// // Copyright (c) 2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie.falco@gmail.com) // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // Official repository: https://github.com/boostorg/json // #ifndef BOOST_JSON_TEST_HPP #define BOOST_JSON_TEST_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test_suite.hpp" namespace boost { namespace json { //---------------------------------------------------------- struct test_failure : std::exception { virtual char const* what() const noexcept override { return "test failure"; } }; struct fail_resource : memory_resource { std::size_t fail_max = 0; std::size_t fail = 0; std::size_t nalloc = 0; std::size_t bytes = 0; ~fail_resource() { BOOST_TEST(nalloc == 0); } void* do_allocate( std::size_t n, std::size_t) override { if(++fail == fail_max) { ++fail_max; fail = 0; throw test_failure{}; } auto p = ::operator new(n); ++nalloc; bytes += n; return p; } void do_deallocate( void* p, std::size_t n, std::size_t) noexcept override { if(BOOST_TEST(nalloc > 0)) --nalloc; bytes -= n; ::operator delete(p); } bool do_is_equal( memory_resource const& mr) const noexcept override { return this == &mr; } }; template void fail_loop(F&& f) { fail_resource ss; ss.fail_max = 1; while(ss.fail < 200) { try { f(&ss); } catch(test_failure const&) { continue; } break; } BOOST_TEST(ss.fail < 200); } //---------------------------------------------------------- struct unique_resource : memory_resource { unique_resource() = default; void* do_allocate( std::size_t n, std::size_t) override { return ::operator new(n); } void do_deallocate( void* p, std::size_t, std::size_t) noexcept override { return ::operator delete(p); } bool do_is_equal( memory_resource const& mr) const noexcept override { return this == &mr; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------- // The null parser discards all the data class null_parser { struct handler { constexpr static std::size_t max_object_size = std::size_t(-1); constexpr static std::size_t max_array_size = std::size_t(-1); constexpr static std::size_t max_key_size = std::size_t(-1); constexpr static std::size_t max_string_size = std::size_t(-1); bool on_document_begin( error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_document_end( error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_object_begin( error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_object_end( std::size_t, error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_array_begin( error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_array_end( std::size_t, error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_key_part( string_view, std::size_t, error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_key( string_view, std::size_t, error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_string_part( string_view, std::size_t, error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_string( string_view, std::size_t, error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_number_part( string_view, error_code&) { return true; } bool on_int64( std::int64_t, string_view, error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_uint64( std::uint64_t, string_view, error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_double( double, string_view, error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_bool( bool, error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_null( error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_comment_part( string_view, error_code& ) { return true; } bool on_comment( string_view, error_code& ) { return true; } }; basic_parser p_; public: null_parser() : p_(parse_options()) { } explicit null_parser(parse_options po) : p_(po) { } void reset() { p_.reset(); } std::size_t write( char const* data, std::size_t size, error_code& ec) { auto const n = p_.write_some( false, data, size, ec); if(! ec && n < size) ec = error::extra_data; return n; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------- class fail_parser { struct handler { constexpr static std::size_t max_object_size = std::size_t(-1); constexpr static std::size_t max_array_size = std::size_t(-1); constexpr static std::size_t max_key_size = std::size_t(-1); constexpr static std::size_t max_string_size = std::size_t(-1); std::size_t n; handler() : n(std::size_t(-1)) { } bool maybe_fail(error_code& ec) { if(n && --n > 0) return true; ec = error::test_failure; return false; } bool on_document_begin( error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_document_end( error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_object_begin( error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_object_end( std::size_t, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_array_begin( error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_array_end( std::size_t, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_key_part( string_view, std::size_t, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_key( string_view, std::size_t, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_string_part( string_view, std::size_t, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_string( string_view, std::size_t, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_number_part( string_view, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_int64( int64_t, string_view, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_uint64( uint64_t, string_view, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_double( double, string_view, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_bool( bool, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_null(error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_comment_part( string_view, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } bool