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2025-01-12 20:40:48 +08:00
[section:factorials Factorials and Binomial Coefficients]
[section:sf_factorial Factorial]
[h4 Synopsis]
#include <boost/math/special_functions/factorials.hpp>
namespace boost{ namespace math{
template <class T>
T factorial(unsigned i);
template <class T, class ``__Policy``>
T factorial(unsigned i, const ``__Policy``&);
template <class T>
constexpr T unchecked_factorial(unsigned i);
template <class T>
struct max_factorial;
}} // namespaces
[h4 Description]
The functions described below are templates where the template argument T CANNOT be deduced from the
arguments passed to the function. Therefore if you write something like:
You will get a (perhaps perplexing) compiler error, usually indicating that there is no such function to be found.
Instead you need to specify the return type explicitly and write:
So that the return type is known.
Furthermore, the template argument must be a real-valued type such as `float` or `double`
and not an integer type - that would overflow far too easily for quite small values of parameter `i`!
The source code `static_assert` and comment just after the will be:
static_assert(!std::is_integral<T>::value, "Type T must not be an integral type");
// factorial<unsigned int>(n) is not implemented
// because it would overflow integral type T for too small n
// to be useful. Use instead a floating-point type,
// and convert to an unsigned type if essential, for example:
// unsigned int nfac = static_cast<unsigned int>(factorial<double>(n));
// See factorial documentation for more detail.
template <class T>
T factorial(unsigned i);
template <class T, class ``__Policy``>
T factorial(unsigned i, const ``__Policy``&);
Returns [^i!].
For [^i <= max_factorial<T>::value] this is implemented by table lookup,
for larger values of [^i], this function is implemented in terms of __tgamma.
If [^i] is so large that the result can not be represented in type T, then
calls __overflow_error.
template <class T>
constexpr T unchecked_factorial(unsigned i);
Returns [^i!].
Internally this function performs table lookup of the result. Further it performs
no range checking on the value of i: it is up to the caller to ensure
that [^i <= max_factorial<T>::value]. This function is intended to be used
inside inner loops that require fast table lookup of factorials, but requires
care to ensure that argument [^i] never grows too large.
template <class T>
struct max_factorial
static const unsigned value = X;
This traits class defines the largest value that can be passed to
[^unchecked_factorial]. The member `value` can be used where integral
constant expressions are required: for example to define the size of
further tables that depend on the factorials.
This function is `constexpr` only if the compiler supports C++14 constexpr functions.
[h4 Accuracy]
For arguments smaller than `max_factorial<T>::value`
the result should be
correctly rounded. For larger arguments the accuracy will be the same
as for __tgamma.
[h4 Testing]
Basic sanity checks and spot values to verify the data tables:
the main tests for the __tgamma function handle those cases already.
[h4 Implementation]
The factorial function is table driven for small arguments, and is
implemented in terms of __tgamma for larger arguments.
[endsect] [/section:sf_factorial Factorial]
[section:sf_double_factorial Double Factorial]
#include <boost/math/special_functions/factorials.hpp>
namespace boost{ namespace math{
template <class T>
T double_factorial(unsigned i);
template <class T, class ``__Policy``>
T double_factorial(unsigned i, const ``__Policy``&);
}} // namespaces
Returns [^i!!].
May return the result of __overflow_error if the result is too large
to represent in type T. The implementation is designed to be optimised
for small /i/ where table lookup of i! is possible.
The functions described above are templates where the template argument T can not be deduced from the
arguments passed to the function. Therefore if you write something like:
You will get a (possibly perplexing) compiler error, usually indicating that there is no such function to be found. Instead you need to specify
the return type explicitly and write:
So that the return type is known. Further, the template argument must be a real-valued type such as `float` or `double`
and not an integer type - that would overflow far too easily!
The source code `static_assert` and comment just after the will be:
static_assert(!std::is_integral<T>::value, "Type T must not be an integral type");
// factorial<unsigned int>(n) is not implemented
// because it would overflow integral type T for too small n
// to be useful. Use instead a floating-point type,
// and convert to an unsigned type if essential, for example:
// unsigned int nfac = static_cast<unsigned int>(factorial<double>(n));
// See factorial documentation for more detail.
[note The argument to `double_factorial` is type `unsigned` even though technically -1!! is defined.]
[h4 Accuracy]
The implementation uses a trivial adaptation of
the factorial function, so error rates should be no more than a couple
of epsilon higher.
[h4 Testing]
The spot tests for the double factorial use data generated by __WolframAlpha.
[h4 Implementation]
The double factorial is implemented in terms of the factorial and gamma
functions using the relations:
[expression ['(2n)!! = 2[super n ] * n!]]
