(BOOST_GCC)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Woverloaded-virtual" // For a::f.
#elif defined(BOOST_CLANG)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Woverloaded-virtual" // For a::f.
// Must use virtual_ even if no longer decl virtual for correct overloading.
// NOTE: This intentionally hides but does not override `b::f` (it overrides
// `c::f` instead). This generates warnings on some compilers (Clang, etc.).
result_type& f(s_type& s, boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0)
/* override */ {
static result_type result("none-a");
boost::contract::old_ptr<x_type> old_x =
BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, x_type::eval(x));
boost::contract::old_ptr<s_type> old_s;
boost::contract::check c = boost::contract::public_function<
override_f>(v, result, &a::f, this, s)
.precondition([&] {
out << "a::f::pre" << std::endl;
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(s.value == "A" || s.value == "X");
.old([&] {
out << "a::f::old" << std::endl;
old_s = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, s_type::eval(s));
.postcondition([&] (result_type const& result) {
out << "a::f::post" << std::endl;
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(x.value == old_x->value + old_s->value);
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(s.value.find(old_x->value) !=
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(result.value == old_s->value);
.except([&] {
out << "a::f::except" << std::endl;
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(x.value == old_x->value);
BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(s.value == old_s->value);
out << "a::f::body" << std::endl;
if(s.value == "X") throw except_error();
std::string save_s = s.value;
std::string save = x.value;
x.value += save_s;
s.value = save;
save = y.value;
y.value += save_s;
s.value += save;
save = t<'d'>::z.value;
t<'d'>::z.value += save_s;
s.value += save;
save = t<'e'>::z.value;
t<'e'>::z.value += save_s;
s.value += save;
result.value = save_s;
return result;
#if defined(BOOST_GCC)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#elif defined(BOOST_CLANG)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#endif // #include guard