on_comment( string_view, error_code& ec) { return maybe_fail(ec); } }; basic_parser p_; public: fail_parser() : p_(parse_options()) { } explicit fail_parser( std::size_t n, parse_options po = parse_options()) : p_(po) { p_.handler().n = n; } explicit fail_parser(parse_options po) : p_(po) { } void reset() { p_.reset(); } bool done() const noexcept { return p_.done(); } std::size_t write_some( bool more, char const* data, std::size_t size, error_code& ec) { return p_.write_some( more, data, size, ec); } std::size_t write( bool more, char const* data, std::size_t size, error_code& ec) { auto const n = p_.write_some( more, data, size, ec); if(! ec && n < size) ec = error::extra_data; return n; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------- struct test_exception : std::exception { char const* what() const noexcept { return "test exception"; } }; // Exercises every exception path class throw_parser { struct handler { constexpr static std::size_t max_object_size = std::size_t(-1); constexpr static std::size_t max_array_size = std::size_t(-1); constexpr static std::size_t max_key_size = std::size_t(-1); constexpr static std::size_t max_string_size = std::size_t(-1); std::size_t n; handler() : n(std::size_t(-1)) { } bool maybe_throw() { if(n && --n > 0) return true; throw test_exception{}; } bool on_document_begin( error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_document_end( error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_object_begin( error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_object_end( std::size_t, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_array_begin( error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_array_end( std::size_t, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_key_part( string_view, std::size_t, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_key( string_view, std::size_t, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_string_part( string_view, std::size_t, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_string( string_view, std::size_t, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_number_part( string_view, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_int64( int64_t, string_view, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_uint64( uint64_t, string_view, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_double( double, string_view, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_bool( bool, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_null(error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_comment_part( string_view, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } bool on_comment( string_view, error_code&) { return maybe_throw(); } }; basic_parser p_; public: throw_parser() : p_(parse_options()) { } explicit throw_parser( std::size_t n, parse_options po = parse_options()) : p_(po) { p_.handler().n = n; } explicit throw_parser(parse_options po) : p_(po) { } void reset() noexcept { p_.reset(); } std::size_t write( bool more, char const* data, std::size_t size, error_code& ec) { auto const n = p_.write_some( more, data, size, ec); if(! ec && n < size) ec = error::extra_data; return n; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------- // wrap an iterator to make an input iterator template class input_iterator { FwdIt it_; public: using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits::value_type; using pointer = typename std::iterator_traits::pointer; using reference = typename std::iterator_traits::reference; using difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type; using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag; input_iterator() = default; input_iterator(input_iterator const&) = default; input_iterator& operator=( input_iterator const&) = default; input_iterator(FwdIt it) : it_(it) { } input_iterator& operator++() noexcept { ++it_; return *this; } input_iterator operator++(int) noexcept { auto tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; } pointer operator->() const noexcept { return it_.operator->(); } reference operator*() const noexcept { return *it_; } bool operator==(input_iterator other) const noexcept { return it_ == other.it_; } bool operator!