// Copyright John Maddock 2008. // Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2016 // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning (disable : 4127) // conditional expression is constant # pragma warning (disable : 4180) // qualifier applied to function type has no meaning; ignored # pragma warning (disable : 4503) // decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated # pragma warning (disable : 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated # pragma warning (disable : 4224) // nonstandard extension used : formal parameter 'function_ptr' was previously defined as a type #endif // #define BOOST_SVG_DIAGNOSTICS // define to provide diagnostic output from plotting. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class function_arity1_plotter { public: function_arity1_plotter() : m_min_x(0), m_max_x(0), m_min_y(0), m_max_y(0), m_has_legend(false) {} //! Add a function to the plotter, compute the axes using range a to b and compute & add data points to map. void add(boost::function f, double x_lo, double x_hi, const std::string& name) { std::cout << "Adding function " << name << ", x range " << x_lo << " to " << x_hi << std::endl; if(name.size()) m_has_legend = true; // // Now set our x-axis limits: if(m_max_x == m_min_x) { m_max_x = x_hi; m_min_x = x_lo; } else { if(x_lo < m_min_x) m_min_x = x_lo; if(x_hi > m_max_x) m_max_x = x_hi; } m_points.push_back(std::pair >(name, std::map())); std::map& points = m_points.rbegin()->second; double interval = (x_hi - x_lo) / 200; for(double x = x_lo; x <= x_hi; x += interval) { double y = f(x); // Evaluate the function. // Set the Y axis limits if needed. if((m_min_y == m_max_y) && (m_min_y == 0)) m_min_y = m_max_y = y; if(m_min_y > y) m_min_y = y; if(m_max_y < y) m_max_y = y; points[x] = y; // Store the pair of points values. } // for x #ifdef BOOST_SVG_DIAGNOSTICS std::cout << "Added function " << name << ", x range " << x_lo << " to " << x_hi << ", x min = " << m_min_x << ", x max = " << m_max_x << ", y min = " << m_min_y << ", y max = " << m_max_y << ", interval = " << interval << std::endl; #endif } // void add(boost::function f, double a, double b, const std::string& name) //! Compute x and y min and max from a map of pre-computed data points. void add(const std::map& m, const std::string& name) { if (name.size() != 0) { m_has_legend = true; } m_points.push_back(std::pair >(name, m)); std::map::const_iterator i = m.begin(); while(i != m.end()) { if((m_min_x == m_min_y) && (m_min_y == 0)) { m_min_x = m_max_x = i->first; } if(i->first < m_min_x) { m_min_x = i->first; } if(i->first > m_max_x) { m_max_x = i->first; } if((m_min_y == m_max_y) && (m_min_y == 0)) { m_min_y = m_max_y = i->second; } if(i->second < m_min_y) { m_min_y = i->second; } if(i->second > m_max_y) { m_max_y = i->second; } ++i; } } // void add(const std::map& m, const std::string& name) //! Plot pre-computed m_points data for function. void plot(const std::string& title, const std::string& file, const std::string& x_lable = std::string(), const std::string& y_lable = std::string()) { using namespace boost::svg; static const svg_color colors[5] = { // Colors for plot curves, used in turn. darkblue, darkred, darkgreen, darkorange, chartreuse }; std::cout << "Plotting Special Function " << title << " to file " << file << std::endl; svg_2d_plot plot; plot.image_x_size(600); plot.image_y_size(400); plot.copyright_holder("John Maddock").copyright_date("2008").boost_license_on(true); plot.coord_precision(4); // Could be 3 for smaller plots? plot.title(title).title_font_size(20).title_on(true); plot.legend_on(m_has_legend); double x_delta = (m_max_x - m_min_x) / 50; double y_delta = (m_max_y - m_min_y) / 50; plot.x_range(m_min_x, m_max_x + x_delta) .y_range(m_min_y, m_max_y + y_delta); plot.x_label_on(true).x_label(x_lable); plot.y_label_on(true).y_label(y_lable); plot.y_major_grid_on(false).x_major_grid_on(false); plot.x_num_minor_ticks(3); plot.y_num_minor_ticks(3); // // Work out axis tick intervals: double l = std::floor(std::log10((m_max_x - m_min_x) / 10) + 0.5); double interval = std::pow(10.0, (int)l); if(((m_max_x - m_min_x) / interval) > 10) interval *= 5; plot.x_major_interval(interval); l = std::floor(std::log10((m_max_y - m_min_y) / 10) + 0.5); interval = std::pow(10.0, (int)l); if(((m_max_y - m_min_y) / interval) > 10) interval *= 5; plot.y_major_interval(interval); plot.plot_window_on(true); plot.plot_border_color(lightslategray) .background_border_color(lightslategray) .legend_border_color(lightslategray) .legend_background_color(white); int color_index = 0; // Cycle through the colors for each curve. for(std::list > >::const_iterator i = m_points.begin(); i != m_points.end(); ++i) { plot.plot(i->second, i->first) .line_on(true) .line_color(colors[color_index]) .line_width(1.) .shape(none); if(i->first.size()) ++color_index; color_index = color_index % (sizeof(colors)/sizeof(colors[0])); } plot.write(file); } // void plot(const std::string& title, const std::string& file, void clear() { m_points.clear(); m_min_x = m_min_y = m_max_x = m_max_y = 0; m_has_legend = false; } // clear private: std::list > > m_points; double