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2025-01-12 20:40:08 +08:00
Boost.Geometry Index
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Adam Wulkiewicz.
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section Creation and Modification]
[h4 Template parameters]
__rtree__ has 5 parameters but only 2 are required:
IndexableGetter = index::indexable<Value>,
EqualTo = index::equal_to<Value>,
Allocator = std::allocator<Value> >
* `__value__` - type of object which will be stored in the container,
* `Parameters` - parameters type, inserting/splitting algorithm,
* `IndexableGetter` - function object translating `__value__` to `__indexable__` (`__point__` or `__box__`) which __rtree__ can handle,
* `EqualTo` - function object comparing `__value__`s,
* `Allocator` - `Value`s allocator, all allocators needed by the container are created from it.
[h4 Values and Indexables]
__rtree__ may store `__value__`s of any type as long as passed function objects know how to interpret those `__value__`s, that is
extract an `__indexable__` that the __rtree__ can handle and compare `__value__`s.
The `__indexable__` is a type adapted to Point, Box or Segment concept.
The examples of rtrees storing `__value__`s translatable to various `__indexable__`s are presented below.
[[rtree<Point, ...>] [rtree<Box, ...>] [rtree<Segment, ...>]]
[[[$img/index/rtree/rtree_pt.png]] [[$img/index/rtree/rstar.png]] [[$img/index/rtree/rtree_seg.png]]]
By default function objects `index::indexable<Value>` and `index::equal_to<Value>` are defined for some typically used `__value__`
types which may be stored without defining any additional classes. By default the rtree may store pure `__indexable__`s, pairs
and tuples. In the case of those two collection types, the `__indexable__` must be the first stored type.
* `__indexable__ = __point__ | __box__ | Segment`
* `__value__ = Indexable | std::pair<__indexable__, T> | boost::tuple<__indexable__, ...> [ | std::tuple<__indexable__, ...> ]`
By default `boost::tuple<...>` is supported on all compilers. If the compiler supports C++11 tuples and variadic templates
then `std::tuple<...>` may be used "out of the box" as well.
Examples of default `__value__` types:
std::pair<geometry::model::box<...>, unsigned>
boost::tuple<geometry::model::point<...>, int, float>
The predefined `index::indexable<Value>` returns const reference to the `__indexable__` stored in the `__value__`.
[important The translation is done quite frequently inside the container - each time the rtree needs it. ]
The predefined `index::equal_to<Value>`:
* for `__point__`, `__box__` and `Segment` - compares `__value__`s with geometry::equals().
* for `std::pair<...>` - compares both components of the `__value__`. The first value stored in the pair is compared before the second one.
If the value stored in the pair is a Geometry, `geometry::equals()` is used. For other types it uses `operator==()`.
* for `tuple<...>` - compares all components of the `__value__`. If the component is a `Geometry`, `geometry::equals()`
function is used. For other types it uses `operator==()`.
[h4 Balancing algorithms compile-time parameters]
`__value__`s may be inserted to the __rtree__ in many various ways. Final internal structure
of the __rtree__ depends on algorithms used in the insertion process and parameters. The most important is
nodes' balancing algorithm. Currently, three well-known types of R-trees may be created.
Linear - classic __rtree__ using balancing algorithm of linear complexity
index::rtree< __value__, index::linear<16> > rt;
Quadratic - classic __rtree__ using balancing algorithm of quadratic complexity
index::rtree< __value__, index::quadratic<16> > rt;
R*-tree - balancing algorithm minimizing nodes' overlap with forced reinsertions
index::rtree< __value__, index::rstar<16> > rt;
[h4 Balancing algorithms run-time parameters]
Balancing algorithm parameters may be passed to the __rtree__ in run-time.
To use run-time versions of the __rtree__ one may pass parameters which
names start with `dynamic_`.
