STL compliant container wrapper for arrays of constant size T T* const T* std::reverse_iterator<iterator> std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> T& const T& std::size_t std::ptrdiff_t size_type N const array<U, N>& std::copy(rhs.begin(),rhs.end(), begin()) iterator const_iterator iterator for the first element will not throw iterator const_iterator iterator for position after the last element will not throw reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator reverse iterator for the first element of reverse iteration reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator reverse iterator for position after the last element in reverse iteration size_type N bool N==0 will not throw size_type N will not throw reference size_type const_reference size_type i < N element with index i will not throw. reference size_type const_reference size_type element with index i std::range_error if i >= N reference const_reference N > 0 the first element will not throw reference const_reference N > 0 the last element will not throw const T* elems will not throw T* elems will not throw void array<T, N>& std::swap_ranges(begin(), end(), other.begin()) linear in N void const T& std::fill_n(begin(), N, value) T void array<T, N>& array<T, N>& x.swap(y) will not throw. bool const array<T, N>& const array<T, N>& std::equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin()) bool const array<T, N>& const array<T, N>& !(x == y) bool const array<T, N>& const array<T, N>& std::lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end()) bool const array<T, N>& const array<T, N>& y < x bool const array<T, N>& const array<T, N>& !(y < x) bool const array<T, N>& const array<T, N>& !(x < y)