m_min_x, m_max_x, m_min_y, m_max_y; bool m_has_legend; }; template struct location_finder { location_finder(F _f, double t, double x0) : f(_f), target(t), x_off(x0){} double operator()(double x) { try { return f(x + x_off) - target; } catch(const std::overflow_error&) { return boost::math::tools::max_value(); } catch(const std::domain_error&) { if(x + x_off == x_off) return f(x_off + boost::math::tools::epsilon() * x_off); throw; } } private: F f; double target; double x_off; }; template double find_end_point(F f, double x0, double target, bool rising, double x_off = 0) { boost::math::tools::eps_tolerance tol(50); std::uintmax_t max_iter = 1000; return x_off + boost::math::tools::bracket_and_solve_root( location_finder(f, target, x_off), x0, 1.5, rising, tol, max_iter).first; } double sqrt1pm1(double x) { return boost::math::sqrt1pm1(x); } double lbeta(double a, double b) { return std::log(boost::math::beta(a, b)); } int main() { try { function_arity1_plotter plot; // Functions may have varying numbers and types of parameters. // plot.add calls must use the appropriate function type. // Not all function types may be used, so can ignore any warning like // "C4101: 'f4': unreferenced local variable" double(*f)(double); // Simplest function type, suits most functions. double(*f2)(double, double); double(*f2u)(unsigned, double); double(*f2i)(int, double); double(*f3)(double, double, double); double(*f4)(double, double, double, double); double max_val; // Hold evaluated value of function for use in find_end_point. f = boost::math::zeta; plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, 40.0, false, 1.0), 10, ""); plot.add(f, -20, find_end_point(f, -0.1, -40.0, false, 1.0), ""); plot.plot("Zeta Function Over [-20,10]", "zeta1.svg", "z", "zeta(z)"); plot.clear(); plot.add(f, -14, 0, ""); plot.plot("Zeta Function Over [-14,0]", "zeta2.svg", "z", "zeta(z)"); f = boost::math::tgamma; max_val = f(6); plot.clear(); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false), 6, ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, -max_val, true, -1), find_end_point(f, -0.1, -max_val, false), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false, -2), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -1), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, -max_val, true, -3), find_end_point(f, -0.1, -max_val, false, -2), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false, -4), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -3), ""); plot.plot("tgamma", "tgamma.svg", "z", "tgamma(z)"); f = boost::math::lgamma; max_val = f(10); plot.clear(); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false), 10, ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false, -1), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false, -2), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -1), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false, -3), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -2), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false, -4), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -3), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false, -5), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -4), ""); plot.plot("lgamma", "lgamma.svg", "z", "lgamma(z)"); f = boost::math::digamma; max_val = 10; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, -max_val, true), 10, ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, -max_val, true, -1), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, -max_val, true, -2), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -1), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, -max_val, true, -3), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -2), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, -max_val, true, -4), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -3), ""); plot.plot("digamma", "digamma.svg", "z", "digamma(z)"); f = boost::math::erf; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, -3, 3, "erf"); plot.plot("erf", "erf.svg", "z", "erf(z)"); f = boost::math::erfc; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, -3, 3, "erfc"); plot.plot("erfc", "erfc.svg", "z", "erfc(z)"); f = boost::math::erf_inv; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, -3, true, -1), find_end_point(f, -0.1, 3, true, 1), ""); plot.plot("erf_inv", "erf_inv.svg", "z", "erf_inv(z)"); f = boost::math::erfc_inv; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, 3, false), find_end_point(f, -0.1, -3, false, 2), ""); plot.plot("erfc_inv", "erfc_inv.svg", "z", "erfc_inv(z)"); f = boost::math::log1p; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, -10, true, -1), 10, ""); plot.plot("log1p", "log1p.svg", "z", "log1p(z)"); f = boost::math::expm1; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, -4, 2, ""); plot.plot("expm1", "expm1.svg", "z", "expm1(z)"); f = boost::math::cbrt; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, -10, 10, ""); plot.plot("cbrt", "cbrt.svg", "z", "cbrt(z)"); f = sqrt1pm1; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, -10, true, -1), 5, ""); plot.plot("sqrt1pm1", "sqrt1pm1.svg", "z", "sqrt1pm1(z)"); f2 = boost::math::powm1; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.0001, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 0.0001, _1), -1, 10, false), 5, "a=0.0001"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.001, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 0.001, _1), -1, 10, false), 5, "a=0.001"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.01, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 0.01, _1), -1, 10, false), 5, "a=0.01"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.1, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 0.1, _1), -1, 10, false), 5, "a=0.1"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), -5, 5, "a=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1.25, _1), -5, 5, "a=1.25"); plot.plot("powm1", "powm1.svg", "z", "powm1(a, z)"); f = boost::math::sinc_pi; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, -10, 10, ""); plot.plot("sinc_pi", "sinc_pi.svg", "z", "sinc_pi(z)"); f = boost::math::sinhc_pi; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, -5, 5, ""); plot.plot("sinhc_pi", "sinhc_pi.svg", "z", "sinhc_pi(z)"); f = boost::math::acosh; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, 1, 10, "acosh"); plot.plot("acosh", "acosh.svg", "z", "acosh(z)"); f = boost::math::asinh; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, -10, 10, ""); plot.plot("asinh", "asinh.svg", "z", "asinh(z)"); f = boost::math::atanh; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, -5, true, -1), find_end_point(f, -0.1, 5, true, 1), ""); plot.plot("atanh", "atanh.svg", "z", "atanh(z)"); f2 = boost::math::tgamma_delta_ratio; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, -0.5), 1, 40, "delta = -0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, -0.2), 1, 40, "delta = -0.2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, -0.1), 1, 40, "delta = -0.1"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.1), 1, 40, "delta = 0.1"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.2), 1, 40, "delta = 0.2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.5), 1, 40, "delta = 0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 1.0), 1, 40, "delta = 1.0"); plot.plot("tgamma_delta_ratio", "tgamma_delta_ratio.svg", "z", "tgamma_delta_ratio(delta, z)"); f2 = boost::math::gamma_p; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), 0, 20, "a = 0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1.0, _1), 0, 20, "a = 1.0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 5.0, _1), 0, 20, "a = 5.0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 10.0, _1), 0, 20, "a = 10.0"); plot.plot("gamma_p", "gamma_p.svg", "z", "gamma_p(a, z)"); f2 = boost::math::gamma_q; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), 0, 20, "a = 0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1.0, _1), 0, 20, "a = 1.0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 5.0, _1), 0, 20, "a = 5.0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 10.0, _1), 0, 20, "a = 10.0"); plot.plot("gamma_q", "gamma_q.svg", "z", "gamma_q(a, z)"); f2 = lbeta; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), 0.00001, 5, "a = 0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1.0, _1), 0.00001, 5, "a = 1.0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 5.0, _1), 0.00001, 5, "a = 5.0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 10.0, _1), 0.00001, 5, "a = 10.0"); plot.plot("beta", "beta.svg", "z", "log(beta(a, z))"); f = boost::math::expint; max_val = f(4); plot.clear(); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, -max_val, true), 4, ""); plot.add(f, -3, find_end_point(f, -0.1, -max_val, false), ""); plot.plot("Exponential Integral Ei", "expint_i.svg", "z", "expint(z)"); f2u = boost::math::expint; max_val = 1; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 1, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 1, _1), 0.1, max_val, false), 2, "n = 1 "); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 2, _1), 0.1, max_val, false), 2, "n = 2 "); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 3, _1), 0, 2, "n = 3 "); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 4, _1), 0, 2, "n = 4 "); plot.plot("Exponential Integral En", "expint2.svg", "z", "expint(n, z)"); f3 = boost::math::ibeta; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f3, 9, 1, _1), 0, 1, "a = 9, b = 1"); plot.add(boost::bind(f3, 7, 2, _1), 0, 1, "a = 7, b = 2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f3, 5, 5, _1), 0, 1, "a = 5, b = 5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f3, 2, 7, _1), 0, 1, "a = 2, b = 7"); plot.add(boost::bind(f3, 1, 9, _1), 0, 1, "a = 1, b = 9"); plot.plot("ibeta", "ibeta.svg", "z", "ibeta(a, b, z)"); f2i = boost::math::legendre_p; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 1, _1), -1, 1, "l = 1"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), -1, 1, "l = 2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), -1, 1, "l = 3"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 4, _1), -1, 1, "l = 4"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 5, _1), -1, 1, "l = 5"); plot.plot("Legendre