# Copyright (c) 2023, AgiBot Inc. # All rights reserved. include(FetchContent) message(STATUS "get TBB ...") set(tbb_DOWNLOAD_URL "https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/archive/v2021.13.0.tar.gz" CACHE STRING "") if(tbb_LOCAL_SOURCE) FetchContent_Declare( tbb SOURCE_DIR ${tbb_LOCAL_SOURCE} OVERRIDE_FIND_PACKAGE) else() FetchContent_Declare( tbb URL ${tbb_DOWNLOAD_URL} DOWNLOAD_EXTRACT_TIMESTAMP TRUE OVERRIDE_FIND_PACKAGE) endif() # Wrap it in a function to restrict the scope of the variables function(get_tbb) FetchContent_GetProperties(tbb) if(NOT tbb_POPULATED) set(TBB_TEST OFF) set(TBB_DIR "") set(TBB_INSTALL ON) set(TBB_STRICT OFF) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(tbb) endif() endfunction() get_tbb() # import targets: # TBB::tbb