[expression ['(2n+1)!! = (2n+1)! / (2[super n ] n!)]]
[expression ['(2n-1)!! = [Gamma]((2n+1)/2) * 2[super n ] / sqrt(pi)]]
[endsect] [/section:sf_double_factorial Double Factorial]
[section:sf_rising_factorial Rising Factorial]
#include <boost/math/special_functions/factorials.hpp>
namespace boost{ namespace math{
template <class T>
``__sf_result`` rising_factorial(T x, int i);
template <class T, class ``__Policy``>
``__sf_result`` rising_factorial(T x, int i, const ``__Policy``&);
}} // namespaces
Returns the rising factorial of /x/ and /i/:
[expression ['rising_factorial(x, i) = [Gamma](x + i) / [Gamma](x)]]
[expression ['rising_factorial(x, i) = x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)...(x+i-1)]]
Note that both /x/ and /i/ can be negative as well as positive.
May return the result of __overflow_error if the result is too large
to represent in type T.
The return type of these functions is computed using the __arg_promotion_rules:
the type of the result is `double` if T is an integer type, otherwise the type
of the result is T.
[h4 Accuracy]
The accuracy will be the same as
the __tgamma_delta_ratio function.
[h4 Testing]
The spot tests for the rising factorials use data generated by __Wolfram_functions.
[h4 Implementation]
Rising and factorials are implemented as ratios of gamma functions using __tgamma_delta_ratio.
Optimisations for small integer arguments are handled internally by that function.
[endsect] [/section:sf_rising_factorial Rising Factorial]
[section:sf_falling_factorial Falling Factorial]
#include <boost/math/special_functions/factorials.hpp>
namespace boost{ namespace math{
template <class T>
``__sf_result`` falling_factorial(T x, unsigned i);
template <class T, class ``__Policy``>
``__sf_result`` falling_factorial(T x, unsigned i, const ``__Policy``&);
}} // namespaces
Returns the falling factorial of /x/ and /i/:
[expression ['falling_factorial(x, i) = x(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)...(x-i+1)]]
Note that this function is only defined for positive /i/, hence the
`unsigned` second argument. Argument /x/ can be either positive or
negative however.
May return the result of __overflow_error if the result is too large
to represent in type T.
The return type of these functions is computed using the __arg_promotion_rules:
the type of the result is `double` if T is an integer type, otherwise the type
of the result is T.
[h4 Accuracy]
The accuracy will be the same as
the __tgamma_delta_ratio function.
[h4 Testing]
The spot tests for the falling factorials use data generated by __Wolfram_functions.
[h4 Implementation]
Rising and falling factorials are implemented as ratios of gamma functions
using __tgamma_delta_ratio. Optimisations for
small integer arguments are handled internally by that function.
[endsect] [/section:sf_falling_factorial Falling Factorial]
[section:sf_binomial Binomial Coefficients]
#include <boost/math/special_functions/binomial.hpp>
namespace boost{ namespace math{
template <class T>
T binomial_coefficient(unsigned n, unsigned k);
template <class T, class ``__Policy``>
T binomial_coefficient(unsigned n, unsigned k, const ``__Policy``&);
}} // namespaces
Returns the binomial coefficient: [sub n]C[sub k].
Requires k <= n.
May return the result of __overflow_error if the result is too large
to represent in type T.
The functions described above are templates where the template argument `T` can not be deduced from the
arguments passed to the function. Therefore if you write something like:
`boost::math::binomial_coefficient(10, 2);`
You will get a compiler error, usually indicating that there is no such function to be found. Instead you need to specify
the return type explicitly and write:
`boost::math::binomial_coefficient<double>(10, 2);`
So that the return type is known. Further, the template argument must be a real-valued type such as `float` or `double`
and not an integer type - that would overflow far too easily!
[h4 Accuracy]
The accuracy will be the same as for the
factorials for small arguments (i.e. no more than one or two epsilon),
and the __beta function for larger arguments.
[h4 Testing]
The spot tests for the binomial coefficients use data generated by __WolframAlpha.
[h4 Implementation]
Binomial coefficients are calculated using table lookup of factorials
where possible using:
[expression ['[sub n]C[sub k] = n! / (k!(n-k)!)]]
Otherwise it is implemented in terms of the beta function using the relations:
[expression ['[sub n]C[sub k] = 1 / (k * __beta(k, n-k+1))]]
[expression ['[sub n]C[sub k] = 1 / ((n-k) * __beta(k+1, n-k))]]
[endsect] [/section:sf_binomial Binomial Coefficients]
[endsect] [/section:factorials Factorials]
Copyright 2006, 2010 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at