Polynomials", "legendre_p.svg", "x", "legendre_p(l, x)"); f2u = boost::math::legendre_q; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 1, _1), -0.95, 0.95, "l = 1"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 2, _1), -0.95, 0.95, "l = 2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 3, _1), -0.95, 0.95, "l = 3"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 4, _1), -0.95, 0.95, "l = 4"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 5, _1), -0.95, 0.95, "l = 5"); plot.plot("Legendre Polynomials of the Second Kind", "legendre_q.svg", "x", "legendre_q(l, x)"); f2u = boost::math::laguerre; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 0, _1), -5, 10, "n = 0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 1, _1), -5, 10, "n = 1"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 2, _1), -2, 20, false), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 2, _1), 4, 20, true), "n = 2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 3, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 3, _1), -2, 20, false), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 3, _1), 1, 20, false, 8), "n = 3"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 4, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 4, _1), -2, 20, false), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 4, _1), 1, 20, true, 8), "n = 4"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 5, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 5, _1), -2, 20, false), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 5, _1), 1, 20, true, 8), "n = 5"); plot.plot("Laguerre Polynomials", "laguerre.svg", "x", "laguerre(n, x)"); f2u = boost::math::hermite; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 0, _1), -1.8, 1.8, "n = 0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 1, _1), -1.8, 1.8, "n = 1"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 2, _1), -1.8, 1.8, "n = 2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 3, _1), -1.8, 1.8, "n = 3"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 4, _1), -1.8, 1.8, "n = 4"); plot.plot("Hermite Polynomials", "hermite.svg", "x", "hermite(n, x)"); f2 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_j; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), -20, 20, "v = 0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), -20, 20, "v = 1"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 2, _1), -20, 20, "v = 2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 3, _1), -20, 20, "v = 3"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 4, _1), -20, 20, "v = 4"); plot.plot("Bessel J", "cyl_bessel_j.svg", "x", "cyl_bessel_j(v, x)"); f2 = boost::math::cyl_neumann; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), 0.1, -5, true), 20, "v = 0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), 0.1, -5, true), 20, "v = 1"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 2, _1), 0.1, -5, true), 20, "v = 2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 3, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 3, _1), 0.1, -5, true), 20, "v = 3"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 4, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 4, _1), 0.1, -5, true), 20, "v = 4"); plot.plot("Bessel Y", "cyl_neumann.svg", "x", "cyl_neumann(v, x)"); f2 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_i; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), -0.1, 20, false), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), 0.1, 20, true), "v = 0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 2, _1), -0.1, 20, false), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 2, _1), 0.1, 20, true), "v = 2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 5, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 5, _1), -0.1, -20, true), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 5, _1), 0.1, 20, true), "v = 5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 7, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 7, _1), -0.1, -20, true), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 7, _1), 0.1, 20, true), "v = 7"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 10, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 10, _1), -0.1, 20, false), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 10, _1), 0.1, 20, true), "v = 10"); plot.plot("Bessel I", "cyl_bessel_i.svg", "x", "cyl_bessel_i(v, x)"); f2 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_k; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), 0.1, 10, false), 10, "v = 0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 2, _1), 0.1, 10, false), 10, "v = 2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 5, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 5, _1), 0.1, 10, false), 10, "v = 5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 7, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 7, _1), 0.1, 10, false), 10, "v = 7"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 10, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2, 10, _1), 0.1, 10, false), 10, "v = 10"); plot.plot("Bessel K", "cyl_bessel_k.svg", "x", "cyl_bessel_k(v, x)"); f2u = boost::math::sph_bessel; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 0, _1), 0, 20, "v = 0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 2, _1), 0, 20, "v = 2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 5, _1), 0, 20, "v = 5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 7, _1), 0, 20, "v = 7"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 10, _1), 0, 20, "v = 10"); plot.plot("Bessel j", "sph_bessel.svg", "x", "sph_bessel(v, x)"); f2u = boost::math::sph_neumann; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 0, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 0, _1), 0.1, -5, true), 20, "v = 0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 2, _1), 0.1, -5, true), 20, "v = 2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 5, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 5, _1), 0.1, -5, true), 20, "v = 5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 7, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 7, _1), 0.1, -5, true), 20, "v = 7"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2u, 10, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2u, 10, _1), 0.1, -5, true), 20, "v = 10"); plot.plot("Bessel y", "sph_neumann.svg", "x", "sph_neumann(v, x)"); f4 = boost::math::ellint_rj; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f4, _1, _1, _1, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f4, _1, _1, _1, _1), 0.1, 10, false), 4, "RJ"); f3 = boost::math::ellint_rf; plot.add(boost::bind(f3, _1, _1, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f3, _1, _1, _1), 0.1, 10, false), 4, "RF"); plot.plot("Elliptic Integrals", "ellint_carlson.svg", "x", ""); f2 = boost::math::ellint_1; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.5), -0.9, 0.9, "φ=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.75), -0.9, 0.9, "φ=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 1.25), -0.9, 0.9, "φ=1.25"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, boost::math::constants::pi() / 2), -0.9, 0.9, "φ=π/2"); plot.plot("Elliptic Of the First Kind", "ellint_1.svg", "k", "ellint_1(k, phi)"); f2 = boost::math::ellint_2; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.5), -1, 1, "φ=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.75), -1, 1, "φ=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 1.25), -1, 1, "φ=1.25"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, boost::math::constants::pi() / 2), -1, 1, "φ=π/2"); plot.plot("Elliptic Of the Second Kind", "ellint_2.svg", "k", "ellint_2(k, phi)"); f3 = boost::math::ellint_3; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f3, _1, 0, 1.25), -1, 1, "n=0 φ=1.25"); plot.add(boost::bind(f3, _1, 0.5, 1.25), -1, 1, "n=0.5 φ=1.25"); plot.add(boost::bind(f3, _1, 0.25, boost::math::constants::pi() / 2), find_end_point( boost::bind(f3, _1, 0.25, boost::math::constants::pi() / 2), 0.5, 4, false, -1), find_end_point( boost::bind(f3, _1, 0.25, boost::math::constants::pi() / 2), -0.5, 4, true, 1), "n=0.25 φ=π/2"); plot.add(boost::bind(f3, _1, 0.75, boost::math::constants::pi() / 2), find_end_point( boost::bind(f3, _1, 0.75, boost::math::constants::pi() / 2), 0.5, 4, false, -1), find_end_point( boost::bind(f3, _1, 0.75, boost::math::constants::pi() / 2), -0.5, 4, true, 1), "n=0.75 φ=π/2"); plot.plot("Elliptic Of the Third Kind", "ellint_3.svg", "k", "ellint_3(k, n, phi)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_sn; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), -10, 10, "k=0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.95, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.95"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), -10, 10, "k=1"); plot.plot("Jacobi Elliptic sn", "jacobi_sn.svg", "k", "jacobi_sn(k, u)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_cn; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), -10, 10, "k=0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.95, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.95"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), -10, 10, "k=1"); plot.plot("Jacobi Elliptic cn", "jacobi_cn.svg", "k", "jacobi_cn(k, u)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_dn; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), -10, 10, "k=0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.95, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.95"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), -10, 10, "k=1"); plot.plot("Jacobi Elliptic dn", "jacobi_dn.svg", "k", "jacobi_dn(k, u)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_cd; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), -10, 10, "k=0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.95, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.95"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), -10, 10, "k=1"); plot.plot("Jacobi Elliptic cd", "jacobi_cd.svg", "k", "jacobi_cd(k, u)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_cs; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), 0.1, 3, "k=0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), 0.1, 3, "k=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), 