# Use, modification, and distribution are # subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying # file LICENSE.txt) # # Copyright Rene Rivera 2020. # Copyright John Maddock 2021. #!/bin/bash set -ex export TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR=$(pwd) export DRONE_BUILD_DIR=$(pwd) export TRAVIS_BRANCH=$DRONE_BRANCH export VCS_COMMIT_ID=$DRONE_COMMIT export GIT_COMMIT=$DRONE_COMMIT export PATH=~/.local/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH echo '==================================> BEFORE_INSTALL' . .drone/before-install.sh echo '==================================> INSTALL' cd .. if [ "$DRONE_BRANCH" == "master" ] || [[ "$DRONE_BRANCH" == */master ]]; then export BOOST_BRANCH="master" else export BOOST_BRANCH="develop" fi git clone -b $BOOST_BRANCH --depth 1 https://github.com/boostorg/boost.git boost-root cd boost-root git submodule update --init tools/build git submodule update --init libs/config git submodule update --init libs/polygon git submodule update --init tools/boost_install git submodule update --init libs/headers git submodule update --init tools/boostdep cp -r $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/* libs/math python tools/boostdep/depinst/depinst.py math ./bootstrap.sh ./b2 headers echo '==================================> BEFORE_SCRIPT' . $DRONE_BUILD_DIR/.drone/before-script.sh echo '==================================> SCRIPT' echo "using $TOOLSET : : $COMPILER : -std=$CXXSTD $OPTIONS ;" > ~/user-config.jam (cd libs/config/test && ../../../b2 config_info_travis_install toolset=$TOOLSET && ./config_info_travis) (cd libs/math/test && ../../../b2 toolset=$TOOLSET $TEST_SUITE define=$DEFINE) echo '==================================> AFTER_SUCCESS' . $DRONE_BUILD_DIR/.drone/after-success.sh