name: GitHub Actions CI on: pull_request: push: branches: - master - develop - githubactions* - feature/** - fix/** - pr/** jobs: posix: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - name: "TOOLSET=gcc COMPILER=g++ CXXSTD=11 Job 0" buildtype: "boost" packages: "" packages_to_remove: "" os: "ubuntu-20.04" container: "ubuntu:16.04" cxx: "g++" sources: "" llvm_os: "" llvm_ver: "" toolset: "gcc" compiler: "g++" cxxstd: "11" - name: "TOOLSET=gcc COMPILER=g++-5 CXXSTD=11,14,1z Job 1" buildtype: "boost" packages: "g++-5" packages_to_remove: "" os: "ubuntu-20.04" container: "ubuntu:16.04" cxx: "g++-5" sources: "" llvm_os: "" llvm_ver: "" toolset: "gcc" compiler: "g++-5" cxxstd: "11,14,1z" - name: "TOOLSET=gcc COMPILER=g++-6 CXXSTD=11,14,1z Job 2" buildtype: "boost" packages: "g++-6" packages_to_remove: "" os: "ubuntu-20.04" container: "ubuntu:16.04" cxx: "g++-6" sources: "" llvm_os: "" llvm_ver: "" toolset: "gcc" compiler: "g++-6" cxxstd: "11,14,1z" - name: "TOOLSET=gcc COMPILER=g++-7 CXXSTD=11,14,17 Job 3" buildtype: "boost" packages: "g++-7" packages_to_remove: "" os: "ubuntu-20.04" container: "ubuntu:16.04" cxx: "g++-7" sources: "" llvm_os: "" llvm_ver: "" toolset: "gcc" compiler: "g++-7" cxxstd: "11,14,17" - name: "TOOLSET=clang COMPILER=clang++ CXXSTD=11 Job 4" buildtype: "boost" packages: "" packages_to_remove: "" os: "ubuntu-18.04" cxx: "clang++" sources: "" llvm_os: "" llvm_ver: "" toolset: "clang" compiler: "clang++" cxxstd: "11" - name: "TOOLSET=clang COMPILER=clang++-4.0 CXXSTD=11, Job 5" buildtype: "boost" packages: "clang-4.0 libstdc++-6-dev" packages_to_remove: "" os: "ubuntu-20.04" container: "ubuntu:16.04" cxx: "clang++-4.0" sources: "" llvm_os: "xenial" llvm_ver: "4.0" toolset: "clang" compiler: "clang++-4.0" cxxstd: "11,14" - name: "TOOLSET=clang COMPILER=clang++-5.0 CXXSTD=11, Job 6" buildtype: "boost" packages: "clang-5.0 libstdc++-7-dev" packages_to_remove: "" os: "ubuntu-20.04" container: "ubuntu:16.04" cxx: "clang++-5.0" sources: "" llvm_os: "xenial" llvm_ver: "5.0" toolset: "clang" compiler: "clang++-5.0" cxxstd: "11,14,1z" runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} container: ${{ matrix.container }} steps: - name: Check if running in container if: matrix.container != '' run: echo "GHA_CONTAINER=${{ matrix.container }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: If running in container, upgrade packages if: matrix.container != '' run: | apt-get -o Acquire::Retries=3 update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install tzdata && apt-get -o Acquire::Retries=3 install -y sudo software-properties-common wget curl apt-transport-https make apt-file sudo unzip libssl-dev build-essential autotools-dev autoconf automake g++ libc++-helpers python ruby cpio gcc-multilib g++-multilib pkgconf python3 ccache libpython-dev sudo apt-add-repository ppa:git-core/ppa sudo apt-get -o Acquire::Retries=3 update && apt-get -o Acquire::Retries=3 -y install git python_version=$(python3 -c 'import sys; print("{0.major}.{0.minor}".format(sys.version_info))') sudo wget$python_version/ sudo python3 sudo /usr/local/bin/pip install cmake - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: linux shell: bash env: CXX: ${{ matrix.cxx }} SOURCES: ${{ matrix.sources }} LLVM_OS: ${{ matrix.llvm_os }} LLVM_VER: ${{ matrix.llvm_ver }} PACKAGES: ${{ matrix.packages }} PACKAGES_TO_REMOVE: ${{ matrix.packages_to_remove }} JOB_BUILDTYPE: ${{ matrix.buildtype }} TOOLSET: ${{ matrix.toolset }} COMPILER: ${{ matrix.compiler }} CXXSTD: ${{ matrix.cxxstd }} TRAVIS_BRANCH: ${{ github.base_ref }} TRAVIS_OS_NAME: "linux" run: | echo '==================================> SETUP' echo '==================================> PACKAGES' set -e if [ -n "$PACKAGES_TO_REMOVE" ]; then sudo apt-get purge -y $PACKAGES_TO_REMOVE; fi echo ">>>>> APT: REPO.." for i in {1..3}; do sudo -E apt-add-repository -y "ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test" && break || sleep 2; done if test -n "${LLVM_OS}" ; then wget -O - | sudo apt-key add - if test -n "${LLVM_VER}" ; then sudo -E apt-add-repository "deb${LLVM_OS}/ llvm-toolchain-${LLVM_OS}-${LLVM_VER} main" else # Snapshot (i.e. trunk) build of clang sudo -E apt-add-repository "deb${LLVM_OS}/ llvm-toolchain-${LLVM_OS} main" fi fi echo ">>>>> APT: UPDATE.." sudo -E apt-get -o Acquire::Retries=3 update if test -n "${SOURCES}" ; then echo ">>>>> APT: INSTALL SOURCES.." for SOURCE in $SOURCES; do sudo -E apt-add-repository ppa:$SOURCE