0.1, 3, "k=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.95, _1), 0.1, 3, "k=0.95"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), 0.1, 3, "k=1"); plot.plot("Jacobi Elliptic cs", "jacobi_cs.svg", "k", "jacobi_cs(k, u)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_dc; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), -10, 10, "k=0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.95, _1), -10, 10, "k=0.95"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), -10, 10, "k=1"); plot.plot("Jacobi Elliptic dc", "jacobi_dc.svg", "k", "jacobi_dc(k, u)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_ds; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), 0.1, 3, "k=0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), 0.1, 3, "k=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), 0.1, 3, "k=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.95, _1), 0.1, 3, "k=0.95"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), 0.1, 3, "k=1"); plot.plot("Jacobi Elliptic ds", "jacobi_ds.svg", "k", "jacobi_ds(k, u)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_nc; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), -5, 5, "k=0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), -5, 5, "k=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), -5, 5, "k=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.95, _1), -5, 5, "k=0.95"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), -5, 5, "k=1"); plot.plot("Jacobi Elliptic nc", "jacobi_nc.svg", "k", "jacobi_nc(k, u)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_ns; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), 0.1, 4, "k=0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), 0.1, 4, "k=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), 0.1, 4, "k=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.95, _1), 0.1, 4, "k=0.95"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), 0.1, 4, "k=1"); plot.plot("Jacobi Elliptic ns", "jacobi_ns.svg", "k", "jacobi_ns(k, u)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_nd; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), -2, 2, "k=0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), -2, 2, "k=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), -2, 2, "k=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.95, _1), -2, 2, "k=0.95"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), -2, 2, "k=1"); plot.plot("Jacobi Elliptic nd", "jacobi_nd.svg", "k", "jacobi_nd(k, u)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_sc; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), -5, 5, "k=0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), -5, 5, "k=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), -5, 5, "k=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.95, _1), -5, 5, "k=0.95"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), -5, 5, "k=1"); plot.plot("Jacobi Elliptic sc", "jacobi_sc.svg", "k", "jacobi_sc(k, u)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_sd; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0, _1), -2.5, 2.5, "k=0"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.5, _1), -2.5, 2.5, "k=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.75, _1), -2.5, 2.5, "k=0.75"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 0.95, _1), -2.5, 2.5, "k=0.95"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, 1, _1), -2.5, 2.5, "k=1"); plot.plot("Jacobi Elliptic sd", "jacobi_sd.svg", "k", "jacobi_sd(k, u)"); plot.clear(); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_theta1; plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.15), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "\u03B8\u2081"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_theta2; plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.15), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "\u03B8\u2082"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_theta3; plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.15), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "\u03B8\u2083"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_theta4; plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.15), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "\u03B8\u2084"); plot.plot("Jacobi Theta Functions", "jacobi_theta.svg", "x", "jacobi_theta(x, q=0.15)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_theta1; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.05), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.05"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.5), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.7), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.7"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.9), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.9"); plot.plot("Jacobi Theta Function \u03B8\u2081", "jacobi_theta1.svg", "x", "jacobi_theta1(x, q)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_theta2; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.05), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.05"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.5), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.7), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.7"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.9), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.9"); plot.plot("Jacobi