name: CI on: pull_request: push: branches: - master - develop - feature/** env: UBSAN_OPTIONS: print_stacktrace=1 jobs: posix: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - toolset: gcc-4.8 cxxstd: "03,11" os: ubuntu-latest container: ubuntu:18.04 install: g++-4.8-multilib address-model: 32,64 - toolset: gcc-5 cxxstd: "03,11,14,1z" os: ubuntu-latest container: ubuntu:18.04 install: g++-5-multilib address-model: 32,64 - toolset: gcc-6 cxxstd: "03,11,14,1z" os: ubuntu-latest container: ubuntu:18.04 install: g++-6-multilib address-model: 32,64 - toolset: gcc-7 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17" os: ubuntu-20.04 install: g++-7-multilib address-model: 32,64 - toolset: gcc-8 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,2a" os: ubuntu-20.04 install: g++-8-multilib address-model: 32,64 - toolset: gcc-9 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,2a" os: ubuntu-20.04 install: g++-9-multilib address-model: 32,64 - toolset: gcc-10 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,2a" os: ubuntu-20.04 install: g++-10-multilib address-model: 32,64 - toolset: gcc-11 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,20" os: ubuntu-20.04 install: g++-11-multilib address-model: 32,64 - toolset: gcc-12 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,20,2b" os: ubuntu-22.04 install: g++-12-multilib address-model: 32,64 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-3.9 cxxstd: "03,11,14" os: ubuntu-latest container: ubuntu:18.04 install: clang-3.9 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-4.0 cxxstd: "03,11,14" os: ubuntu-latest container: ubuntu:18.04 install: clang-4.0 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-5.0 cxxstd: "03,11,14,1z" os: ubuntu-latest container: ubuntu:18.04 install: clang-5.0 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-6.0 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17" os: ubuntu-20.04 install: clang-6.0 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-7 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17" os: ubuntu-20.04 install: clang-7 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-8 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17" os: ubuntu-20.04 install: clang-8 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-9 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,2a" os: ubuntu-20.04 install: clang-9 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-10 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,2a" os: ubuntu-20.04 install: clang-10 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-11 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,2a" os: ubuntu-20.04 install: clang-11 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-12 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,20" os: ubuntu-20.04 install: clang-12 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-13 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,20,2b" os: ubuntu-22.04 install: clang-13 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-14 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,20,2b" os: ubuntu-22.04 install: clang-14 - toolset: clang compiler: clang++-15 cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,20,2b" os: ubuntu-22.04 install: clang-15 - toolset: clang cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,2a" os: macos-11 - toolset: clang cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,20,2b" os: macos-12 runs-on: ${{matrix.os}} container: ${{matrix.container}} defaults: run: shell: bash steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Setup container environment if: matrix.container run: | apt-get update apt-get -y install sudo python git g++ - name: Install packages if: matrix.install run: sudo apt-get -y install ${{matrix.install}} - name: Setup Boost run: | echo