done fi echo ">>>>> APT: INSTALL ${PACKAGES}.." sudo -E DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -o Acquire::Retries=3 -y --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install ${PACKAGES} echo '==================================> INSTALL AND COMPILE' set -e export TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR=$(pwd) export TRAVIS_BRANCH=${TRAVIS_BRANCH:-$(echo $GITHUB_REF | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "/" } ; { print $3 }')} export VCS_COMMIT_ID=$GITHUB_SHA export GIT_COMMIT=$GITHUB_SHA export REPO_NAME=$(basename $GITHUB_REPOSITORY) export USER=$(whoami) export CC=${CC:-gcc} export PATH=~/.local/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH if [ "$JOB_BUILDTYPE" == "boost" ]; then echo '==================================> INSTALL' BOOST_BRANCH=develop && [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" ] && BOOST_BRANCH=master || true cd .. git clone -b $BOOST_BRANCH boost-root cd boost-root git submodule update --init tools/build git submodule update --init libs/config git submodule update --init tools/boostdep cp -r $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/* libs/context python tools/boostdep/depinst/ context ./ ./b2 headers echo '==================================> SCRIPT' echo "using $TOOLSET : : $COMPILER ;" > ~/user-config.jam ./b2 -j 3 libs/context/test toolset=$TOOLSET cxxstd=$CXXSTD fi # # osx: # strategy: # fail-fast: false # matrix: # include: # # Github Actions only supports certain Xcode versions # Change (or delete) the Xcode version for this job. # # - name: "TOOLSET=clang COMPILER=clang++ CXXSTD=11,14,1 Job 7" # buildtype: "boost" # packages: "" # os: "macos-10.15" # cxx: "clang++" # sources: "" # llvm_os: "" # llvm_ver: "" # xcode_version: "8.3" # toolset: "clang" # compiler: "clang++" # cxxstd: "11,14,1z" # # Github Actions only supports certain Xcode versions # Change (or delete) the Xcode version for this job. # # - name: "TOOLSET=clang COMPILER=clang++ CXXSTD=11,14,1 Job 8" # buildtype: "boost" # packages: "" # os: "macos-10.15" # cxx: "clang++" # sources: "" # llvm_os: "" # llvm_ver: "" # xcode_version: "9.1" # toolset: "clang" # compiler: "clang++" # cxxstd: "11,14,1z" # # # runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} # # steps: # - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # # - name: Set DEVELOPER_DIR # if: matrix.xcode_version != '' # run: echo "DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode_${{ matrix.xcode_version }}.app/Contents/Developer" >> $GITHUB_ENV # - name: Test DEVELOPER_DIR # run: echo $DEVELOPER_DIR # # - name: "osx" # shell: bash # env: # CXX: ${{ matrix.cxx }} # SOURCES: ${{ matrix.sources }} # LLVM_OS: ${{ matrix.llvm_os }} # LLVM_VER: ${{ matrix.llvm_ver }} # PACKAGES: ${{ matrix.packages }} # JOB_BUILDTYPE: ${{ matrix.buildtype }} # TOOLSET: ${{ matrix.toolset }} # COMPILER: ${{ matrix.compiler }} # CXXSTD: ${{ matrix.cxxstd }} # TRAVIS_BRANCH: ${{ github.base_ref }} # TRAVIS_OS_NAME: "osx" # run: | # echo '==================================> SETUP' # set -e # sudo mv /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools.bck # echo '==================================> PACKAGES' # echo '==================================> INSTALL AND COMPILE' # set -e # export TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR=$(pwd) # export TRAVIS_BRANCH=${TRAVIS_BRANCH:-$(echo $GITHUB_REF | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "/" } ; { print $3 }')} # export VCS_COMMIT_ID=$GITHUB_SHA # export GIT_COMMIT=$GITHUB_SHA # export REPO_NAME=$(basename $GITHUB_REPOSITORY) # export USER=$(whoami) # export CC=${CC:-gcc} # export PATH=~/.local/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH # # if [ "$JOB_BUILDTYPE" == "boost" ]; then # # echo '==================================> INSTALL' # # BOOST_BRANCH=develop && [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" ] && BOOST_BRANCH=master || true # cd .. # git clone -b $BOOST_BRANCH boost-root # cd boost-root # git submodule update --init tools/build # git submodule update --init libs/config # git submodule update --init tools/boostdep # cp -r $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/* libs/context # python tools/boostdep/depinst/ context # ./ # ./b2 headers # # echo '==================================> SCRIPT' # # echo "using $TOOLSET : : $COMPILER ;" > ~/user-config.jam # ./b2 -j 3 libs/context/test toolset=$TOOLSET cxxstd=$CXXSTD # # fi