Theta Function \u03B8\u2082", "jacobi_theta2.svg", "x", "jacobi_theta2(x, q)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_theta3; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.05), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.05"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.5), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.7), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.7"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.9), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.9"); plot.plot("Jacobi Theta Function \u03B8\u2083", "jacobi_theta3.svg", "x", "jacobi_theta3(x, q)"); f2 = boost::math::jacobi_theta4; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.05), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.05"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.5), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.5"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.7), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.7"); plot.add(boost::bind(f2, _1, 0.9), 0.0, boost::math::constants::two_pi(), "q=0.9"); plot.plot("Jacobi Theta Function \u03B8\u2084", "jacobi_theta4.svg", "x", "jacobi_theta4(x, q)"); f = boost::math::airy_ai; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, -20, 20, ""); plot.plot("Ai", "airy_ai.svg", "z", "airy_ai(z)"); f = boost::math::airy_bi; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, -20, 3, ""); plot.plot("Bi", "airy_bi.svg", "z", "airy_bi(z)"); f = boost::math::airy_ai_prime; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, -20, 20, ""); plot.plot("Ai'", "airy_aip.svg", "z", "airy_ai_prime(z)"); f = boost::math::airy_bi_prime; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, -20, 3, ""); plot.plot("Bi'", "airy_bip.svg", "z", "airy_bi_prime(z)"); f = boost::math::trigamma; max_val = 30; plot.clear(); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false), 5, ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false, -1), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false, -2), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -1), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false, -3), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -2), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false, -4), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -3), ""); plot.add(f, find_end_point(f, 0.1, max_val, false, -5), find_end_point(f, -0.1, max_val, true, -4), ""); plot.plot("Trigamma", "trigamma.svg", "x", "trigamma(x)"); f2i = boost::math::polygamma; max_val = -50; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), 0.1, max_val, true), 5, ""); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), 0.1, max_val, true, -1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), -0.1, -max_val, true), ""); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), 0.1, max_val, true, -2), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), -0.1, -max_val, true, -1), ""); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), 0.1, max_val, true, -3), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), -0.1, -max_val, true, -2), ""); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), 0.1, max_val, true, -4), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), -0.1, -max_val, true, -3), ""); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), 0.1, max_val, true, -5), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), -0.1, -max_val, true, -4), ""); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), 0.1, max_val, true, -6), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 2, _1), -0.1, -max_val, true, -5), ""); plot.plot("Polygamma", "polygamma2.svg", "x", "polygamma(2, x)"); max_val = 800; plot.clear(); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), 0.1, max_val, false), 5, ""); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), 0.1, max_val, false, -1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), -0.1, max_val, true), ""); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), 0.1, max_val, false, -2), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), -0.1, max_val, true, -1), ""); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), 0.1, max_val, false, -3), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), -0.1, max_val, true, -2), ""); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), 0.1, max_val, false, -4), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), -0.1, max_val, true, -3), ""); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), 0.1, max_val, false, -5), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), -0.1, max_val, true, -4), ""); plot.add(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), 0.1, max_val, false, -6), find_end_point(boost::bind(f2i, 3, _1), -0.1, max_val, true, -5), ""); plot.plot("Polygamma", "polygamma3.svg", "x", "polygamma(3, x)"); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }