@ECHO ON setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set TRAVIS_OS_NAME=windows IF "!DRONE_BRANCH!" == "" ( for /F %%i in ("!GITHUB_REF!") do @set TRAVIS_BRANCH=%%~nxi ) else ( SET TRAVIS_BRANCH=!DRONE_BRANCH! ) if "%DRONE_JOB_BUILDTYPE%" == "boost" ( echo "Running boost job" echo '==================================> INSTALL' REM there seems to be some problem with b2 bootstrap on Windows REM when CXX env variable is set SET "CXX=" git clone https://github.com/boostorg/boost-ci.git boost-ci-cloned --depth 1 cp -prf boost-ci-cloned/ci . rm -rf boost-ci-cloned REM source ci/travis/install.sh REM The contents of install.sh below: for /F %%i in ("%DRONE_REPO%") do @set SELF=%%~nxi SET BOOST_CI_TARGET_BRANCH=!TRAVIS_BRANCH! SET BOOST_CI_SRC_FOLDER=%cd% call ci\common_install.bat echo '==================================> COMPILE' set B2_TARGETS=libs/!SELF!/test libs/!SELF!/example call !BOOST_ROOT!\libs\!SELF!\ci\build.bat )