GITHUB_REPOSITORY: $GITHUB_REPOSITORY LIBRARY=${GITHUB_REPOSITORY#*/} echo LIBRARY: $LIBRARY echo "LIBRARY=$LIBRARY" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo GITHUB_BASE_REF: $GITHUB_BASE_REF echo GITHUB_REF: $GITHUB_REF REF=${GITHUB_BASE_REF:-$GITHUB_REF} REF=${REF#refs/heads/} echo REF: $REF BOOST_BRANCH=develop && [ "$REF" == "master" ] && BOOST_BRANCH=master || true echo BOOST_BRANCH: $BOOST_BRANCH cd .. git clone -b $BOOST_BRANCH --depth 1 boost-root cd boost-root cp -r $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/* libs/$LIBRARY git submodule update --init tools/boostdep python tools/boostdep/depinst/ --git_args "--jobs 3" $LIBRARY ./ ./b2 -d0 headers - name: Create user-config.jam if: matrix.compiler run: | echo "using ${{matrix.toolset}} : : ${{matrix.compiler}} ;" > ~/user-config.jam - name: Run tests run: | cd ../boost-root export ADDRMD=${{matrix.address-model}} ./b2 -j3 libs/$LIBRARY/test toolset=${{matrix.toolset}} cxxstd=${{matrix.cxxstd}} ${ADDRMD:+address-model=$ADDRMD} variant=debug,release windows: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - toolset: msvc-14.0 cxxstd: 14,latest addrmd: 32,64 os: windows-2019 - toolset: msvc-14.2 cxxstd: "14,17,20,latest" addrmd: 32,64 os: windows-2019 - toolset: msvc-14.3 cxxstd: "14,17,20,latest" addrmd: 32,64 os: windows-2022 - toolset: clang-win cxxstd: "14,17,latest" addrmd: 32,64 os: windows-2022 - toolset: gcc cxxstd: "03,11,14,17,2a" addrmd: 64 os: windows-2019 runs-on: ${{matrix.os}} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Setup Boost shell: cmd run: | echo GITHUB_REPOSITORY: %GITHUB_REPOSITORY% for /f %%i in ("%GITHUB_REPOSITORY%") do set LIBRARY=%%~nxi echo LIBRARY: %LIBRARY% echo LIBRARY=%LIBRARY%>>%GITHUB_ENV% echo GITHUB_BASE_REF: %GITHUB_BASE_REF% echo GITHUB_REF: %GITHUB_REF% if "%GITHUB_BASE_REF%" == "" set GITHUB_BASE_REF=%GITHUB_REF% set BOOST_BRANCH=develop for /f %%i in ("%GITHUB_BASE_REF%") do if "%%~nxi" == "master" set BOOST_BRANCH=master echo BOOST_BRANCH: %BOOST_BRANCH% cd .. git clone -b %BOOST_BRANCH% --depth 1 boost-root cd boost-root xcopy /s /e /q %GITHUB_WORKSPACE% libs\%LIBRARY%\ git submodule update --init tools/boostdep python tools/boostdep/depinst/ --git_args "--jobs 3" %LIBRARY% cmd /c bootstrap b2 -d0 headers - name: Run tests shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root b2 -j3 libs/%LIBRARY%/test toolset=${{matrix.toolset}} cxxstd=${{matrix.cxxstd}} address-model=${{matrix.addrmd}} variant=debug,release embed-manifest-via=linker posix-cmake-subdir: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - os: ubuntu-20.04 - os: ubuntu-22.04 - os: macos-11 - os: macos-12 runs-on: ${{matrix.os}} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install packages if: matrix.install run: sudo apt-get -y install ${{matrix.install}} - name: Setup Boost run: | echo GITHUB_REPOSITORY: $GITHUB_REPOSITORY LIBRARY=${GITHUB_REPOSITORY#*/} echo LIBRARY: $LIBRARY echo "LIBRARY=$LIBRARY" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo GITHUB_BASE_REF: $GITHUB_BASE_REF echo GITHUB_REF: $GITHUB_REF REF=${GITHUB_BASE_REF:-$GITHUB_REF} REF=${REF#refs/heads/} echo REF: $REF BOOST_BRANCH=develop && [ "$REF" == "master" ] && BOOST_BRANCH=master || true echo BOOST_BRANCH: $BOOST_BRANCH cd .. git clone -b $BOOST_BRANCH --depth 1 boost-root cd boost-root cp -r $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/* libs/$LIBRARY git submodule update --init tools/boostdep python tools/boostdep/depinst/ --git_args "--jobs 3" $LIBRARY - name: Use library with add_subdirectory run: | cd ../boost-root/libs/$LIBRARY/test/cmake_subdir_test mkdir __build__ && cd __build__ cmake .. cmake --build . ctest --output-on-failure --no-tests=error posix-cmake-install: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - os: ubuntu-20.04 - os: ubuntu-22.04 - os: macos-11 - os: