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2025-01-12 19:51:34 +08:00
Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#ifndef __TBB_detail__range_common_H
#define __TBB_detail__range_common_H
#include "_config.h"
#include "_utils.h"
#include <concepts>
#include <iterator>
namespace tbb {
namespace detail {
inline namespace d0 {
//! Dummy type that distinguishes splitting constructor from copy constructor.
* See description of parallel_for and parallel_reduce for example usages.
* @ingroup algorithms
class split {};
//! Type enables transmission of splitting proportion from partitioners to range objects
* In order to make use of such facility Range objects must implement
* splitting constructor with this type passed.
class proportional_split : no_assign {
proportional_split(size_t _left = 1, size_t _right = 1) : my_left(_left), my_right(_right) { }
size_t left() const { return my_left; }
size_t right() const { return my_right; }
// used when range does not support proportional split
explicit operator split() const { return split(); }
size_t my_left, my_right;
template <typename Range, typename = void>
struct range_split_object_provider {
template <typename PartitionerSplitType>
static split get( PartitionerSplitType& ) { return split(); }
template <typename Range>
struct range_split_object_provider<Range,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<Range, Range&, proportional_split&>::value>::type> {
template <typename PartitionerSplitType>
static PartitionerSplitType& get( PartitionerSplitType& split_obj ) { return split_obj; }
template <typename Range, typename PartitionerSplitType>
auto get_range_split_object( PartitionerSplitType& split_obj )
-> decltype(range_split_object_provider<Range>::get(split_obj)) {
return range_split_object_provider<Range>::get(split_obj);
template <typename Range>
using range_iterator_type = decltype(std::begin(std::declval<Range&>()));
template <typename Iterator>
using iterator_reference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::reference;
template <typename Range>
using range_reference_type = iterator_reference_type<range_iterator_type<Range>>;
template <typename Value>
concept blocked_range_value = std::copyable<Value> &&
requires( const std::remove_reference_t<Value>& lhs, const std::remove_reference_t<Value>& rhs ) {
{ lhs < rhs } -> relaxed_convertible_to<bool>;
{ lhs - rhs } -> std::convertible_to<std::size_t>;
{ lhs + (rhs - lhs) } -> std::convertible_to<Value>;
template <typename T>
concept splittable = std::constructible_from<T, T&, tbb::detail::split>;
template <typename Range>
concept tbb_range = std::copy_constructible<Range> &&
splittable<Range> &&
requires( const std::remove_reference_t<Range>& range ) {
{ range.empty() } -> relaxed_convertible_to<bool>;
{ range.is_divisible() } -> relaxed_convertible_to<bool>;
template <typename Iterator>
constexpr bool iterator_concept_helper( std::input_iterator_tag ) {
return std::input_iterator<Iterator>;
template <typename Iterator>
constexpr bool iterator_concept_helper( std::random_access_iterator_tag ) {
return std::random_access_iterator<Iterator>;
template <typename Iterator, typename IteratorTag>
concept iterator_satisfies = requires (IteratorTag tag) {
requires iterator_concept_helper<Iterator>(tag);
template <typename Sequence, typename IteratorTag>
concept container_based_sequence = requires( Sequence& seq ) {
{ std::begin(seq) } -> iterator_satisfies<IteratorTag>;
{ std::end(seq) } -> iterator_satisfies<IteratorTag>;
} // namespace d0
} // namespace detail
} // namespace tbb
#endif // __TBB_detail__range_common_H