// linear
index::rtree<__value__, index::dynamic_linear> rt(index::dynamic_linear(16));
// quadratic
index::rtree<__value__, index::dynamic_quadratic> rt(index::dynamic_quadratic(16));
// rstar
index::rtree<__value__, index::dynamic_rstar> rt(index::dynamic_rstar(16));
The obvious drawback is a slightly slower __rtree__.
[h4 Non-default parameters]
Non-default R-tree parameters are described in the reference.
[h4 Copying, moving and swapping]
The __rtree__ is copyable and movable container. Move semantics is implemented using Boost.Move library
so it's possible to move the container on a compilers without rvalue references support.
// default constructor
index::rtree< __value__, index::rstar<8> > rt1;
// copy constructor
index::rtree< __value__, index::rstar<8> > rt2(r1);
// copy assignment
rt2 = r1;
// move constructor
index::rtree< __value__, index::rstar<8> > rt3(boost::move(rt1));
// move assignment
rt3 = boost::move(rt2);
// swap
[h4 Inserting and removing Values]
The following code creates an __rtree__ using quadratic balancing algorithm.
using namespace boost::geometry;
typedef std::pair<Box, int> __value__;
index::rtree< __value__, index::quadratic<16> > rt;
To insert or remove a `__value__' by method call one may use the following
__value__ v = std::make_pair(__box__(...), 0);
To insert or remove a `__value__' by function call one may use the following
__value__ v = std::make_pair(__box__(...), 0);
index::insert(rt, v);
index::remove(rt, v);
Typically you will perform those operations in a loop in order to e.g. insert
some number of `__value__`s corresponding to geometrical objects (e.g. `Polygons`)
stored in another container.
[h4 Additional interface]
The __rtree__ allows creation, inserting and removing of Values from a range. The range may be passed as
`[first, last)` Iterators pair or as a Range adapted to one of the Boost.Range Concepts.
namespace bgi = boost::geometry::index;
typedef std::pair<Box, int> __value__;
typedef bgi::rtree< __value__, bgi::linear<32> > RTree;
std::vector<__value__> values;
/* vector filling code, here */
// create R-tree with default constructor and insert values with insert(Value const&)
RTree rt1;
BOOST_FOREACH(__value__ const& v, values)
// create R-tree with default constructor and insert values with insert(Iter, Iter)
RTree rt2;
rt2.insert(values.begin(), values.end());
// create R-tree with default constructor and insert values with insert(Range)
RTree rt3;
// create R-tree with constructor taking Iterators
RTree rt4(values.begin(), values.end());
// create R-tree with constructor taking Range
RTree rt5(values_range);
// remove values with remove(Value const&)
BOOST_FOREACH(__value__ const& v, values)
// remove values with remove(Iter, Iter)
rt2.remove(values.begin(), values.end());
// remove values with remove(Range)
Furthermore, it's possible to pass a Range adapted by one of the Boost.Range adaptors into the rtree (more complete example can be found in the *Examples* section).
// create Rtree containing `std::pair<Box, int>` from a container of Boxes on the fly.
RTree rt6(boxes | boost::adaptors::indexed()
| boost::adaptors::transformed(pair_maker()));
[h4 Insert iterator]
There are functions like `std::copy()`, or __rtree__'s queries that copy values to an output iterator.
In order to insert values to a container in this kind of function insert iterators may be used.
Geometry.Index provide its own `bgi::insert_iterator<Container>` which is generated by
`bgi::inserter()` function.
namespace bgi = boost::geometry::index;
typedef std::pair<Box, int> __value__;
typedef bgi::rtree< __value__, bgi::linear<32> > RTree;
std::vector<__value__> values;
/* vector filling code, here */
// create R-tree and insert values from the vector
RTree rt1;
std::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), bgi::inserter(rt1));
// create R-tree and insert values returned by a query
RTree rt2;
rt1.spatial_query(Box(/*...*/), bgi::inserter(rt2));
[endsect] [/ Creation and Modification /]