=(input_iterator other) const noexcept { return it_ != other.it_; } }; template input_iterator make_input_iterator(FwdIt it) { return input_iterator(it); } //---------------------------------------------------------- inline bool equal_storage( value const& v, storage_ptr const& sp); inline bool equal_storage( object const& o, storage_ptr const& sp) { if(*o.storage() != *sp) return false; for(auto const& e : o) if(! equal_storage(e.value(), sp)) return false; return true; } inline bool equal_storage( array const& a, storage_ptr const& sp) { if(*a.storage() != *sp) return false; for(auto const& v : a) if(! equal_storage(v, sp)) return false; return true; } bool equal_storage( value const& v, storage_ptr const& sp) { switch(v.kind()) { case json::kind::object: if(*v.as_object().storage() != *sp) return false; return equal_storage(v.as_object(), sp); case json::kind::array: if(*v.as_array().storage() != *sp) return false; return equal_storage(v.as_array(), sp); case json::kind::string: return *v.as_string().storage() == *sp; case json::kind::int64: case json::kind::uint64: case json::kind::double_: case json::kind::bool_: case json::kind::null: break; } return *v.storage() == *sp; } inline void check_storage( object const& o, storage_ptr const& sp) { BOOST_TEST(equal_storage(o, sp)); } inline void check_storage( array const& a, storage_ptr const& sp) { BOOST_TEST(equal_storage(a, sp)); } inline void check_storage( value const& v, storage_ptr const& sp) { BOOST_TEST(equal_storage(v, sp)); } //---------------------------------------------------------- namespace detail { inline void to_string_test( string& dest, json::value const& jv) { switch(jv.kind()) { case kind::object: { dest.push_back('{'); auto const& obj( jv.get_object()); auto it = obj.begin(); if(it != obj.end()) { goto obj_first; while(it != obj.end()) { dest.push_back(','); obj_first: dest.push_back('\"'); dest.append(it->key()); dest.push_back('\"'); dest.push_back(':'); to_string_test( dest, it->value()); ++it; } } dest.push_back('}'); break; } case kind::array: { dest.push_back('['); auto const& arr( jv.get_array()); auto it = arr.begin(); if(it != arr.end()) { goto arr_first; while(it != arr.end()) { dest.push_back(','); arr_first: to_string_test( dest, *it); ++it; } } dest.push_back(']'); break; } case kind::string: #if 1 // safe, but doesn't handle escsapes dest.push_back('\"'); dest.append(jv.get_string()); dest.push_back('\"'); #else dest.append(serialize(jv)); #endif break; case kind::int64: { char buf[detail::max_number_chars]; auto const n = detail::format_int64( buf, jv.as_int64()); dest.append(string_view(buf).substr(0, n)); break; } case kind::uint64: { char buf[detail::max_number_chars]; auto const n = detail::format_uint64( buf, jv.as_uint64()); dest.append(string_view(buf).substr(0, n)); break; } case kind::double_: { char buf[detail::max_number_chars]; auto const n = detail::format_double( buf, jv.as_double()); dest.append(string_view(buf).substr(0, n)); break; } case kind::bool_: if(jv.as_bool()) dest.append("true"); else dest.append("false"); break; case kind::null: dest.append("null"); break; default: // should never get here dest.append("?"); break; } } } // detail inline string to_string_test( json::value const& jv) { string s; s.reserve(1024); detail::to_string_test(s, jv); return s; } //---------------------------------------------------------- inline bool equal( value const& lhs, value const& rhs) { if(lhs.kind() != rhs.kind()) return false; switch(lhs.kind()) { case kind::object: { auto const& obj1 = lhs.get_object(); auto const& obj2 = rhs.get_object(); auto n = obj1.size(); if(obj2.size() != n) return false; auto it1 = obj1.begin(); auto it2 = obj2.begin(); while(n--) { if( it1->key() != it2->key()) return false; if(! equal( it1->value(), it2->value())) return false; ++it1; ++it2; } return true; } case kind::array: { auto const& arr1 = lhs.get_array(); auto const& arr2 = rhs.get_array(); auto n = arr1.size(); if(arr2.size() != n) return false; auto it1 = arr1.begin(); auto it2 = arr2.begin(); while(n--) if(! equal(*it1++, *it2++)) return false; return true; } case kind::string: return lhs.get_string() == rhs.get_string(); case kind::double_: return lhs.get_double() == rhs.get_double(); case kind::int64: return lhs.get_int64() == rhs.get_int64(); case kind::uint64: return lhs.get_uint64() == rhs.get_uint64(); case kind::bool_: return lhs.get_bool() == rhs.get_bool(); case kind::null: return true; } return false; } template bool check_hash_equal( T const& lhs, T const& rhs) { if( lhs != rhs ) return false; if( std::hash()(lhs) != std::hash()(rhs) ) return false; return boost::hash()(lhs) == boost::hash()(rhs); } template inline bool expect_hash_not_equal( T const& lhs, T const& rhs) { if( std::hash()(lhs) == std::hash()(rhs) ) return true; // pass if hash values collide if( boost::hash()(lhs) == boost::hash()(rhs) ) return true; // pass if hash values collide return lhs != rhs; } //---------------------------------------------------------- namespace detail { inline void check_array_impl(int, value const&) { } template void check_array_impl( int i, value const& jv, Arg const& arg) { BOOST_TEST(equal(jv.at(i), arg)); } template< class Arg0, class Arg1, class... Argn> void check_array_impl( int i, value const& jv, Arg0 const& arg0, Arg1 const& arg1, Argn const&... argn) { BOOST_TEST(equal(jv.at(i), arg0)); BOOST_TEST(equal(jv.at(i + 1), arg1)); check_array_impl(i + 2, jv, argn...); } } // detail template static void check_array( value const& jv, Argn const&... argn) { if(! BOOST_TEST(jv.is_array())) return; if(! BOOST_TEST(sizeof...(argn) == jv.get_array().size())) return; detail::check_array_impl(0, jv, argn...); } //---------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace json } // namespace boost #endif