macos-12 runs-on: ${{matrix.os}} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install packages if: matrix.install run: sudo apt-get -y install ${{matrix.install}} - name: Setup Boost run: | echo GITHUB_REPOSITORY: $GITHUB_REPOSITORY LIBRARY=${GITHUB_REPOSITORY#*/} echo LIBRARY: $LIBRARY echo "LIBRARY=$LIBRARY" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo GITHUB_BASE_REF: $GITHUB_BASE_REF echo GITHUB_REF: $GITHUB_REF REF=${GITHUB_BASE_REF:-$GITHUB_REF} REF=${REF#refs/heads/} echo REF: $REF BOOST_BRANCH=develop && [ "$REF" == "master" ] && BOOST_BRANCH=master || true echo BOOST_BRANCH: $BOOST_BRANCH cd .. git clone -b $BOOST_BRANCH --depth 1 boost-root cd boost-root cp -r $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/* libs/$LIBRARY git submodule update --init tools/boostdep python tools/boostdep/depinst/ --git_args "--jobs 3" $LIBRARY - name: Configure run: | cd ../boost-root mkdir __build__ && cd __build__ cmake -DBOOST_INCLUDE_LIBRARIES=$LIBRARY -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local .. - name: Install run: | cd ../boost-root/__build__ cmake --build . --target install - name: Use the installed library run: | cd ../boost-root/libs/$LIBRARY/test/cmake_install_test && mkdir __build__ && cd __build__ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local .. cmake --build . ctest --output-on-failure --no-tests=error posix-cmake-test: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - os: ubuntu-20.04 - os: ubuntu-22.04 - os: macos-11 - os: macos-12 runs-on: ${{matrix.os}} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install packages if: matrix.install run: sudo apt-get -y install ${{matrix.install}} - name: Setup Boost run: | echo GITHUB_REPOSITORY: $GITHUB_REPOSITORY LIBRARY=${GITHUB_REPOSITORY#*/} echo LIBRARY: $LIBRARY echo "LIBRARY=$LIBRARY" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo GITHUB_BASE_REF: $GITHUB_BASE_REF echo GITHUB_REF: $GITHUB_REF REF=${GITHUB_BASE_REF:-$GITHUB_REF} REF=${REF#refs/heads/} echo REF: $REF BOOST_BRANCH=develop && [ "$REF" == "master" ] && BOOST_BRANCH=master || true echo BOOST_BRANCH: $BOOST_BRANCH cd .. git clone -b $BOOST_BRANCH --depth 1 boost-root cd boost-root cp -r $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/* libs/$LIBRARY git submodule update --init tools/boostdep python tools/boostdep/depinst/ --git_args "--jobs 3" $LIBRARY - name: Configure run: | cd ../boost-root mkdir __build__ && cd __build__ cmake -DBOOST_INCLUDE_LIBRARIES=$LIBRARY -DBUILD_TESTING=ON .. - name: Build tests run: | cd ../boost-root/__build__ cmake --build . --target tests - name: Run tests run: | cd ../boost-root/__build__ ctest --output-on-failure --no-tests=error windows-cmake-subdir: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - os: windows-2019 - os: windows-2022 runs-on: ${{matrix.os}} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Setup Boost shell: cmd run: | echo GITHUB_REPOSITORY: %GITHUB_REPOSITORY% for /f %%i in ("%GITHUB_REPOSITORY%") do set LIBRARY=%%~nxi echo LIBRARY: %LIBRARY% echo LIBRARY=%LIBRARY%>>%GITHUB_ENV% echo GITHUB_BASE_REF: %GITHUB_BASE_REF% echo GITHUB_REF: %GITHUB_REF% if "%GITHUB_BASE_REF%" == "" set GITHUB_BASE_REF=%GITHUB_REF% set BOOST_BRANCH=develop for /f %%i in ("%GITHUB_BASE_REF%") do if "%%~nxi" == "master" set BOOST_BRANCH=master echo BOOST_BRANCH: %BOOST_BRANCH% cd .. git clone -b %BOOST_BRANCH% --depth 1 boost-root cd boost-root xcopy /s /e /q %GITHUB_WORKSPACE% libs\%LIBRARY%\ git submodule update --init tools/boostdep python tools/boostdep/depinst/ --git_args "--jobs 3" %LIBRARY% - name: Use library with add_subdirectory (Debug) shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root/libs/%LIBRARY%/test/cmake_subdir_test mkdir __build__ && cd __build__ cmake .. cmake --build . --config Debug ctest --output-on-failure --no-tests=error -C Debug - name: Use library with add_subdirectory (Release) shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root/libs/%LIBRARY%/test/cmake_subdir_test/__build__ cmake --build . --config Release ctest --output-on-failure --no-tests=error -C Release windows-cmake-install: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - os: windows-2019 - os: windows-2022 runs-on: ${{matrix.os}} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Setup Boost shell: cmd run: | echo GITHUB_REPOSITORY: %GITHUB_REPOSITORY% for /f %%i in ("%GITHUB_REPOSITORY%") do set LIBRARY=%%~nxi echo LIBRARY: %LIBRARY% echo LIBRARY=%LIBRARY%>>%GITHUB_ENV% echo GITHUB_BASE_REF: %GITHUB_BASE_REF% echo GITHUB_REF: %GITHUB_REF% if "%GITHUB_BASE_REF%" == "" set GITHUB_BASE_REF=%GITHUB_REF% set BOOST_BRANCH=develop for /f %%i in ("%GITHUB_BASE_REF%") do if "%%~nxi" == "master" set BOOST_BRANCH=master echo BOOST_BRANCH: %BOOST_BRANCH% cd .. git clone -b %BOOST_BRANCH% --depth 1 boost-root cd boost-root xcopy /s /e /q %GITHUB_WORKSPACE% libs\%LIBRARY%\ git submodule update --init tools/boostdep python tools/boostdep/depinst/ --git_args "--jobs 3" %LIBRARY% - name: Configure shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root mkdir __build__ && cd __build__ cmake -DBOOST_INCLUDE_LIBRARIES=%LIBRARY% -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:/cmake-prefix .. - name: Install (Debug) shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root/__build__ cmake --build . --target install --config Debug - name: Install (Release) shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root/__build__ cmake --build . --target install --config Release - name: Use the installed library (Debug) shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root/libs/%LIBRARY%/test/cmake_install_test && mkdir __build__ && cd __build__ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:/cmake-prefix .. cmake --build . --config Debug ctest --output-on-failure --no-tests=error -C Debug - name: Use the installed library (Release) shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root/libs/%LIBRARY%/test/cmake_install_test/__build__ cmake --build . --config Release ctest --output-on-failure --no-tests=error -C Release windows-cmake-test: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - os: windows-2019 - os: windows-2022 runs-on: ${{matrix.os}} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Setup Boost shell: cmd run: | echo GITHUB_REPOSITORY: %GITHUB_REPOSITORY% for /f %%i in ("%GITHUB_REPOSITORY%") do set LIBRARY=%%~nxi echo LIBRARY: %LIBRARY% echo LIBRARY=%LIBRARY%>>%GITHUB_ENV% echo GITHUB_BASE_REF: %GITHUB_BASE_REF% echo GITHUB_REF: %GITHUB_REF% if "%GITHUB_BASE_REF%" == "" set GITHUB_BASE_REF=%GITHUB_REF% set BOOST_BRANCH=develop for /f %%i in ("%GITHUB_BASE_REF%") do if "%%~nxi" == "master" set BOOST_BRANCH=master echo BOOST_BRANCH: %BOOST_BRANCH% cd .. git clone -b %BOOST_BRANCH% --depth 1 boost-root cd boost-root xcopy /s /e /q %GITHUB_WORKSPACE% libs\%LIBRARY%\ git submodule update --init tools/boostdep python tools/boostdep/depinst/ --git_args "--jobs 3" %LIBRARY% - name: Configure shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root mkdir __build__ && cd __build__ cmake -DBOOST_INCLUDE_LIBRARIES=%LIBRARY% -DBUILD_TESTING=ON .. - name: Build tests (Debug) shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root/__build__ cmake --build . --target tests --config Debug - name: Run tests (Debug) shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root/__build__ ctest --output-on-failure --no-tests=error -C Debug - name: Build tests (Release) shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root/__build__ cmake --build . --target tests --config Release - name: Run tests (Release) shell: cmd run: | cd ../boost-root/__build__ ctest --output-on-failure --no-tests=error -C Release