name: CI # Diff: addtitional runs with `-DBOOST_DLL_USE_STD_FS`; launchers; `LIBRARY=dll` + `set LIBRARY=dll`; disabled ubsan on MacOS on: pull_request: push: branches: - master - develop - feature/** env: UBSAN_OPTIONS: print_stacktrace=1 jobs: posix: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - toolset: gcc-7 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17" os: ubuntu-18.04 - toolset: gcc-9 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,2a" os: ubuntu-18.04 # UBSAN complains on vtables and fails. No ',undefined -fno-sanitize-recover=undefined' flags! cxxflags: "cxxflags=--coverage -fsanitize=address,leak -DBOOST_TRAVISCI_BUILD" linkflags: "linkflags=--coverage -lasan" launcher: "testing.launcher=LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" gcov_tool: "gcov-9" ignore_coverage: "*/detail/pe_info.hpp */detail/macho_info.hpp */filesystem/src/*" - toolset: gcc-9 cxxstd: "17,2a" os: ubuntu-18.04 # UBSAN complains on vtables and fails. No ',undefined -fno-sanitize-recover=undefined' flags! cxxflags: "cxxflags=--coverage -fsanitize=address,leak -DBOOST_DLL_USE_STD_FS -DBOOST_TRAVISCI_BUILD" linkflags: "linkflags=--coverage -lasan" launcher: "testing.launcher=LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" gcov_tool: "gcov-9" ignore_coverage: "*/detail/pe_info.hpp */detail/macho_info.hpp */filesystem/src/*" - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-10 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,2a" os: ubuntu-20.04 #- toolset: clang # cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,2a" # os: macos-10.15 # cxxflags: "cxxflags=--coverage -DBOOST_TRAVISCI_BUILD" # linkflags: "linkflags=--coverage" # # Crashes, uncomment on a later version of clang # # gcov_tool: "/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/12.0.0/bin/llvm-cov gcov" # # gcov_tool: "/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/12.0.0/Toolchains/LLVM12.0.0.xctoolchain/usr/bin/llvm-cov gcov" # ignore_coverage: "*/detail/pe_info.hpp */filesystem/src/*" runs-on: ${{matrix.os}} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install packages if: matrix.install run: sudo apt install ${{matrix.install}} - name: Setup Boost run: | echo GITHUB_REPOSITORY: $GITHUB_REPOSITORY LIBRARY=dll echo LIBRARY: $LIBRARY echo "LIBRARY=$LIBRARY" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo GITHUB_BASE_REF: $GITHUB_BASE_REF echo GITHUB_REF: $GITHUB_REF REF=${GITHUB_BASE_REF:-$GITHUB_REF} REF=${REF#refs/heads/} echo REF: $REF BOOST_BRANCH=develop && [ "$REF" == "master" ] && BOOST_BRANCH=master || true echo BOOST_BRANCH: $BOOST_BRANCH cd .. git clone -b $BOOST_BRANCH --depth 10 boost-root cd boost-root git submodule update --init --depth 10 --jobs 2 tools/boostdep tools/inspect libs/filesystem python tools/boostdep/depinst/ --git_args "--depth 10 --jobs 3" filesystem rm -rf libs/$LIBRARY/* cp -r $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/* libs/$LIBRARY python tools/boostdep/depinst/ --include benchmark --include example --include examples --include tools --git_args "--depth 10 --jobs 3" $LIBRARY ./ ./b2 -d0 headers ./b2 -j4 variant=debug tools/inspect/build - name: Create user-config.jam if: matrix.compiler run: | echo "using ${{matrix.toolset}} : : ${{matrix.compiler}} ;" > ~/user-config.jam - name: Run tests run: | cd ../boost-root ./b2 -j3 libs/$LIBRARY/test toolset=${{matrix.toolset}} cxxstd=${{matrix.cxxstd}} variant=debug,release "${{matrix.cxxflags}}" "${{matrix.linkflags}}" "${{matrix.launcher}}" dist/bin/inspect libs/$LIBRARY - name: Prepare coverage data if: matrix.gcov_tool run: | mkdir -p $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/coveralls echo -e "#!/bin/bash\nexec ${{matrix.gcov_tool}} \"\$@\"" > $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/coveralls/ chmod +x $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/coveralls/ wget unzip LCOV="`pwd`/lcov-1.15/bin/lcov --gcov-tool $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/coveralls/" echo "$LCOV --directory ../boost-root/bin.v2/libs/$LIBRARY/ --base-directory `pwd`/libs/$LIBRARY/test --capture --output-file $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/coveralls/" $LCOV --directory ../boost-root/bin.v2/libs/$LIBRARY/ --base-directory ../boost-root/ --capture --output-file $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/coveralls/ $LCOV --remove $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/coveralls/ "*/usr/include/*" "*/$LIBRARY/test/*" ${{matrix.ignore_coverage}} "*/$LIBRARY/tests/*" "*/$LIBRARY/examples/*" "*/$LIBRARY/example/*" -o $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/coveralls/ cd ../boost-root OTHER_LIBS=`grep "submodule .*" .gitmodules | sed 's/\[submodule\ "\(.*\)"\]/"\*\/boost\/\1\.hpp" "\*\/boost\/\1\/\*"/g'| sed "/\"\*\/boost\/$LIBRARY\/\*\"/d" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'` echo $OTHER_LIBS eval "$LCOV --remove $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/coveralls/ $OTHER_LIBS -o $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/coveralls/" - name: Coveralls uses: coverallsapp/github-action@master if: matrix.gcov_tool with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} path-to-lcov: ./coveralls/ parallel: true windows: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - toolset: msvc cxxstd: "14,17,latest" addrmd: 32,64 os: windows-2022 - toolset: msvc-14.2 cxxstd: "14,17,latest" addrmd: 32,64 os: windows-2019 - toolset: gcc cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,2a" addrmd: 64 os: windows-2019 runs-on: ${{matrix.os}} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Setup Boost shell: cmd run: | echo GITHUB_REPOSITORY: %GITHUB_REPOSITORY% set LIBRARY=dll echo LIBRARY: %LIBRARY% echo LIBRARY=%LIBRARY%>>%GITHUB_ENV% echo GITHUB_BASE_REF: %GITHUB_BASE_REF% echo GITHUB_REF: %GITHUB_REF% if "%GITHUB_BASE_REF%" == "" set GITHUB_BASE_REF=%GITHUB_REF% set BOOST_BRANCH=develop for /f %%i in ("%GITHUB_BASE_REF%") do if "%%~nxi" == "master" set BOOST_BRANCH=master echo BOOST_BRANCH: %BOOST_BRANCH% cd .. git clone -b %BOOST_BRANCH% --depth 10 boost-root cd boost-root xcopy /s /e /q %GITHUB_WORKSPACE% libs\%LIBRARY%\ git submodule update --init tools/boostdep python tools/boostdep/depinst/ --include benchmark --include example --include examples --include tools --git_args "--jobs 3" %LIBRARY% cmd /c bootstrap b2 -d0 headers - name: Run tests shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root b2 -j3 libs/%LIBRARY%/test toolset=${{matrix.toolset}} cxxstd=${{matrix.cxxstd}} address-model=${{matrix.addrmd}} variant=debug,release finish: needs: posix runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Coveralls Finished uses: coverallsapp/github-action@master with: github-token: ${{ secrets.github_token }} parallel-finished: true