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2024-09-23 16:01:31 +08:00
# Logger
## 相关链接
- {{ '[util/log_util.h]({}/src/common/util/log_util.h)'.format(code_site_root_path_url) }}
- {{ '[aimrt_module_cpp_interface/logger/logger.h]({}/src/interface/aimrt_module_cpp_interface/logger/logger.h)'.format(code_site_root_path_url) }}
- {{ '[helloworld_module.cc]({}/src/examples/cpp/helloworld/module/helloworld_module/helloworld_module.cc)'.format(code_site_root_path_url) }}
## AimRT 中的独立日志组件
AimRT 提供了一个独立的通用日志组件,属于 **aimrt::common::util** 这个CMake Target只需要`#include "util/log_util.h"`即可独立于 CPP 接口层使用。
其中提供了一些基础的日志宏,这些日志宏需要在调用时传入一个`Logger`对象,来定义日志打印行为的具体表现。日志句柄以模板 Concept 的形式定义,只要是类似于以下这个示例、包含`GetLogLevel``Log`两个接口的 C++ 类的实例都可以作为日志句柄:
class YourLogger {
uint32_t GetLogLevel() const {
// ...
void Log(uint32_t lvl, uint32_t line, uint32_t column,
const char* file_name, const char* function_name,
const char* log_data, size_t log_data_size) const {
// ...
其中,日志等级分为以下 6 档:
- Trace
- Debug
- Info
- Warn
- Error
- Fatal
在有了日志句柄之后,开发者可以直接基于日志句柄提供的`Log`方法打印日志,也可以使用提供的日志宏来更方便的打印日志。注意,提供的日志宏基于 C++20 Format 语法,关于 C++20 Format 语法的详细使用方式请参考[C++官方文档](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/format)。
AimRT 在`util/log_util.h`文件中,还提供了两种默认的`Logger`类型:
- **SimpleLogger** :一个简单的同步日志句柄;
- **SimpleAsyncLogger** 一个简单的异步日志句柄;
这两种日志句柄一般用于单元测试等未启动 AimRT 实例时的场景。
## AimRT 中的独立日志组件使用示例
#include "util/log_util.h"
int Main() {
// Use a simple log handle provided in 'util/log_util.h', which will synchronously print logs on the console
auto lgr = aimrt::common::util::SimpleLogger();
uint32_t n = 42;
std::string s = "Hello world";
// Normal log macro
AIMRT_HANDLE_LOG(lgr, aimrt::common::util::kLogLevelInfo, "This is a test log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_HL_TRACE(lgr, "This is a test trace log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_HL_DEBUG(lgr, "This is a test debug log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_HL_INFO(lgr, "This is a test info log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_HL_WARN(lgr, "This is a test warn log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_HL_ERROR(lgr, "This is a test error log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_HL_FATAL(lgr, "This is a test fatal log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
// Check the expression and print the log only when it is false
AIMRT_HL_CHECK_ERROR(lgr, n == 41, "Expression is not right, n = {}", n);
// Print logs and throw exceptions
AIMRT_HL_ERROR_THROW(lgr, "This is a test error log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
// Check the expression, print the log and throw an exception when it is false
AIMRT_HL_CHECK_TRACE_THROW(lgr, n == 41, "Expression is not right, n = {}", n);
// ...
#include "util/log_util.h"
auto GetLogger() {
return aimrt::common::util::SimpleLogger();
int Main() {
uint32_t n = 42;
std::string s = "Hello world";
// Normal log macro
AIMRT_TRACE("This is a test trace log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_DEBUG("This is a test debug log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_INFO("This is a test info log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_WARN("This is a test warn log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_ERROR("This is a test error log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_FATAL("This is a test fatal log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
// Check the expression and print the log only when it is false
AIMRT_CHECK_ERROR(n == 41, "Expression is not right, n = {}", n);
// Print logs and throw exceptions
AIMRT_ERROR_THROW("This is a test error log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
// Check the expression, print the log and throw an exception when it is false
AIMRT_CHECK_TRACE_THROW(n == 41, "Expression is not right, n = {}", n);
// ...
## AimRT 运行时日志句柄
在 AimRT 中,模块可以通过调用`CoreRef`句柄的`GetLogger()`接口,获取`aimrt::logger::LoggerRef`句柄,这是一个包含`GetLogLevel``Log`接口的类,满足上一节中对日志句柄的要求,可以直接作为日志宏的参数。其核心接口如下:
namespace aimrt::logger {
class LoggerRef {
// 获取日志等级
uint32_t GetLogLevel() const;
// 打印日志
void Log(uint32_t lvl, uint32_t line, uint32_t column,
const char* file_name, const char* function_name,
const char* log_data, size_t log_data_size) const;
} // namespace aimrt::logger
## AimRT 运行时日志句柄使用示例
#include "aimrt_module_cpp_interface/module_base.h"
class HelloWorldModule : public aimrt::ModuleBase {
bool Initialize(aimrt::CoreRef core) override {
logger_ = core_.GetLogger();
uint32_t n = 42;
std::string s = "Hello world";
AIMRT_TRACE("This is a test trace log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_DEBUG("This is a test debug log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_INFO("This is a test info log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_WARN("This is a test warn log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_ERROR("This is a test error log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
AIMRT_FATAL("This is a test fatal log, n = {}, s = {}", n, s);
auto GetLogger() { return logger_; }
aimrt::logger::LoggerRef logger_;